
作者&投稿:宠毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


my name is加你的名字。I like tfboys。They are cute, hard, strong, a huge number of markers。

They are my sun, my life!

wanyuan, the selling of love, like to eat the version, smile every day. Seems that smile has a magic, let a person also become happy。

jun-kai wang kai ye. The often reveal the canine teeth of the young, he has a bear. Sometimes composed, occupy and lively. He is the focal point, this won't change!

Easy Yang thousands of seal, high total. Surface indifference, inner passion than anyone!

I love tfboys, together with you in ten years. Tfboys, my male god, my idol, my life, my pride









my favourite star

my favourite is TFBOYS,they are a team.The group members are three Chinese boys.They are very young but handsome.The lead of them is Karry,he is only 15 years old.The other two boys both are 14 years old.

They work very hard on dancing and singing.I love the sound of the leadman,I always listen music when I do my homework.When I watch their music video,I am very exciting.

I will surpport them even ten years later!I am looking forward their songs or video!


tfboys is a boy band consisting of 3 teenage boys who are around 14 years old, the members are Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qian Xi. I am a fan of the band, I find their songs really nice and their performance amazing. tfboys have many fans not only in Mainland China, but also in Hong Kong, Vietnam. I hope they will continue to produce good songs and shows and spread our Chinese softpower to the world.


TFBOYS (also known as The Fighting Boys ) is a Chinese boy group formed by TF Entertainment. Wang JunKai (王俊凯, Karry Wang) the leader, Wang Yuan (王源, Roy Wang), and Yi YangQianXi (易烊千玺, Jackson Yi) officially debuted on August 6, 2013. Their appearance had been widely introduced to the Chinese audiences thanks to the Internet. While popular, the group does attract controversies as well.


我喜欢的组合是tfboys I love love is tfboys 重点词汇释义 喜欢like; love; enjoy; be fond of 组合combination; group; assemble; association tfboys北京时代峰峻文化艺术发展有限公司于2013年推出的组合,由王俊凯、王源和易烊千


易烊千玺 Jackson Yi 易烊千玺在2000年11月28日出生于湖南怀化,中国歌手。TFBOYS成员之一 。2009年,千玺加入“飞炫少年”组合,于2011年退出。2013年1月发行个人首支单曲《梦想摩天楼》。2013年8月6日,与王俊凯、王源以TFBOYS组合形式出道 ,陆续发行专辑《Heart梦·出发》 、《魔法城堡》、《青春...

My favorite star group is "tfboys".如你满意,请采纳为满意答案,谢谢!!

王俊凯,1999年9月21日生于重庆,中国歌手。TFBOYS队长。2010年底加入TF家族成为练习生,2012年2月翻唱《囚鸟》、7月翻唱《一个像夏天一个像秋天》,2013年4月翻唱《当爱已成往事》、6月翻唱《洋葱》、11月翻唱《董小姐》[1] 。2013年8月6日,TF家族官方发布TFBOYS形象宣传片《十年》,由王俊凯、...

tfboys成员王源英语作文篇1 TFBOYS (also known as The Fighting Boys ) is a Chinese boy group formed by TF Entertainment. Wang JunKai (王俊凯, Karry Wang) the leader, Wang Yuan (王源, Roy Wang), and Yi YangQianXi (易烊千玺, Jackson Yi) officially debuted on August 6, 2013. ...


tfboys is a boy band consisting of 3 teenage boys who are around 14 years old,the members are Wang Junkai,Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qian Xi.I am a fan of the band,I find their songs really nice and their performance amazing.tfboys have many fans not only in Mainland China,...


相反,你倒是经常在韩国社区里听到。他们还会加强语气说:“Aja Aja Fighting!”更有意思的是,韩语中并没有F这个音。受于这个发音缺陷,他们不能发出“fighting”,而是变相的发出了“hwaiting”或者“pighting”的音。这些新造的词在韩哈的老外中间流传开来,也慢慢揉入了自己的英语口头习惯中。

什邡市15532565439: 最高级的英文句子关于tfboys -
陶备哌奇: I think TFboys is the most handsome in wold.

什邡市15532565439: 用英语对tfboys写说说 -
陶备哌奇: Are you trying to kid, we will support you,Iove tfboys.中文:你们都是努力的孩子,我们都会支持你,我爱你tfboys.如果还有疑问,就请追问哦,家人~

什邡市15532565439: 关于tfboys的100字励志英语短文,要有中文翻译 -
陶备哌奇: Tfboys are activity boys, they work hard to make their dreams to come ture , although they are so young ,they have a big-heart,so let us encourage and support them forever.tfboys are in my heart,

什邡市15532565439: 介绍tfboys的英语短文填空 -
陶备哌奇: my favourite star my favourite is TFBOYS,they are a team.The group members are three Chinese boys.They are very young but handsome.The lead of them is Karry,he is only 15 years old.The other two boys both are 14 years old. They work very hard ...

什邡市15532565439: 急求一篇关于TFBOYS的英语作文,最好有100多个词,明天演讲,在...急求一篇关于TFBOYS的英语作文,最好有100多个词,明天演讲,有翻译吗 -
陶备哌奇:[答案] I am starstruck.I like a singer called Wang Junkai.He is thirteen.He is a member of a combination named"TFBOYS".He is a very responsible Captain.He often encourages the same nervous members before the performance.He is so gentle. His ...

什邡市15532565439: 关于写tfboys的英语作文60词初一下册形容外貌 -
陶备哌奇: 可以把他们英文名字写进去,王俊凯=Karry 易烊千玺=JacksonYi 王源=Roy 一起为十年之约努力吧!

什邡市15532565439: 关于我的英雄tf boys 英语作文80词 -
陶备哌奇: My name is _____.I like the star is TFBOYS.Roy I love the most.He is a native of Chongqing.I like Karry very much.He is the captain of the TFBOYS.Jackson is my best love.He is a good dancer.Their song "I love the most" youth Practice Handbook.I love these three children

什邡市15532565439: my favorite star tfboys的英语作文 -
陶备哌奇: n 2014, I met you, you said that about ten years, I think ten years for me is only nine years, once a year, not me, but I can definitely say after nine years have i!In fact, I know, star is star, we will not have tomorrow, you will become more and more ...

什邡市15532565439: 英语翻译句子:我喜欢的歌手是tfboys -
陶备哌奇: 我喜欢的歌手是TFBoys.英语:My favorite singers are TFBoys.

什邡市15532565439: 关于Tfboys的英语作文 -
陶备哌奇: There have three boys.They are Karry,Roy,Jackson.Sometimes,they are cool,handsome andcute.They are star.TThey have a lot of fans.I am their fan too.I like XX best. I is because....

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