
作者&投稿:梁宗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 怎么写一般将来时作文怎么写啊

The summer holiday is ing soon.I have made a plan about it. First, I will keep doing exercises.So that I will be stronger and healthier.Second,I will study hard at home and finnish my homework carefully.I will review what teachers have taught me.I will buy some useful books and read them carefully.So that I will get good marks.Third,I will help my parents do housework. So that they will be happier and less tired.Finally,I will relax myself during the summer holiday.I will go travelling with my parents.I will enjoy myself.In a word,I am looking forward to the summer holiday.

你看着修改一下好了 其实很简单的 只要用will什么的句式就ok了

2. 一般将来时的作文怎么写

怎么写的话.不是很简单就能讲清楚的,笼统的说就是作文全篇才用将来式,举个例子 Different people have different dreams. When I grow up,I will be a reporter.I will meet many interesting people.Such as actors ,engineers and soldiers.I will learn many things from these people.It will be a chance for me to get more knowledge.I will also go many beautifui places and eat delicious food.I wish my dream would e true in the future.(65字)这篇文章就是讲我将来想要的工作,就用将来时。

3. 用将来时写一篇关于自己将来的职业的作文









4. 一般将来时的作文怎么写啊

If i have enough money If I have enough money, I will travel for seven days. The fitst day, I will go to beijing, because beijing is the capital city of china. First, I will go to tian'anmen square. And then, I will go to the palace museum. Then,i will go to my grandparents'house. I miss them very much. From the third day to the sixth day, I will go to qingdao with my friends. I will go to swim in qingdao. At the last day, I will go on a trip to my city. I want to know my city carefully, I think i will have fun.如果我有足够的钱 如果我有足够的钱,我将去施行七天。




我想更好地了解我的城市。 我想我会过得很愉快。

5. 用将来式写一篇英语作文啊

I am going to have abusy weekend!

On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework. On Saturday afternoon, I am goning to go to the park. On Saturday afternoon, I am going to see afilm. On Sunday morning, I am going to go shopping. On Sunday afternoon, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. On Sunday evening, I am going to watch TV> I am going to have a busy and happy weekend!

6. 用一般将来时写天气变化作文

The national day is ing soon.At that day,I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before.This year,we will have eight days off,so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip。

The national day is ing soon.At that day,I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before.This year,we will have eight days off,so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip。

7. 用一般将来时和现在写两篇不少于60词的作文

My hope for the future

When I grow up, I hope to bee a doctor. I will first go to a hospital to get some experience on healing patients. Then I will join a voluntary association and will work as a voluntary doctor. I will go to poorer countries overseas and will give medical service to the old and poor. I will give them free medicine. I hope that I will be able to take care of the sick people as much as possible.

My favourite animal

The giant panda is my favourite animal. It is found only in the western part of China. Nowadays, there are only less than a thousand pandas left. A panda is very lovely with large round eyes. It is black and white and it eats a lot. It only eats bamboo plants and it does not eat meat. It also sleeps for very long hours in a day. People from all over the world love pandas very much.


8. 写一篇关于寒假的将来式作文

The winter vacation is ing! I'm so excited! Now,I'm lying on the bed, and thinking about something I can do in the vacation. Well,I will read books every day,and do my homework carefully. I will spend my time with my family. Maybe I will travel to somewhere relaxing with my parents or my best friends. My parents love me very much, and I think I should do something for them in this vacation .。

1. 用五种表达方式来写有关弟弟的100字作文 第一章的中心人物是外祖母。 她善良、聪明、能干、充满爱心,是千千万万俄罗斯女性的优秀代表,对“我”的一生有着非常大的影响。本章末尾用充满诗意的美好语言描写了外祖母的肖像和人品,塑造了一个光彩照人的平凡而伟大的人物形象。 年过花甲的外婆跟三、四岁的“我...



我也希望,到2008年,我能够有机会参加奥运会的工作,能够成为一名志愿者,作为主人来迎接世界各地的朋友,我将热情地为他们服务,把我们的友谊带到天涯海角。 所以,我现在一定要好好学习,锻炼身体,努力为自己争取荣誉,为国家争取荣誉! 请你一定要相信我! 敬礼! 内容可以修改的啊!! 3. 以写信方式写一篇作文 亲...

一年多来,您一直这样地接送我,到了晚上七点左右才能回到那温暖舒适的家里看电视、睡觉。如果要是我爸我妈没有回来,您就会边看报纸,边看我写作业,边等我爸我妈回来,我感到无比幸福。谢谢您一直这样照顾着我! 祝您身体健康! *** 2006年11月22日 6. 以书信的格式写一篇300字的保护鸟类的作文 一只鸟儿会...

