
作者&投稿:弘底 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




(Units 1—2 )

Class ____________ Name __________________ Marks ______________

一、选择填空题 从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个答案中选择一个最佳答案,并把其代号填入左边括号内。(15分)

( )1. --- __________ you have a pen pal? Yes, I __________. A. Are;am B. Can;can C .Do;do D. Do;have

( )2. --- Where ___________ your pen pals from? --- The United States.

A. does B. do C. is D. are

( )3. Frank is my pen pal, he _____________ Sydney, Australia.

A. lives B. from C. comes from D. be from

( )4. My pen pal is from Canada. She _____________ English very well.

A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks

( )5.--- _____________ your grandfather live? --- He lives next to the library.

A. What does B. How is C. Where does D. How old is

( )6. Bob likes _____________ to the movies _____________ his friends on weekends.

A. to go; and B. goes; or C. going; with D. go; for

( )7.Coco lives in Tokyo and she speaks ____________.

A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French

( )8. Look! There________ a lot of people and cars on New Street. It’s a ______ street .

A. are; busy B. is; easy C. are; dirty D. is; quiet

( )9. _____________ there a post office and some supermarkets near here?

A. Have B. Do C. Are D. Is

( )10. Let him _________________ these things to his parents.

A. takes B. taking C. take D. to take

( )11. The pay phone is _________ Green Street and it’s across _________ the library.

A. in, to B. on, from C. at, through D. by, of

( )12. They live in a small house ______________ interesting garden.

A. with an B. have an C. has a D. with a

( )13. Can you write and tell me ________________?

A. yourself B. to yourself C. about yourself D. of yourself

( )14.---Where is the bank? ---It’s down Grand Street ___________ the right.

A. between B. on C. in D. at

( )15. Her grandmother often takes ______________ after dinner.

A. walking B. to walk C. walks D. a walk


Li Wei, look 16 this picture. This is a 17 of a classroom. In the picture you can see some desks 18 chairs. On the blackboard(黑板), you can see a cat. A map is 19 the door. The room is different (不同的) from 20 classroom.

Under the 21 table there is a ball, 22 you can’t see it. The boy in the hat is my friend, Jim. He is a new student. He is 23 American(美国人) . He looks 24 Kate. But they are not 25 .

( )16. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )17. A. map B. picture C. room D. door

( )18. A. or B. but C. with D. and

( )19. A. behind B. in C. at D. of

( )20. A. you B. our C. us D. we

( )21. A. teacher’s B. teachers’ C. of teacher D. teacher

( )22. A. so B. or C. and D. but

( )23. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )24. A. after B. at C. the same D. like

( )25. A. students B. boys C. twins(双胞胎) D. girls


Fred and Jane are brother and sister. They are American. They are in the same(相同的) school. Their school is not far (远) from their home.

Fred is in Mr. Black’s class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best student in his class. Mr. Black likes him very much. He does well in (善长于) Chinese, but Mr. Black is not.

Jane is eleven. She is in Mrs. Black’s class. Mrs. Black teaches English. Jane is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese.

( )26. Fred and Jane are _______________.

A. Chinese. B. English C. friends D. American

( )27. Jane is _______________________.

A. good at Chinese B. in Mr. Black’s class

C. not good at English D. Fred’s sister

( )28. ________________ is good at Chinese.

A. Fred B. Jane C. Mr. Black D. Mrs. Black

( )29. Mrs. Black is ____________________.

A. a Chinese teacher B. a teacher of English

C. one of the best student D. Jane’s mother

( )30. Which is NOT right?

A. Fred and Jane are in the same family

B. Mr. and Mrs. Black are Fred and Jane’s parents

C. Mr. Black doesn’t do well in Chinese

D. Mrs. Black is Jane’s English teacher.

My name is Tony and I live in Canada. My mother is from Korea (朝鲜) and my father is from France, so we speak three languages at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to study Portuguese(葡萄牙语) and Chinese. But my favorite subject at school isn’t language. It’s math. I really like history, too.

