把字母拼成单词 1 dese 2 troca 3 oisl 4 dsohlu 5 ndeagr 6 yas 7 krow 8 veid 9 hcaet

作者&投稿:厉垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dese____ seed
oisl___ soil
ndeage______ mdeage --- demage (n可能是打错了)
veid_____ dive
troca_____ carot
dsohlu_____ should
yase_____ easy
krow______ work
hcaet____ teach
ewreh _____where
atfcifr____ 这个也有可能有错误,可能是aircraft,把其中一个f改成a就可以了
niar______ rain
enht _____ then
tnwa______ want
epsaie_______ epsale --- please (l可能打成了i)

A in B on C of D to Eat

1 what are they going to do ______ sunday. on
2 let's go ______ the swimming pool. to
3 I’m going ______ ten o'clock? at
4 what do you do ________ the evening? in
5 This is the pen _______ mine. of

1.seed [si:d]
n. 种子;根据;精液;萌芽;子孙;原由
vt. 播种;结实;成熟;去…籽
vi. 播种;(植物)结实
[复数seeds或seed ].

2.roach [rəutʃ]
n. (美)蟑螂;[鱼] 斜齿鳊
[复数roach或 roaches ].

3.soil [sɔil]
n. 土地;土壤;国家;粪便;务农;温床
vt. 弄脏;污辱
vi. 变脏.

4.should [ʃud, 弱 ʃəd, ʃd]
aux. 应该;就;可能;将要

5.danger ['deindʒə]
n. 危险;危险物,威胁.

6.say [sei]
vt. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明
vi. 讲;表示;念;假定;背诵
[ 过去式said 过去分词said 现在分词saying].

7.work [wə:k]
n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;工厂;文学、音乐或艺术作品
vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进
vi. 工作;运作;起作用
[过去式worked 或 wrought 过去分词worked 或 wrought 现在分词working ].

8.dive ['di:vei, daiv]
vi. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;急剧下降
n. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;扑
[过去式dived或 dove 过去分词dived 现在分词diving ].

9.cheat [tʃi:t]
vt. 欺骗;骗取
vi. 欺骗;作弊
n. 欺骗,作弊;骗子.


花溪区18958857394: 把字母拼成单词 1 dese 2 troca 3 oisl 4 dsohlu 5 ndeagr 6 yas 7 krow 8 veid 9 hcaet -
都睿荷叶: 展开1全部 1.seed [si:d]n. 种子;根据;精液;萌芽;子孙;原由vt. 播种;结实;成熟;去…籽vi. 播种;(植物)结实[复数seeds或seed ].2.roach [rəutʃ] n. (美)蟑螂;[鱼] 斜齿鳊[复数roach或 roaches ].3.soil [sɔil]n. 土地;土壤;国家;粪便...

花溪区18958857394: 把字母重新排列拼成一个新单词. 1. e s n o - _________ - 2. d r e - __________3. b e u l - _________ - 4. a r e - _________ - 5. y e e - ______... -
都睿荷叶:[答案] 1. nose 2. red 3. blue 4. ear 5. eye

花溪区18958857394: 把字母组成单词 -
都睿荷叶: 1insect2leaf3butterfly4honey5flower6mirror

花溪区18958857394: 重新排列字母,组成单词. 1、l,a,r,n,e 2、r,f,t,s,t 3、i,f,t, -
都睿荷叶: 1.learn2.first3.4.healthy 你确定第二个跟第三个字母没错么

花溪区18958857394: 把下列字母组成单词1.e,c,n,s,i,t2.l,f,e,a3.u,e,r,t,t,d,l,f,y4.o,e,n,y,h5.r,r,r,m,i,o -
都睿荷叶:[答案] 1.sentic 2.leaf 3.butterfly 4.honey 5.mirror

花溪区18958857394: 有一道英语单词题,谁教教我,把字母组成单词1、r e d 2、l l t a 3、s o h r t 4 - g r f i a e f5 - r i t h g6 - l s m l a7 - r t a i b b8 - m o e k y n -
都睿荷叶:[答案] red tall short giraffe right small rabbit monkey

花溪区18958857394: 将下列字母组成单词,并写出中文意思1.s e o h ( )2.e g i n h ( ) -
都睿荷叶:[答案] shoe 鞋 hose 灭火皮带 hinge 铰链

花溪区18958857394: 字母组成单词 -
都睿荷叶: 1 class 2 grade 3 model 4 please 5walk 6 wait 7cross

花溪区18958857394: 将左边的字母重新排序,组成新单词1.etrhe2.efatkbsra3.itahsopl4.oseobsakc5.etaterh6.eyntsve -
都睿荷叶:[答案] 1 there 2 breakfast 3 hospital 5 theatre

花溪区18958857394: 一.看一看,将下列字母组成单词.1.t,o,e,f,n2.c,s,e,a,b,u,e3.l,e,p,s,e4.a,s,t,k,e5.i,s,f,t,r6.n,c,a,e,l二.根据汉语要求完成句子.1.The monkey is swimging.(对最后一... -
都睿荷叶:[答案] 一.看一看,将下列字母组成单词. 1.t,o,e,f,n :often 2.c,s,e,a,b,u,e :because 3.l,e,p,s,e :sleep 4.a,s,t,k,e :skate 5.i,s,f,t,r :first 6.n,c,a,e,l :clean 二.根据汉语要求完成句子. 1.The monkey is swimging.(对最后一个单词提问) What's swimming? 2.there are ...

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