写一篇80词左右的短作文介绍快乐假期可以这样写。I had a very happy summer vacation. In the past summer vacation, we went to travel together, went to see a lot of beautiful scenery, and went to the summer camp with children.

妈妈我想对你说作文600字书信格式,我的推荐如下: 亲爱的妈妈: 您好! 首先,我想对您说一声“谢谢”。感谢您对我无微不至的关心和照顾,让我健康快乐地成长。我知道,您为我付出了很多,但我却无法用言语来表达我对您的感激之情。 妈妈,您是我生命中最重要的人。您不仅是我的母亲,还是我的朋友和导师。在我成...

3、开门见山式 所谓“开门见山”,是一种比喻的说法,指的是写文章时直截了当入题的一种写法。这种方法应为考场作文开头的首选方法。 例: 历史的点点滴滴如散落在硕大沙滩上的沙石贝壳,我们悄悄地走过,贪婪地看着这些晶莹珍贵的财富,时而拾起一两枚打动心灵的贝壳,怀着一份爱的心情、感恩的心情,好好收藏,以作纪...



芜湖市18129404149: 用将来时写一篇英语作文 用将来时写一篇英语作文 -
童蒲孕三:[答案] In my opinion,my winter holiday will very wonderful because I have a wonderful plane.I will finish my homework first.Then play with my friends.I will get up at senen o'clock in the morning.Do my home...

芜湖市18129404149: 如何用将来时写作文.It's a sunny day.后面接着写 -
童蒲孕三:[答案] It was a sunny day, my mother and I went to the park, we took a lot of food, we are going to have a picnic, we went to the park, we first look at the duck, and then we walk around the lake, all of a sudden rain, my mother and I quickly hid under the tree.

芜湖市18129404149: 用一般将来时写一篇英语作文 字数不限! -
童蒲孕三:[答案] A Visit to Beijing ZooLast Sunday morning,my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo.We went by bike.It took us about half an hour to get there.When we got there,it was already crowdedwith people.T...

芜湖市18129404149: 英语的将来时的作文怎么写 -
童蒲孕三: 一般将来时用或is going to do 将来完成时用will have done 过去将来时用would do 将来完成进行时用will have been doing 过去将来完成进行时用would have been doing 就这样写,并不一定要全部是将来时,也可以穿插其他时态,合理安排就行.

芜湖市18129404149: 英语作文:用将来时写一篇活动写明天要干什么...要中文...还要用将来时..80词左右 -
童蒲孕三:[答案] I'm making a plan of tomorrow. In the morning,I will go to the library to read books.My favorite books are novels like harry potter.Books can make me relaxed.So I like read books .And then I will go to a park near my home.I will find much fun. In the ...

芜湖市18129404149: 如何用将来时写作文.... -
童蒲孕三: It was a sunny day, my mother and I went to the park, we took a lot of food, we are going to have a picnic, we went to the park, we first look at the duck, and then we walk around the lake, all of a sudden rain, my mother and I quickly hid under the tree.

芜湖市18129404149: 用一般将来时写一篇作文,第一人称和第三人称 -
童蒲孕三:[答案] My hobby is read books.When I was seven years old. I became interested in reading books.I like needing books Because there are a lot of useful things in books.I can learn a lot of knowledge from books.Books also can teach me how to be a good ...

芜湖市18129404149: 一般将来时的作文怎么写 -
童蒲孕三: 《一般将来》 我的将来会有何样的结果,是否有一般普通的生活,还是能有出头人地,人上人啊,还是我没有能力一直在低层而奔波,劳累一生啊!我只有勇敢前进,才不会沦落底层的生活,我的将来才不有一般的作为,才能有一般勇于前进的将来的理想,心中的愿望,定能成为人上人, 下面还要你自己在写几句最好

芜湖市18129404149: 一般将来时态的英语作文怎么写? -
童蒲孕三:[答案] 一般将来时顾名思义是写还没有发生的事情,可以写计划,安排,可用 be about to / will /shall /be giong to 等等.

芜湖市18129404149: 用将来时写一篇关于未来作文 -
童蒲孕三: My life in the future In the future,I think my life will be different from now.I think I'll be a clerk.I'll have a robot . It'll cook for me clean my room and play with me.It'll be able to do many unpleasant jobs.So I will have more free time to enjoy myself. I'...

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