
作者&投稿:羿红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语读音 【pliːz】
美语读音 【pliːz】
Please God, let him telephone me now.
Please don't cry.
I really want you to put it to the test-- please!

They are small, about 1 m long, after grow up an estimated 10 kg weight. It is a digitigrade, hind legs to support the body. Its forelimb only half the length of the legs, and there are five fingers on each hand. The longest of the three fingers have claws, supposedly is used to capture prey. Scientists speculate that the fourth and five fingers too small enough to be in the hunt. Go may mainly eat small animals. It is capable of rapid sprint, when its prey, with claws and teeth rip. At the same time, however, it has a carnivorous and vegetarian teeth, tooth similar to the original leaf at the foot of the lizard to teeth, so it can also be omnivorous animals.


Danielle Graham birthplace: Kuala Lumpur birthday: 77.07.09 constellations: Cancer height: 169 bloods-group: O
Speaks on another's behalf: Ou Lei, the week propagates the gold ornament, Chartered Bank, Mona Lisa, the yulan magnolia oil blood relationship: The father (Ireland) the mother (China, Malaysia mix blood)
Irene Santiago Casiano speaks on another's behalf: Wife the oral, is good can 印表机, the lucky hundred advantages chocolate, seven happy soft drinks blood relationships: China, Spain, Philippines
Maggie Q had been born in: In 1979 height: 170 speaks on another's behalf: Credit card, graceful Xiulei Dui, movie blood relationship: America, Vietnam
Reika Hashimoto Hashimoto Li fragrant had been born in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: "Ruili" title page blood relationship: Father (US) mother (Japan)
Rosemary Vandenbrouc had been born in: In 1982 height: 180 eyes colors: Black language: French, English, German understand the national language, Cantonese body weight slightly: 56kg hobby: Music, movement
Speaks on another's behalf: The automobile (Maserti), the underwear, the credit card, the wrist watch, the Liang Jiahui new piece "Becomes extinct Hard Jin'gang" (now Asian one of ten big ultra molds) the blood relationship: The father (France, Russia mix blood) the mother (China)
Jaymee Ong speaks on another's behalf: Hundred matters blue color charm, Simens handset, diamond instigation series blood relationship: China, Australia
Lee Ann Li Ansheng in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: Hundred matters light joys, Pan Ting, the yulan magnolia oil, and record the telecommunication, "New Love Century", the daybreak MV blood relationship: Singapore, France
Denise Keller speaks on another's behalf: LG handset, hawk sign 花旗参, Red Eearth blood relationship: China, Germany
The Pollyanna yulan magnolia oil marriage advertisement beautiful woman, she is Brazil and Japan mixes the blood
Name: ウ エ ン ツ beautiful jade gentleman (Wentz, Eiji)
B.D.: 1985.10.8.
BloodType: O
Place of birth: Tokyo
Hobby: The sound □S connoisseurship, reflects the picture connoisseurship, ビ リ ヤ □` ド
Specialty: バ ス ケ ッ ト, ス ノ ボ □`
Size: 170 cm/55kg/27.5cm
English name: Takeshi Kaneshivo

Birthday: On October 11, 1973

Constellation: Libra

Height: 1.79cm

Body weight: 70kg

Blood-group: O

School record: Taibei US school Taipei American School

Marital status: Unmarried

Most likes movement: Volleyball, bowling, golf, blue ball, swimming

Most likes musical instrument: Guitar

Most likes color: Black, white, blue, is red

Most likes between-meal snack: Watermelon, Assum tea with milk

Most likes singer: Fond dream Cheng Zhen, Zhang Xueyou, daybreak, Guo Fucheng, Liu Dehua, Beyond,

