下面一段话,麻烦翻译高手帮我翻译下,不要用翻译机器翻,MANY THANKS

作者&投稿:慕克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

May I ask can you tell me why I fired? If it is because my job is not good, can I ask, in Beijing, Jim never made mistakes? As far as I know,he is a few days ago because of good color problem has just been the boss asked, such a low-level errors I have never appeared. Secondly,this year I have been doing this job, I'm no assistant, not in the production line to help me put our company controls the quality of thestaff, sometimes at the same time, a lot of money, I have no more time to complete. The most important thing is not to assist my case, did the company would not allow my mistakes? If you're not gonna fire me, e-mail exchanges between us, and I have been working for your company for a year, this hasn't any signs of the situation, they dismissed me approach, in fact has violated the labor law of China,therefore, I will send my mail to record for the labor department labor arbitration, request, please give me some mental damages. Of course, I don't want to go to this step, this to you and I are not good.Below, we look at the Jim. I know this time is she speak ill of me. In fact, a few days ago, I stumbled and XX company personnel to eat,eat, he accidentally learned that Jim and I are colleagues, invisible, I learned that in the process of production of Jim, who received from suppliers of bribery, I learned from his word, Jim, is not the first timefrom suppliers bribery. I know the news shocked, forgive me for nottimely with company. In order to take into account the camaraderie, I put the problem privately told Jim, I say we are your company's employees, this privately accepting bribes supplier behavior damagedthe interests of our company, more hidden trouble is we can't guarantee the quality of our products. Jim after listen to not to regard it as right, and from that moment on a grudge against me, I did nottake revenge on him, and he began to say I threatened him, ask if Ithreatened him, why don't I tell the boss said, but to remind him. I know he is my leadership, but for the company responsible manner, I did not do, is to remind him not to accept the money suppliers. I think it should be me this was fired the real reason, I touched the interests of Jim. Today I say these, I can safely say, you can ask our supplier in Shanghai, whether I am accepting their bribes, I dare say: No. The company can fire me, but I think this problem is attitude, I feel incredible, because in this matter, we lack of fairness and justice.Don't allow such people to stay in the company? But for just XX out of the goods, but also on the supplier XX out of the goods, etc. this batch of goods to the United States, you can have a look of the goods if there are serious quality problems. For this matter, if a fair answer is not here, I will submit my company chairman and general manager,told them to judge it, our company is the wrong person, and let the bad. This is what I want to say, I wish everyone good night. Thank you

The purpose of this paper is to analysis represented by guizhou tourism how rural tourism form in the way of diversity, under the background of fierce competition in the tourism market development, establish, analyzes its development way, with the model of poverty alleviation measures and its successful tourism poverty alleviation and development of other Chinese rural poor what revelation.

If the shuttle bus arrives over 10 minutes behind schedule, all staff on platforms should take the taxi in groups of four people immediately, in order to start work in time. In the meantime, please keep the receipts of taxi fare before submitting to the receptionist for cash reimbursement. If the shuttle bus breaks down on the way, the driver is obliged to inform staff on respective platforms, help them take taxis to work in a group of four people, and provide the taxi fare receipts to the receptionist for cash reimbursement.

If employee bus is late for more than 10 mins,the employees at every stop should take taxi immediately,in a group of four, for getting work on time; the employees need to keep and give the taxi invoice to the reception for refund. If the employee bus is broken down on the road to work,the driver is responsible for informing employees at all the stops and organizing them to take taxi in a group of four. The taxi invoice should be given to the reception for refund.

If the bus arrive late more than ten minutes,for assuring time of going to work of employee, each site employee should immediately arrange a group including 4 people to take taxi,
at the same time please reserve the receipt ,then hand it over to the front-office receptionist
for returning money;If the bus break down on the way , driver has an obligation to immediately notify each site employee , then each 4 people can organise a group to take taxi to company , likewisely, hand the receipt over to the front-office receptionist
for returning money;

劳拉!“对不起”也没有用,你应该四十分钟之前就到这的,你又晚了,跟平时一样!好的,好的,我已经来了。朋友之间差几分钟能怎样?不,你不明白。(读公告板 )哦,看啊!我得去试试!等等,等等,我们俩可是约好了的啊!和我一起来吗?没门!我不想和你购物。你见一件试一件,简直要气...

帮忙翻译一段话, 谢谢~~~
它是您能用您的嘴唇做的第二个最佳事。 没有阳光的一天是象夜。 借口,但我是否看似关心的人? 不要干扰我已经被干扰足够。 麻烦以生活是那里是没有背景音乐。 如果您两次,有害怕的一半死亡什么发生? 我不可能修理您的闸,因此我使您的垫铁更加大声。 谁是一般失败和为什么是读我的硬盘的他?

The internal combustion engine is fuels and so on dependence gasoline, diesel oil in the cylinder internal combustion, and transforms the heat energy the kinetic energy to transmit through the piston, thus actuates the automobile. Although the automobile this kind of riding instead of ...

亲爱的叔叔,我今天才上网,看到了你给我的留言,很惊讶你居然用英文写的,我的英语不是很好哦!呵~你又出差了?好忙哦!至于写那些东西我不急的,你有空再说吧!我上次问的问题你理解错了,我是问组成态度这个单词的几个单词,我忘了…Dear uncle,i got online today at last and saw your ...

音乐不管到什么时候都很流行,我非常喜欢流行音乐,爵士等等,但我最喜欢的还是轻音乐,想钢琴演奏的,那让我感觉很舒服,而且我还可以自己想像那种美妙的幻境,当我心情不好或者是紧张时,它会让我放松,所以我觉得轻音乐很神奇,我很喜欢。No matter music to is very when popular, I like the pop...

do not believe you, you are still my.英语和汉语有着很大的区别,一个英语单词往往有很多种解释,因此几个人翻译起来难免有不同的地方,但是只要你肯在英语上下功夫,不管如何艰难,相信你的英语理解能力会大大的增强,姐给你个建议:多看多读多背书多写多听,你的英语会更上一层楼!呵呵……...

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are girls, my right hand down to see this is the Qi Great Wall beacon towers, which was founded in the Spring and Autumn Period, west of the city of Jinan Changqing Xian, Qingdao Development Zone to the East River into the sea at home Department. A total length of 1,...

Abroad, to the parlance which differs to living concept meaning also each not same At England, the researcher had differ to living to be called "study a difficult student".Point with it together age of big and parts of students compare, this student has an obvious difficulty on ...

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吉林市17359007087: 英语翻译麻烦英语高手,能帮我把下面段话翻译成英语吗?“周六,周日,若周五,周六,周日,拍到宝贝的!我都将在周一进行发货哦!” -
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吉林市17359007087: 哪位高手能帮我翻译下面这一段话,...
蔚查那兰: I like to play basketball, because basketball makes me healthier. I often look at NBA games, I was the Houston Rockets fan, when I watched them play when the mind will be very excited. My favorite NBA player is Allen Iverson, he was 183cm in height...

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蔚查那兰: Battle line of project this long, about bank more than 50 kilometers; The project is scattered, though irritated the canal and linked to each other, the main building is relatively far apart, is it assign to construct and management bring great inconvenience , construct cost see a certain increase.

吉林市17359007087: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
蔚查那兰:[答案] cardholder's signature model and positive and negative copies of credit card can be.

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