ROLE PLAY台词 哪位高手能翻译下我没翻出的...

作者&投稿:柳帜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
role play 翻译~

role play
role play:角色扮演|角色表演|角色游戏
Puppet Role – play:木偶角色扮演
role-play assessment:角色扮演评价
role play
专 辑:Role Play歌 手:李嘉强 语 言:粤语专辑1CD 公 司:摩亚音乐 日 期:2005.02.25 音乐不单用“耳”听,用“心”感受,用“眼”看,更可用“口”唱 创作人Seas... 详细 »
搜索 role play role


仿说原文、 角色扮演----Role-play the conversation(先小组内,后小组间)、自创对话。 Ask students to make their own conversat。
He was auditioning for the lead role in the play.
GPs have a vital role to play in health promotion.
She's got a leading/supporting role in the school play.

1. I do not believe it, I counted life! Fortune-telling is the one that I will congratulate ourselves on winning, but I do not agree with, I think the rest, alive from the dead should decide for themselves! 2. is a lofty revolutionary spirit of fighting. Drug God! Drug God! Drug God! JOKER Kaiyao! Do not give any opportunity Batman! Great Hanl Columbia City magician, he inherited a Columbia City Hanl the glorious tradition! Lavoisier, Rutherford, Renyuantaishan at this moment, possessed soul! At this moment, he is not a person in combat! He is not a person! Beat! The end of the battle! JOKER clown was a victory! Down with the Batman! 3. Stopped sooner or later be in future. 4. World wrangling noise racket making what is true, When JOKER in that dark room kept the pilot's work, Batman and the other side is in Jiaweiyi Islander to enjoy the harbor view it. 5. Ah, I have finally succeeded ah, I Hercules water, as long as a small opening can allow you to red. This must defeat that idiot Batman. 6. Swallow went, then when the litter Willow, Green again when the peach Xie, when opened, Our days are gone forever. Also to that the time to a duel.

2. Is a lofty revolutionary spirit of fighting. Drug God! Drug God! Drug God! JOKER Kaiyao! Do not give any opportunity Batman! Great Hanl Columbia City magician, he inherited a Columbia City Hanl the glorious tradition! Lavoisier, Rutherford, Renyuantaishan at this moment, possessed soul! At this moment, he is not a person in combat! He is not a person! Beat! The end of the battle! JOKER clown was a victory! Down with the Batman! 3. Stopped sooner or later be in future. 4. World wrangling noise racket making what is true, When JOKER in that dark room kept the pilot's work, Batman and the other side is in Jiaweiyi Islander to enjoy the harbor view it. 5. Ah, I have finally succeeded ah, I Hercules water, as long as a small opening can allow you to red. This must defeat that idiot Batman. 6. Swallow went, then when the litter Willow, Green again when the peach Xie, when opened, Our days are gone forever. Also in the duel that when you




Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening;peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again.However, why should our days leave us, never to return?Now it's time of the return of combat.


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