绘本欣赏《It Is Spring》春天来了

作者&投稿:桂胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 春天来啦,到处都是一片生机勃勃的景象,太阳暖暖的,小动物们都出来活动了,小草破土而出。

《It Is Spring》春天来了

The Sun pops up.


The flowers pop out.


The worms pop up.


The plants pop up.


The birds pop out.


The birds pop out.


The animals pop out.


Spring pops out everywhere.


Pop, pop, pop.




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那杨佳乐:[答案] Winter will be that the tree will certainly Luo Jin Ye - Ye Teng is no exception.Do not think that this is the day of Doubu Guo trees,it is incompetent and helpless.Precisely because it reflects the wisdom of a tree,in order to germination in the spring next ...

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