英语阅读:4-Could the bad old days

作者&投稿:枕饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Could the bad old days of economic  decline (下滑)  be about to return? Since OPEC agreed to  supply(供应) - cuts (减少)  in March,  the price of  crude(原材料、原油)  oil has  jumped(上涨)  to almost $26 a  barrel(桶) ,  up (上升)  from less than $10 last December. This near- tripling (三倍的)  of oil prices calls up scary memories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices  quadrupled(四倍的) , and 1979-1980, when they also almost  tripled(三倍的) . Both previous shocks resulted in double- digit(数字) inflation(通货膨胀)  and global economic  decline(衰退) . So where are the  headlines(标题)  warning of  gloom and doom (沮丧悲观)  this time?


减少:decline/ reduce /decrease/ cut down /lessen/depress/decay/minify/rebate /drop/sink/ cut/ abate

上升:rise/go /up/upward/jump/increase/add/augment /fortify/aggrandize/enhence/boost/increase / advance /impove /ascent

月份:一月January二月 February三月 Marcy四月 April五月 May六月 June七月 July八月 August九月 September十月 October十一月 November十二月 December

倍数:Single (1)  Double (2)  Triple (3)  Quadruple(4)  Quintuple or Pentuple (5)  Sextuple or Hextuple (6)  Septuple (7)  Octuple (8)  Nonuple (9)Decuple (10)Hendecuple or Undecuple (11)  Duodecuple (12)  Centuple (100)

deflation:通货紧缩  inflation:通货膨胀

Headlines:新闻标题  underline下划线,强调,突出

The oil price was given another  push up(上升)  this week when Iraq suspended(停止) oil exports.  Strengthening(强化、激励)  economic  growth, at the same time as  winter grips(冬季到来,grips抓紧)  the northern  hemisphere(半球) , could  push(上升)  the price higher still in the short term.


Yet there are good reasons to  expect (期待、认为、预料)  the economic consequences(后果) now to be  less   severe(严重、严峻)  than in the 1970s. In most countries the cost(成本) of  crude oil (原油)  now  accounts for (占)  a smaller share of the price of  petrol (汽油)  than it did in the 1970s.  In Europe,  taxes(税收) account for (占)   up to four-fifths of the  retail (零售)  price, so  even (甚至、即使)   quite (表肯定)  big changes in the price of  crude (原油)   have a more  muted (缓和)  effect on  pump prices (汽油价格)  than in the past.

expect(期待、认为、预料)        except:除…之外




quite:非常,相当,很,确实如此    quiet:安静

effect:效果,影响,印象,所有物,引发,产生        effort:工作;努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作


Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to  swings (摇摆、波动)  in the oil price.  Energy  conservation (节约) , a  shift (改变、替代)  to other fuels and a decline  in the importance of heavy (重要性) ,  energy-intensive industries (能源密集型重工业)  have reduced oil  consumption (消耗量) . Software,  consultancy(咨询行业)  and mobile telephones use far less oil than  steel(钢)  or car  production. For each dollar of GDP (in  constant(不间断的、不变的)  prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. The OECD  estimates(估计)  in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a  barrel(桶)  for a full  year,  compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP. That is less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980. On the other hand, oil-importing  emerging economies — to which heavy industry has  shifted(转向)  — have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more  seriously  squeezed(挤压) . 

Import:输入;进口  export: 出口,输出


One more reason not to  lose sleep over(担忧)  the rise in oil prices is that,  unlike(不像)  the rises in the 1970s, it has not  occurred(发生)  against  the background of (以…为背景) general  commodity-price(物价)   inflation(通货膨胀)  and global  excess (超过)demand(需求) . A  sizable(相当多)  portion of the world is only just  emerging from(摆脱出来)  economic decline. The Economist's  commodity(商品)  price index  is broadly unchanging from a year ago. In 1973  commodity(商品)  prices  jumped(暴涨)  by 70%, and in 1979 by almost 30%.

发生:happen/occur/take place/come up/turn up/ arise/ chance/befall/come off/be set/bring to pass

deflation:通货紧缩  inflation:通货膨胀 excess 

超过:exceed/surpass/more than/override/overrun/overtake/outstrip

出现: emerge /appear/arise/grow/turn up

一部分:a portion of/a part of/partial


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