
作者&投稿:秋堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  1. I've really got to go, I'll get back to you when I get the office.


  2. Sorry, I must end the conversation. There's someone on the other line.


  3. Sorry, I've got to hang up. My wife's waiting for me.


  4. I think I'd better let you go. I'll talk to you later.


  5. I have to get back to work. I'll call you later tonight.


  6. Shall we continue this later? I've got a call waiting.


  7. It's kind of late. Why don't we talk about it tomorrow?


  8. I've got to meet a client right now. Can we talk later?


  9. I won't keep you any longer.


  10. Sorry, it's getting late. Can you call again tomorrow morning?



  1. ABC corporation. May I help you? ABC 公司,我能帮你什么吗?

  这句话算是制式的讲法。 一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字 "ABC corporation", 然后再说:May I help you?或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说 :How can I help you?(我该怎么帮你?)

  因为这样的问法表示我该怎么帮你,而非我需不需要帮你?但基本上 May I help you? 跟 How can I help you?都很常见就是了。


  Thanks for calling ABC corporation, if you know your party’s last name or extension, press 1. If you want to receive information or publication, press 2. If you want to talk to the operator, press pound sign or remain on the line."

  感谢你打电话到 ABC 来, 如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码, 请按 1;如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品,,请按 2;如果是要找总机, 请按 #,或是请别挂断。

  2. And you are? 你是?

  如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司:May I talk to your manager?(我能不能跟你们经理讲话?)

  这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说,说不定人家是打电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢! 所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁。

  最客气的问法是: Whom I am speaking with? 或是 Whom am I talking to?(我正在跟谁讲话呢?)

  但是人家一听是像我这种小毛头打电话找他们经理,他们就会用比较口语的说法:And you are?(你是?)

  如果人家这样问我,我就可以答:This is Benlin.

  像是 "And you are?" 这么口语的英文书上大概学不到,但这却是老美天天在用的句子, 只怕你学了之后还不敢用。其实真的不用怕,越简单的句子老美越听得懂, 而且事实上 And you are? 这句话还有许多适用的场合, 例如在公司的接待处 (reception)来访的客人如果说:I’m looking for Mr. Wolf. (我要找伍夫先生) 接待小姐就可以反问他:And you are?(你是?) 所以像这种简单又好用的句子大家一定要记起来喔!

  3. I’ll put her on the phone. Just a second. 我会请她听电话, 请等一下。

  Put someone on the phone 这个片语就是说请某人听电话。例如你打电话找你女朋友,结果女朋友的同事接了电话,就开始跟你东扯西扯,问你们昨天是不是吵架了啊?什么时候要结婚啦, 这时如果你实在不想跟她讲了,就可以说:Could you please just put her on the phone? (你能不能请她来听电话啊?)反过来如果今天是你接到了电话,结果要找的是别人,你就可以说:Ok. I’ll put her on the phone. Just a second.(好,我会请她听电话,请稍等一下。)

  上面讲的 put someone on the phone, 指的多半是只有一只电话时,但如果像公司里有许多分机, 则用转接 transfer 或是 redirect 会比较恰当, 例如同样的情况你可以说: I’m transferring your call.或是 I’m redirecting your call. (我帮你转接到分机给她。) 如果是接线生转接的话,他们有时就只简单地说:One moment, please.或是OK. I’ll put you through.

  4. Would you mind holding for one minute? 你介不介意稍微等一分钟啊?

  在美国如果有机会打电话给客户服务 (Customer Service)部门,如果没意外的话都会听到以下的电话录音:

  All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes.



  Please continue to hold, your call is very important to us.


  所以大家要知道,老美基本上对这种无止境的等待是深恶痛绝的。 所以要记得, 如果人家打电话来,千万不要因为听不懂就说, "Hold on", 然后就跑去求救兵,这对打电话来的人是十分不礼貌的。

  如果万不得已一定要请他稍候,我们要客气一点地说: Would you mind holding for one minute?

  所以记得要给对方一个明确的时间, 例如 one second 或是 five minutes 不要让对方无止境地等下去。 但是如果一分钟到了你还没忙完, 则最好再说一次:

  Sorry, I am still on the phone. Could you hold for another minute?

