
作者&投稿:步芳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

university of Oxford was built in England at 1167. There are 104 libraries with about 6 million books;its England's second largest library.University publisher is the world's most famous publisher and "Oxford English Dictionary" is famous throughout the world.Their education is rich and varied; it helped the world train many experts and scientists in many different fields.It is the oldest university of english speaking countries,it made a great contribution to the prosess of civilization of mankind


1. He has just had supper.
2. Have you ever sung this English song?
3. They haven't done their homework yet.
4. We have never seen the film.
5. He has died.

1,我们被迫来到这个世界。 2,我们被迫去面对许多不同的困难。3,但是我们天生就具备了解决问题的能力。4,我们正在被挑战着。5,我们自己的世界将会被我们创造出来。

1.We are unwilling to arrive in the world.
2.We are unwilling to face so many difficulties.
3.But we are able to slove the difficulties by nature.
4.We are in the face of challenges.
5.We will create our own worlds.(因为是我们创造各自的世界,所以我用了worlds)

1. We were forced to this world.
2. We were forced to face lots of difficulties.
3. But we have the ability to solve problems by nature.
4. We are being challenged.
5. Our own world will be created by ourselves.

1.We are forced to come to this world.
2.We are forced to face so many different difficult.
3.But we have the natural ability for understanding and solving the problem.
4.We are being challenged.
5.Our world will be created by oursleves.

1.We are forced to come to this world.
2.We are forced to encounter (face) many different problems.
3.But we are born to equip with the ability to solve problem.
4.We are being challenged.
5.Our own world will be created by us.

1.We are compelled to arrive at this world.
2.We are compelled to face the lots of of different difficulty
3.But we are naturally and then had the problem-solving abilitied.
4.We are wering challenged.
5.Our own world will were creates out by us.

1,We harvest a lot while reading English stories.2, It'll be a different story to study abroad.3, It was my elder sister who taught me swimming yesterday.4, You know what, tourist guide is my dreamed work, so I want to apply for this job.5, I need more time ...

1.感谢你上一封电子邮件 2.我想知道每天你是怎么去上学的。3.我从来不会无聊因为我一直和我的朋友聊天 4.他们能梦想成真的 5.校车都是七点三十分到

3many people believed that america had the top-grade education in the world,but in the writer's opinion, serious problems existed in the education of america 4many young blacks left Watts in droves . They thought they could make a career only outside the ghetto .5 the stars ...

We were happy to see each other.2 we went to the West Lake on the first day 3 The weather was fine, and the lake was beautiful.4 We had a lot of photos taken there.5 On the second day, we went shopping. We bought a lot of things....

people around him.3.No wonder he made such a great achievement, he is so diligent.4.In the different background, not all the people greet in the same way, nor the body touch and the distance between each other.5.With the winter approaching, it gets colder and colder....

I’m playing football at school. 我在学校踢足球。I’m reading book at home. 我在家看书。I’m learning English in library. 我在图书馆学英语。I’m doing experiment in lab. 我在实验室做实验。I’m picking apples in garden. 我在院子里捡苹果。

3,The young people how consciousness, moral character, knowledge, how to relates directly to the speed of socialist construction, the future of our motherland.4,Her friends heard about her family difficulties are active lend a helping hand.5,Objective reality of sports never ends, ...

1. 我想要睡觉。你能把音乐声关小吗?2. 我将会稍微晚点。你能让公共汽车司机等五分钟吗?3. 你介意关上门吗?外面冷。4. 我不知道去运动俱乐部的路。我能跟着你吗?5. 对不起,我半小时之前预定了我的食物并且它还没送来。

完全人工翻译的~1.放入意大利面并盖上锅盖直到水再度沸腾。2.当面条好了的时候让面条上的水流干。(北方话就是空{4声}水)3.把面条放到里面有黄油和奶油的锅里。4.低温翻炒。 (Toss是在液体里搅拌的意思)5.加入剩下的奶油,芝士末儿,胡椒粉和肉豆蔻。(用这些形成的糊)给面条上好汁儿...

1 The weather is fine today,neither too hot nor too cold.2 They are late for the meeting becaust of the traffic jam.3 I have no time to see them today.What about tomorrow?4 How long does this hosptial take to build for workers?5 He spent too much time in playing ...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 哪位好心人帮忙翻一下这几的句子....非常感谢 -
费览里克: 1. You'll know all the numbers add up the results 2. We wanted him to calm down, but he cried excitedly3. Mary was in the hospital for a long time, and she has removed her health4. LI Ming settle here, and get along with the neighbors very well 5. If ...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 请把下面的句子翻译成英文.
费览里克: 一、对你不是一般的思念,我会怕,怕你突然就离开了我,没有预兆的. Missing you very much,I am scared,scaring of your left without any signs.二、那么那么多的回忆,只是回忆. So many memories,but only memories. 三、习惯戴上耳机,...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 帮我把以下5个句子翻译成英文.注意时态啊.很很很急,速度啊 1.昨天早上9点钟你在干什么? 2.不明飞行物 -
费览里克: m1 What were you doing at 9 a. yesterday? 2. Xiao Ming was riding bicycle when the UFO took off. 3. They were doing homewok at that time. 4. What were you doing when he called you this morning? 5

克拉玛依市19280808759: 帮我把5个句子翻成英文
费览里克: 1. Because she is in poor health, the lady refused to attend the opening ceremony. 2. All can't help crying at the bad news. 3. The man devoted oneself to help the disabled throughout his lifetime. 4. Shanghai attracts many visitors from all corners of ...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 请将以下句子翻译为英文:
费览里克: 1, I can speak English, but can not write.In 2, rolling!In 3, the scenery here is so beautiful!In 4, this school for 100 years.5, you can't do that!In 6, the weather was bad!7, you are lucky!8, why not stay with us?9, do you remember me?10, don't, I forget!

克拉玛依市19280808759: 请把以下几个句子翻译成英文 -
费览里克: 你好,很高兴为您解答\(^o^)/~祝你学业有成1. Try to talk (高级用communicate)with your classmates in English.2. Keep every word in your mind after learning it.(简洁用Mmemorize)

克拉玛依市19280808759: 帮把这几句话翻译成英语 非常感谢 -
费览里克: * is responsible for the IPA daily document receiving and dispatching, establishes and manages the IPA file system.is responsible for the IPA daily internal affairs.

克拉玛依市19280808759: 翻译以下五个句子(译成英语,不要翻译器翻译的谢谢)
费览里克: 1. I will be doing homework at 9 this evening. 2. Rice has been grown in China for thousands of years. 3. People in the village have moved to other places before the storm came. 4. If our right hand is busy greeting someone, it can't handle any ...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 请英语高手或老师帮我把5个句子翻译成英语!谢谢! -
费览里克: 应该是1. Great Wall of China have more than 2,000 years of history. 2. It is the world's longest city wall, up to 6,000 kilometers. 3. Stones for building materials, construction work is carried out manually. 4, mainly for protection against intruders, the ...

克拉玛依市19280808759: 请大家把这5个句子翻译成英语的好吗,不要写口语成分,正式一点的发自内心的诉说心里的话 -
费览里克: 1, To my regret I did not make good use of many the excellent learning opportunities that I had before, so now I am working hard to make up for lost time. 2, Even if I don't get a high score each and every time, I will be contented with every bit of ...

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