
作者&投稿:止标 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

( )It's time_______.
A.for school B.go to school C.for go to school D.to go school
解释:it's time for sth. = it's time to do sth, 表示“是做某事的时候了,该做某事了”。

( )He likes watching his grandson______in the water.
A.swim B.swims C.swam D.swimmed
解释:watch sb. do sth. 表示“观看某人做某事”。

( )There is______time for breakfast.
A.not B.no any C.no D.doesn't
解释:no 这里是形容词,修饰后面的名词time。

( )—______he______at this school last term?
—Yes,I think so.
A.Does;study B.Was;study C.Did;study D.Did;studied
解释:时间状语是last term(上学期),是过去时间,这里用一般过去时态,再者,助动词后面接动词原形,所以正确答案是C。

( )My uncle has a new car now. He______100,000yuan on it.
A.bought B.spent C.paid D.took
解释:spend money on sth 表示“花费金钱在某事上”。


1. There are a lot of food and drinks on the table.
2. Peter likes drinking the tea very much.
3. Would you like something to drink?
4. Juice is a kind of drink.
5. Children should drink milk every day.
6. I'd like a mid-bowl of noodles with lamb.
7. Would you like to watch a basketball match with us?
8. What vegetable do you want?


1.watch —— watches—— watching 2.come——comes—— coming
3.have—— has ——having 4.teach——teaches——teaching
5.listen——listens——listening 6.make——makes——making
7.swim ——swims——swimming 8.run——runs——running
9.sing—— sings——singing 10.write——writes——writing

1.His little brother often does his h_omework_____ after dinner.

Please __open_(open) the door.

He has lunch at home.(改为现在进行时)
He__is_ __having___ lunch at home.

1.watch watches watched 2.come comes come
3.have has had 4.teach teaches taught
5.listen listens listened 6.make makes made
7.swim swims swum 8.run runs run
9.sing sings sung 10.write writes wrote
1.His little brother often does his homework______ after dinner.
Please _open______(open) the door.
He has lunch at home.(改为现在进行时)
He__is___ _having____ lunch at home.

watchies watching
comes coming
has having
teaches teaching
listens listening
makes making
swims swimming
runs running
sings singing
writes writing
homwork 他的弟弟经常晚饭后做作业。
open 祈使句,用动词原形。
is having

1. watches watching 2.comes comeing
3.has having 4.teaches teaching
5.listens listening 6.makes making
7.swims swimming 8.runs running
9.sings singing 10.writes writing
is having

一. 1.watches watching 2.comes coming 3.has having 4.teaches teaching 5.listens listening
6.makes making 7.swims swimming 8.runs running 9.sings singing 10.writes writing
四.is having

watches comes has teachs listens makes swims runs sings wtites watching coming having teaching listening making swimming running singing writing
homework open
is having

question 和 problem 都可以。但含义不同。question 指文科、社会科学的“问题”。prolem 指理工科的“题目”,还泛指一切让人感到困惑的“难题”。

一个英语口语问题:"Let's say"是什么意思??
比方说的意思。let's say 英 [lets seɪ] 美 [lets seɪ]比如说;说一说;让我们说说;让我们说 例句:1、Let's say you want to use a service, the mail service.比如说你想用一种服务,邮件服务。2、I can let you have it for, well let's say £ 100.我...

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1.I think Hong Kong is beautiful这一句是正确的,但并不是双谓语,而是think后带了个宾语从句,省略了连接词that,完整的说法是I think that Hong Kong is beautiful.2.You are study English这句话错误。正确说法是You are studying English,因为英语单个句子中不能有两个谓语。3.所谓的使役动词...

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1. very可以修饰形容词或副词,但不能修饰动词。修饰动词的常常是much, very much或quite。例如:The factory to be built will be very important in this city.Many years ago we knew each other very well.Does that matter much?I like flowers very much.I quite enjoy my job, so I don...

1、He sat there smiling.——句中的现在分词 smiling 是 He sat there 这个行为的陪衬行为,因此,它是伴随状语。2、As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country.——这个句子是由主动语态 someone had reported no pumas missing from any zoo in the country (有人...

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英语句式中, what 问句有很多种。但下面几种由 what 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,同学们在平时的运用之中极易混淆。现笔者在此说明如下:句式一: What is sb? (sb意为:某人)这一问句意为“某人从事何种职业”。回答时,应用表示职业的名词来回答。同学们在运用时,极易与“ What is sb doing?

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