  对不起,我还在讲电话, 能不能再请你稍候一分钟。

  5. He’s out for lunch. Would you like to try again an hour later? 他出去吃午餐了, 你要不要一小时后再打来?

  受到中文的影响,许多人要讲某人出去吃午餐了常会说成:He went out for lunch.

  其实这个 went 是多余的,通常老美只讲 be out for something 就行了。

  如果要再简化一点, 单说:He is on lunch.或是 He is on (lunch) break. (他正在休息时间。) 这样子也可以。

  如果别人要找的人不在,通常我们有二种选择:第一种是请别人晚点再打来,除了像例句用 try again/ call again 之外, 我们也可以用 call back/ try back 这样的讲法。例如你可以建议别人:

  Why don’t you call back in 30 minutes?

  你何不 30 分钟后再打来呢?

  第二种选择就是请对方留言, 客气一点的讲法是:

  May I take your message?或是 "Would you like to leave a message?




  很多打电话的开头都是以一些礼貌的打招呼开始的,像是:Hi, how've you been? 或是Nice to hear from you。即使你正在谈要紧的公事时,对于一开头就谈公事而不是说些寒喧语是蛮冒失的。


  事情总是要有重点,虽然当你想要善意的开开玩笑然后将话题拉回到公事上。像在这种情况之下,可以使用这个句子I'm just calling to ...来转开当时话题。例如:I'm just calling to see if you'd like to set up a meeting.但是如果情况又有转变,那你就要看看某人打电话给你的目的是什么,而将话题带到:So what can I do for you?


  如果您正与一位滔滔不绝的人士谈话,对于get a word in edgewise或许困难的或者是您想要提供实质的谈话机会也如此。如果某人话题不断,然后你想要打断,记得要很有礼貌喔!例如:I would like to say something here, if I may 或者是Allow me to make a point


  如果您在电话上要与人确认,您一定要在结束之时再重新重复刚刚的内容。藉由这些句子像是:Please let me confirm...及So, let me make sure I've got things straight...,重复内容来表明您已经了解了。


  有些时候在谈话的部分里或许被视为是很模稜两可的!这也许是时候来表示一些祝福,就像是如果在适当时机,可以说一些 :good luck on that interview 或是hope you feel better soon。

  尤其是你也许想要确认任何你已经完成的计画:I'll see you on Friday, then.有些时候,很容易对其他人说一些像是很荣幸与他谈话的话。并且要记得有技巧的用这个字well可以使用在开头的句子来表示你已准备好结束这段谈话:Well John, it’s been a pleasure talking to you.


假如我的同事A 去国外旅游,居住在他的亲戚 B中,某天我因工作需要不得不把电话打到 他亲戚 B家中时,该亲戚B接的电话。请问这时如果 我这样开场 白“HELLEO ,this is 自个的名字 speaking. 或者 this is 公司名(我和同事A 共同工作的的公司) speaking. Cou... 展开 world...

英语对话教学中必须给学生创设一个真实的语言交际环境,为学生提供充分运用英语进行交流实践的机会,使学生能够加深理解、熟练掌握、灵活运用。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 AHello. Airway Transit Reservation service. How can I help you?您好,机场通勤预约服务。我能为您做什么?BHi. I’m calling ...

两个人的英语对话范文 话题:打电话 每人八句,简单些没事,
他能接电话吗?9.I’ll just find out for you.我给您看看他在不在?10.Hello,are you still there?喂,您没挂断吧?11.Who is that speaking?请问您是谁?12.I’m so sorry that I made such an early phone call.对不起我这么早打电话.13.Who do you wish to talk to?您要找谁呀...

A:能不能请杰克接电话?B:请等一下,我去叫他.A:Can I get Jack on the phone now?\/ Could I speak to Jack,plese?\/ Could i talk to Jack,please?\/ Have I the pleasure of addressing Jack?\/ May I have a word with Jack?B:A moment please,\/Hang on a moment please,\/Hold ...

A:Hello thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking How may I help you? B:Hello.I would like to speak to your director of human resources ins Please. A:Just a moment.I'll check to see if she is at her I tell her who is calling? B:This...

A:Which Chen?B:Your boss.A:Sorry, he isn't in right now.B:Could you please tell me when he will come back?A:I'm sorry,I don't know.May I leave him a message?B:Yes.Please tell him I will call back later.Bye!A:Bye 在电话中,问句最好都用may, could, please等...