Hobby: The computer game, inundates the book, the sketch

Most likes movie work: Ghost, Jurassic Park

Danielle Graham birthplace: Kuala Lumpur birthday: 77.07.09 constellations: Cancer height: 169 bloods-group: O
Speaks on another's behalf: Ou Lei, the week propagates the gold ornament, Chartered Bank, Mona Lisa, the yulan magnolia oil blood relationship: The father (Ireland) the mother (China, Malaysia mix blood)
Irene Santiago Casiano speaks on another's behalf: Wife the oral, is good can 印表机, the lucky hundred advantages chocolate, seven happy soft drinks blood relationships: China, Spain, Philippines
Maggie Q had been born in: In 1979 height: 170 speaks on another's behalf: Credit card, graceful Xiulei Dui, movie blood relationship: America, Vietnam
Reika Hashimoto Hashimoto Li fragrant had been born in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: "Ruili" title page blood relationship: Father (US) mother (Japan)
Rosemary Vandenbrouc had been born in: In 1982 height: 180 eyes colors: Black language: French, English, German understand the national language, Cantonese body weight slightly: 56kg hobby: Music, movement
Speaks on another's behalf: The automobile (Maserti), the underwear, the credit card, the wrist watch, the Liang Jiahui new piece "Becomes extinct Hard Jin'gang" (now Asian one of ten big ultra molds) the blood relationship: The father (France, Russia mix blood) the mother (China)
Jaymee Ong speaks on another's behalf: Hundred matters blue color charm, Simens handset, diamond instigation series blood relationship: China, Australia
Lee Ann Li Ansheng in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: Hundred matters light joys, Pan Ting, the yulan magnolia oil, and record the telecommunication, "New Love Century", the daybreak MV blood relationship: Singapore, France
Denise Keller speaks on another's behalf: LG handset, hawk sign 花旗参, Red Eearth blood relationship: China, Germany
The Pollyanna yulan magnolia oil marriage advertisement beautiful woman, she is Brazil and Japan mixes the blood
Name: ウ エ ン ツ beautiful jade gentleman (Wentz, Eiji)
B.D.: 1985.10.8.
BloodType: O
Place of birth: Tokyo
Hobby: The sound □S connoisseurship, reflects the picture connoisseurship, ビ リ ヤ □` ド
Specialty: バ ス ケ ッ ト, ス ノ ボ □`
Size: 170 cm/55kg/27.5cm
English name: Takeshi Kaneshivo

Birthday: On October 11, 1973

Constellation: Libra

Height: 1.79cm

Body weight: 70kg

Blood-group: O

School record: Taibei US school Taipei American School

Marital status: Unmarried

Most likes movement: Volleyball, bowling, golf, blue ball, swimming

Most likes musical instrument: Guitar

Most likes color: Black, white, blue, is red

Most likes between-meal snack: Watermelon, Assum tea with milk

Most likes singer: Fond dream Cheng Zhen, Zhang Xueyou, daybreak, Guo Fucheng, Liu Dehua, Beyond,