I like sports, especially (尤其) soccer and basketball, because they are relaxing. But I don’t have much time to play them. I go to music club after school on Mondays, I have guitar lessons on Wednesdays, and go to library on Fridays. But Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports, sleep (睡觉), and watch TV.

( )31. Tony’s mother lives in _______________________.

A. Korea B. France C. Canada D. China

( )32. Tony can speak _________________ very well at home.

A. Japanese B. Korean(朝鲜语) C. Chinese D. Portuguese

( )33. Tony’s favorite subject is ____________________.

A. language B. history C. math D. Chinese

( )34. He can’t play soccer on _________________.

A. Mondays and Fridays B. Tuesdays and Thursdays

C. Saturdays and Sundays D. Wednesdays and Saturdays

( )35. Tony thinks sports are ______________________.

A. interesting B. boring C. funny D. relaxing


Dear friend,

My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I 36 a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting 37 . I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in 38 . I can speak English and a little 39 . I have a brother , Paul and a sister Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and 40 . I like 41 to the movies 42 my friends and 43 sports. My favorite 44 in school is P.E. It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too 45 . Can you write to me soon?

1)give____ 2)use____ 3)move____ 4)skate____ 5)draw____ 6)tell____ 7)ring____8)wear____9)get____10)put____11)hit____12)stop____13)keep____14)hurt____15)know____16)lie____17)die____18)begin____19)forget____20)save____21)close____22)see____23)carry____
1)Li Ping;learn;to;speak;English;
3)they;watch;a football match;on TV
4)he;look;out of the window;
5)look;the dog;sleep;
6)listen;the baby;cry;
7)they;have a meeting;at seven o'clock
8)the students;prepare for;an English test;now;
1)Mike is climbing the hill。
2)We are having an English lesson now。
3)Li Ping is jumping like a monkey。
4)The students are reading the text now。
5)I am studying English。
6)He is closing the window。
1)The baby is listening to the music。
2)I am looking for a jacket for my son。
3)She is smiling to herself in the mirror。
4)The boys are visiting the history museum。
5)The old man is sleeping right now。
6)The children are listening to the teacher of English。
7)The cats are running up the trees。
1)The woman is making a cake in the kitchen。
2)We are having lunch now。
3)The boy is waiting for his mothe under the big tree。
4)You are playing the violin。
5)Mary is doing her best to study English well。
6)The students are doing their homework now。
7)Please open the door。
1)I________(talk).You________(listen)tO me now.
2)Look,the boy__________(run)fast.
3)----What are you doing?----I_________(do) my homework.
4)----_______the students_______(read) English.----Yes,they are.
5)Tom_______(not study)English.He is studying Chinese.
6)----Who_______(sing)a song?----Li Ying is.
7)The girl_______(not eat)bananas now.
8)----Where____they____(stand)?----They are standing over there.
9)Look! The boy over there_______(ply) a model plane.
10)----What is Meimei doing now?---She______(watch)TV with her parents
11)He____(study) English very hard.
12)We often____(buy)books and things like that in the shop.
13)Polly____(not eat) a banana now.
1)Jack is_____with Jim.They are good____.A:running;friend; B:running;friends; C:runing;friends D:run;friend's
2)Look! Mary____doing____homework.A:is;one's B:is;her C:are;his D:are;her
3)The Greens____supper now.A:is having B:are;having C:is haveing D:are;having
4)The children are____TV.A:watch B:seeing C:watching D:reading
5)Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes,they____.A:aren't B:do C:don't D:are
6)There's____girl,she is very tall.A:second B:two C:a second D:all second
7)--Do you have a red pen?Which of the following is wrong?--____.
A:Yes; I have one B:Yes,I have it C:Yes,I do D:Sorry,I don't
8)--Excuse me.May I borrow a pen,please?--____.
A:It doesn't matter; B:Thank you; C:Certainly,here you are; D:Not at all.
9)The boy is late for class.So he says tO the teacher,"________".
A:I'm sorry B:Excuse me,May I come in? C:Let me in, D:I don't want to be late.
10)I don't want a red apple.I want____.A:green apple B:a green C:a green one D:one green

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C

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