写一篇 关于电的英文作文 初二的

作者&投稿:令胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Our school holds a sports meet every autumn. And I won the championship in the long-jump competetion last time.Students in our school do exercise every morning while they do eye exercises in the afternoon. Some of them may play basketball or football after school.
Sports are good for people's health.Get ready? Let's do some exercise.


The personal essay is often a free-wheeling device of self-expression. If you ever want to experiment with prose and with loosened structure, this is where you can do it. (If you're writing for a grade, though, make sure you understand what your instructor is looking for before you get too crazy!)
You will probably want to use quoted language in your personal essay. There is nothing like the "heard voice" to create the impression that this is real. Your readers are going along, reading your prose on the paper, and then they see someone saying "This is great stuff!" and they not only read and see, they hear. Spoken speech engages another whole sense and enriches the medium immensely. Unfortunately, using quoted language demands a whole set of typographical conventions — the quotation marks themselves and the various commas and end-marks that are required. The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains a brief section on Quotation Marks to help you. Review that section and take the quizzes on quotation marks before using quoted language in your own prose.
When using quoted speech, don't let a voice talk for very long in your essay; it will take over and start to sound weird. Only the greatest writers can handle speech effectively over a long period of time. Keep the speech elements brief — which is how speech is in real life, after all. We're not allowed to say much before we're interrupted by others or by something else going on. Also, don't try to duplicate the speech of real life, the way people really talk. Tape record a dinner conversation some evening, when people don't know you're doing it, and you'll probably hear something quite unpleasant, something that should never be written down. Use conventional spelling, and don't leave out letters or try to recreate in spelling what you hear people say (He dozn't do nuthin'!); your readers will become more aware of your clever spelling than they are of what's going on in your essay.
Above all, don't forget that you never want your readers to ask So what? at the end of your essay and hear a hollow response. What is the point of your essay? Don't belabor the point too much; let the point grow out of the experience of the essay. It might be true, in fact, that you didn't even have a point to make when you started writing your essay. Go ahead and write it and see if a point develops. If you're not satisifed and feel that your essay remains pointless, ask your friends to read it and see if they discern a point where you don't. (It's possible!) Then, once you've decided what your point might be, you might want to rewrite parts of your essay to smooth out the edges: you don't want to clobber your readers over their heads with your point, but you don't want to be so subtle that no one gets it, either.
Here we have a silly personal essay for you to consider. It was written by a college student named Silica Gelcap and is used here with his gracious permission. As you read it, try to figure out what the point of it might be and where that point is being made. Is it fun to read? What is the source of that fun? Enjoy!

Now a lot of places in a "electric shortage ."Nanjing is not exceptional also, power, energy saving is the imminent matter, but in the end the limit who Electric is a difficult problem to solve.

According to the survey, Nanjing residents electricity accounts for only 16% to 17%, and the electricity industry has accounted for more than 75%.Moreover, industrial electricity waste a lot.Lai food factory in July last year, electricity 5.4 Wan Yuan September 14, charge of electricity.2 Wan Yuan.The factory every day in the lights at 10 hours, install energy-saving lamps, can every section 1500 degrees, a year can node of approximately 540000 degrees for 800 residents in 4 more hours of electricity, the general plant for a year spent electricity 700 around Wan Yuan.5000 kilowatts per hour of refrigeration equipment to expend 400 yuan charge of electricity, a day starting 15 hours a day to pay 6000 yuan.If the industrial electricity savings of 10%, so a year can node 5000000000 kwh, who can bear to see these data should be restricted to residents of electricity?

In the factory, in addition to some electric charges of large equipment, in order to cool and to provide a convenient, air-conditioning, lights, television and other appliances is also essential, some of the workers think this is "public" for his not money, never think it is waste, so many factories, office it no one, central air conditioning, television was still open, so that much of the current waste, rather than these electrical waste than they save.But these people why the habit?That is because the state of the electricity industry not the limit!If the state restrictions on industrial electricity, they can not drill this advantage.

Besides, the residents can use the number electricity?In addition to daily life use electricity, do they still have large equipment to use?Residents in order to save money without other people say that they will take the initiative to save, how would be gratuitous waste electrical and increase their economic burden?They did not waste the electricity act, if the limit of their power, they are not even normal life cannot be ensured?

Although some might say that industry is national economy to develop an indispensable component, but industrial development also depend on these people!If the limit of the residents, residents can not in a normal state, poor spirit, full of grievances, the workers did not work enthusiasm, how, how to improve the plant production efficiency?The state also how economic development?People often say that" live and work in peace ", only residents life, can talk about the industrial development, isn't it?

So, if want to be not limited to residents, residents of electricity, daily electricity consumption for the factory is not worth mentioning.Visible power shortage is not the main reason, even if there are more electricity, if not properly used, just waste, so " electric shortage" will never solve it.If you can limit electricity industry get rid of the waste of national resources of bad habit, what is there against it?

So, I think that by limiting the electricity industry get rid of the waste electrical habits is really solve " electric shortage " effective method.








As is known to all, owing to the lack of resources and the increase of population, we have suffered the shortage of electricity in East China in the last few years. And now, summer, in which a large amount of electricity will be badly needed, is just around the corner.

We are all familiar with the effects brought by the power cut. Our work is interrupted frequently and we have to do things by the light of candles, which is harmful to our eyes. At home, we have to stay in the darkness doing nothing in the evening. So everyone in our neighbourhood shall not neglect this solution--saving electricity. Besides the efforts made by the government, there're more we can and should do, like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!

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