Hobby: The computer game, inundates the book, the sketch

Most likes movie work: Ghost, Jurassic Park

Danielle Graham birthplace: Kuala Lumpur birthday: 77.07.09 constellations: Cancer height: 169 bloods-group: O
Speaks on another's behalf: Ou Lei, the week propagates the gold ornament, Chartered Bank, Mona Lisa, the yulan magnolia oil blood relationship: The father (Ireland) the mother (China, Malaysia mix blood)
Irene Santiago Casiano speaks on another's behalf: Wife the oral, is good can 印表机, the lucky hundred advantages chocolate, seven happy soft drinks blood relationships: China, Spain, Philippines
Maggie Q had been born in: In 1979 height: 170 speaks on another's behalf: Credit card, graceful Xiulei Dui, movie blood relationship: America, Vietnam
Reika Hashimoto Hashimoto Li fragrant had been born in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: "Ruili" title page blood relationship: Father (US) mother (Japan)
Rosemary Vandenbrouc had been born in: In 1982 height: 180 eyes colors: Black language: French, English, German understand the national language, Cantonese body weight slightly: 56kg hobby: Music, movement
Speaks on another's behalf: The automobile (Maserti), the underwear, the credit card, the wrist watch, the Liang Jiahui new piece "Becomes extinct Hard Jin'gang" (now Asian one of ten big ultra molds) the blood relationship: The father (France, Russia mix blood) the mother (China)
Jaymee Ong speaks on another's behalf: Hundred matters blue color charm, Simens handset, diamond instigation series blood relationship: China, Australia
Lee Ann Li Ansheng in: In 1980 spoke on another's behalf: Hundred matters light joys, Pan Ting, the yulan magnolia oil, and record the telecommunication, "New Love Century", the daybreak MV blood relationship: Singapore, France
Denise Keller speaks on another's behalf: LG handset, hawk sign 花旗参, Red Eearth blood relationship: China, Germany
The Pollyanna yulan magnolia oil marriage advertisement beautiful woman, she is Brazil and Japan mixes the blood
Name: ウ エ ン ツ beautiful jade gentleman (Wentz, Eiji)
B.D.: 1985.10.8.
BloodType: O
Place of birth: Tokyo
Hobby: The sound □S connoisseurship, reflects the picture connoisseurship, ビ リ ヤ □` ド
Specialty: バ ス ケ ッ ト, ス ノ ボ □`
Size: 170 cm/55kg/27.5cm
English name: Takeshi Kaneshivo

Birthday: On October 11, 1973

Constellation: Libra

Height: 1.79cm

Body weight: 70kg

Blood-group: O

School record: Taibei US school Taipei American School

Marital status: Unmarried

Most likes movement: Volleyball, bowling, golf, blue ball, swimming

Most likes musical instrument: Guitar

Most likes color: Black, white, blue, is red

Most likes between-meal snack: Watermelon, Assum tea with milk

Most likes singer: Fond dream Cheng Zhen, Zhang Xueyou, daybreak, Guo Fucheng, Liu Dehua, Beyond,

Hobby: The computer game, inundates the book, the sketch

Most likes movie work: Ghost, Jurassic Park

别的不说,就看这个“Most likes”
谁都知道应该是 “favorite”
比如“代言”“学历” “婚姻状况” “零食”什么的


BloodType: O type
Place of birth: East Kyoto
Hobby: The sound 楽 appreciate,reflect to draw to appreciate,ビリヤード
Specialty: バスケット ,スノボー
Size: 170 cm/55kg/27.5cm
English:Takeshi Kaneshivo

Birthday:In 1973 October 11th




Blood type:O type

Educational background:Taipei American school Taipei American School

Marital status:Single

The most favorite sport:Volleyball,bowling,golf, blue ball,swimming

The most favorite musical instrument:Guitar

The most favorite color:Black,white,blue and red

The most favorite snack:Watermelon, Assam milk tea

The most favorite singer:The beautiful dream become really,Jacky Chung,dawn,郭 enrich city,Andy Liou,Beyond,

Habit:Electronic game,漫 book,sketch

The most favorite movie work:Ghost,Jurassic Park


...它是一只牧羊犬名字叫哈利 整句话翻译成英文,谢谢
My friends abroad. She put the dog entrusted to my care. It is a collie named Harry.望楼主采纳哦∩_∩不懂请再问>3<

英语翻译 “授权委托书”翻译成英文怎么说啊

the underwear with the function of bearing

我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗? 这句话翻译成英文。
我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗的英文:Can I leave my luggage at the hotel leave 读法 英 [liːv] 美 [liv]1、vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托 2、vi. 离开,出发;留下 3、n. 许可,同意;休假 短语:1、leave for 动身去 2、leave a message 留言,留口信 3、leave behind 留...

托词[tuō cí]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
假托之词。聂绀弩 《天地鬼神及其他》:“所谓天堂地狱,原不过人间现象的反映,有时且是一种寓言或托词。”[托词]百科解释 托词是一个汉字词语,意思是借口。 更多→ 托词 [托词]英文翻译 Excuse [托词]近义词 借口 托言 托辞 借词 遁词 [托词]相关词语 饰词 托言 睥睨 遁词 设词 借口 ...