Hello. Is there Susan speaking?喂,是苏珊吗?Who?谁啊?Tian Yuan.田园。You must have the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。Oh, I'm sorry.噢,对不起。Is Li Ying in?李英在家吗?Wrong number.打错电话了。Isn't this the Nanjing University?请问是南京大学吗?No. It's not.不是。...

Thank you for calling,this is XXX,can I help you?请稍等..Hold on please.X先生现在不在,他大概6:00回来。I’m sorry but Mr.XX isn't in right now.He will be back around 6:00pm.好的,他在,请等等。Yes,he’s here.One moment,please.我把电话转接给你。I’ll connect yo...

我的英文不是很好。 情况(九) 打电话的人要找的人是别人, 请对方稍等 打电话来的人 你(接电话的人) Is Brandon there? Brandon 在吗? Yes, he is. One moment, please. 他在。请稍等。 Hold, please. 请稍等。 Hold on, please. 请稍等。 Let me see if he's here. Hang...

首先肯定是问候语,简单举例说一下两个人打电话时的对话,比如说a在接电话,b要找的人不在 a:hello!who is that?b:hello!this is b .may i speak to ...?a:sorry,he\/she isn't here.can i take a message for you?b:that's very kind of you,please tell ...that ...再比如说...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 打电话常用的英语对话都有什么? -
令兰利培: hello this is XXX speaking.(你好,我是XXX) Could I speak to XXX ,plese?(能请XXX接听电话么?) Hello, I'd like to speak to XXX.(我想打给XXX) XX(我) speaking. Is XXX in? (我是XX,XXX在嘛?) Sorry,but he/she can't come to the phone right now .Any message for him/her?(对不起.他/她现在不能来接电话.需要给他/她留个口信么?)

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 英语打电话的对话打电话的对话,10句左右吧,先谢过了 -
令兰利培:[答案] A:Hello,88888888. B:Hello.May I speak with Tom,please? A:Speaking. B:Hi,Tom.This is Jim.Are you free this Sunday? A:Yes.Why? B:I'm going to the museum that day.Would you like to come with me? A:Yes.At what time? B:How about 10:00 in the ...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 关于打电话的英语口语对话两分钟 -
令兰利培:[答案] Making a Telephone Call Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association. Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. I'd like to speak to Mr. Thomas. Clerk:I'm sorry, but Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago. Brown:I've been trying to call him for the last...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 用英语写一段关于打电话的对话 -
令兰利培: a:hello,can you tell me the way to the bus station? b:you walk along this road,the second turner turn right,and walk about ten minutes,you can see the station on you right. a:ok,thank you b:not at all.

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 打电话的英语对话 -
令兰利培:[答案] A Hello!This is XXX speaking.May I speak to XXX? B This is XXX speaking. A XXX,I will go to Beihai park tomorrow.Would you like to go with me? B I'love to.When shall we meet? A At 9:00 a.m. B I konw.See you tomorrow. A See you! 以上需要不同...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 电话的英语对话(2人的4分钟左右) -
令兰利培:[答案] A:hello,may i speak to john,please?B:yes.this is john speaking,and who is that speaking?A:oh ,hello john,i am jim.how about go out tomorrow?B:that is a good idea,and what time and when A:how about tom...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 求两人英语对话.打电话的…6句左右就行了 -
令兰利培: A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary. B: Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生. A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位? B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer ...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 英语对话打电话 -
令兰利培: John:Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 喂?能请史密斯先生听电话吗? Girl:I'm sorry, but he's out now. May I take a message? 抱歉,他现在不在.要我传话吗? John:Yes. This is John Brown. I'd like to meet him next Monday morning around 10 ...

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令兰利培: 以自我介绍开始电话交谈:“Hello,this is Peter Jones. 如果你在接电话的时候对方没有表明他是谁,你可以说:“May I ask who's calling,please?” Asking for someone / ...

西双版纳傣族自治州17561709544: 打电话的英文对话范文是这样很简单的:往国外打电话您好,我应该语气比较客气的,英语口语应该怎么讲呢?如果刘不在的话 对方{老外} 会怎么对我说呢?... -
令兰利培:[答案] 开始Hello.May I speak with Mr.LIU DE HUA,please如果刘不在的话老外可能会对你说LIU's not in.Who's this?(informal) I'm sorry,LIU's not here at the moment.Can I ask who's calling?I'm afraid he's stepped o...

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