英文翻译: ”衬托出现实的残忍" 怎样翻译成英文?
衬托出现实的残忍 serve as a foil to cruelness of the reality set off brutality of the reality by contrast 。。。供参

拜托托帮我翻译成英文 --- 很急
Very lively on the Spring Festival, family all gather and get up to have a meal in one, seething with joy, the adult will issue covert payment to children to have enough after a meal, Everybody full of more smile at the face, also go, set off fireworks are very much ...

借景生情 -borrowing the view to develop feelings 托物言志 - using an object to express words 动乱时代 -chaotic era 以小见大 -seeing something grand with a narrow viewing ability 以客观写实再现当年 - using subjective viewpoint and reality to reveal the past again.

别打扰我的英文翻译是leave me alone.直译是让我一个人,即别打扰我。leave的英式读法是[liːv];美式读法是[liːv]。作动词意思有委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任。作名词意思有许可;准假;告别。作不及物动词意思是生出叶子。alone的英式读法是[ə'ləʊn];...

崇义县15284499748: 帮忙翻译下,拜托?(翻成英文)
左丘楠小儿: I believe in myself,because I will succeed.(或I will be successful) (个人拙见,欢迎讨论)

崇义县15284499748: 拜托翻译成英文,尽量没有语病,意思差不多即可,可以自己删改 -
左丘楠小儿: our class has announced new rules, it requires us to pay attention during class, no tardies, must return home after school, no smoking and drinking. i believe these rules are the best, it helps us create good habits, without these rules, students would have no order and would not create even better habits.

崇义县15284499748: 翻译成英文....
左丘楠小儿: I plan to hold a birthday party and hope that you can come

崇义县15284499748: 中文帮我翻译成英文!拜托! -
左丘楠小儿: 高手来了 I am Yuki . I live in Maonan, Maomen. I study not very well nor very badly ,but I like Chinese handwriting and even won a second prize in a handwritting contest. I am very outgoing and like to make friends .I laugh a lot though I dont know why...

崇义县15284499748: 翻译成英文 拜托 -
左丘楠小儿: 我想这一次 i suppose 是我最后和你说了 this would be the last time 请原谅我 i beg your forgiveness 天真的以为可以和你共度风雨 i've been so naive that i thought we can exprience things together 但是我做不到 but i can't 你很清楚 and you are ...

崇义县15284499748: 英语“拜托你了”怎么说 -
左丘楠小儿: 拜托了 用英语说是:please please 英 [pliːz] 美 [pliz] vt. 使喜欢;使高兴,使满意 vi. 讨人喜欢;令人高兴 int. 请(礼貌用语) 短语 Please ring 打电话咨询 Please Give 请给予 ; 房东与租客 ; 给予的两三事 please twins 拜托了双子星 ...

崇义县15284499748: 帮忙翻译成英文,拜托!
左丘楠小儿: I am a love music of girl , when I am alone , listening, only me quietly.. 希望可以帮助到你,也许会有些不准确,但是我已经尽力了.

崇义县15284499748: 翻译成英文,拜托! -
左丘楠小儿: 楼上的翻译明显是用机器翻译后自己在修改一下,有些句子不合乎语法.说句实话,你的摘要中间的句子意思不是很连贯,我翻译时候根据自己理解做了一些调整.摘要随着社会的飞速发展,特别是医学模式...

崇义县15284499748: 拜托把下面的翻译成英文!!!!拜托! -
左丘楠小儿: I want to help periphery the protection the environment. 1) do not have to throw trash every day. 2) is usually telling others to have to protect the environment. How 3) propagandizes frequently with schoolmate protects the environment. 4) goes to the ...

崇义县15284499748: 帮我翻译成英文,拜托~~
左丘楠小儿: This whole life, can meet you, I is very happy the length time which that and you are together, is I most joyful time I also remembered…You said: “waits for me….Certainly wants… " But finally, you actually did not have to come back to say again ...

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