龟兔赛跑 英语故事带翻译完整版

作者&投稿:机沾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The rabbit is the animal kingdom race champion, steadily a clever body and a pair of tall and slender powerful hind leg, a pedal can flee well far. It is proud for this reason, shows off frequently in front of the partner. A fat small turtle is actually not convinced, quarrels with the rabbit. The rabbit is glancing the turtle heavy outer covering and the soft short leg despite with the corner of the eye, disdained saying: “depends on you, dares with me to argue that unexpectedly who runs quickly, too has not known the immensity of heaven and earth? “the small turtle said obstinately: “I acknowledged that your dash is quicker than me, but must discuss the endurance and the perseverance, you did not compare me, did not believe us to be possible to compare.” When has the arrogant small rabbit received such " the insult "? The straight gas its mandibular joint shivers. It from nose humph several characters: “good, that compares! ” The turtle must with the rabbit race, this is in an animal kingdom something new, many animals cross the mountain to ford catch up with observe a war. In the turtle and the rabbit agreement's sports field ground, crammed full elongated the neck exceptionally excited audience. In everybody thunderous cheers in the sound, the turtle and the rabbit embarked. The race champion skill is really uncommon, has not mounted several, the rabbit drops the small turtle far. Soon, it runs up to under the competition schedule central big fig tree, as soon as turns head looks, the turtle is also leaving the beginning not far place to proceed to crawl difficultly gradually. An its body peak peak, moves young Duan to be away from every time must make the completely whole body's vigor. Which this calls to run ha? The rabbit looked, smiled nearly has broken the belly. It anchors the footsteps, is breathing fig tree's delicate fragrance, thinks comfortably incomparable. It thought that the turtle crawls that slowly, I wait for it to pursue run again am not late, was inferior that sleeps first in here, relaxes happily. It is thinking, uses the tree root, when the pillow, whistling rests greatly. Small rabbit sleep wakes, discovered that the sun already set in the west, it cries: “is not good! “then hastily sets out, very fast runs up to the end point. Sees only that fat small turtle already and so on the end point, is treating to smile. Then, never says die the turtle has achieved the success, but because raced the champion rabbit actually to give up halfway has encountered the disastrous defeat. This story was said that worked hard for the prosperity of the country often to exceed presumes on one's ability complacently. Remembers this story, friend, no matter how your natural talent, can work hard for the prosperity of the country, to be able relentlessly to achieve the victory the end point.

中文:兔子是动物王国的赛跑冠军, 长着一个灵巧的身子和一双细长有力的后腿, 一蹬就能窜出好远.它为此非常自豪, 常常在伙伴面前炫耀.
一只胖胖的小乌龟却偏偏不服气, 以至於和兔子争吵起来.兔子轻蔑地用眼角瞟着乌龟沉重的外壳和软软的短腿, 不屑地说: ”就凭你, 居然敢和我争论谁跑得快, 太不知天高地厚了吧?”小乌龟执拗地说: ”我承认你的短跑比我快, 但要论起耐力和恒心, 你就比不上我了, 不信咱们可以比一比.”

骄傲的小兔几时受过这样的”侮辱”?直气得它牙关打战.它从鼻子里哼出几个字: ”好, 那就比一比吧! ”

乌龟要和兔子赛跑, 这是动物王国里的一件新鲜事, 许多动物都翻山涉水赶来观战.在乌龟和兔子约定的比赛场地上, 挤满了伸长了脖子异常兴奋的观众.在大家雷鸣般的助威声中, 乌龟和兔子出发了.赛跑冠军果然身手不凡, 没蹬几下, 兔子就把小乌龟落下好远.不久, 它跑到赛程中央一棵高大的无花果树下, 回头一望, 乌龟还在离起点不远的地方一步一步艰难地往前爬呢.它的身子一耸一耸的, 每移动一小段距离都要使尽全身的劲儿.这哪叫跑哇?兔子看了, 几乎笑破了肚皮.它停住脚步, 呼吸着无花果树的清香, 觉得舒服无比.它想, 乌龟爬得那么慢, 我等它追上来再跑也不迟, 不如先在这儿睡一觉, 痛痛快快地放松一下吧.它想着, 就用树根当枕头, 呼呼大睡起来.

小兔一觉醒来, 发现太阳已经西斜, 它大叫一声: ”不好! ”便连忙起身, 飞快地跑到终点.只见那胖胖的小乌龟已等在终点, 正对着自己笑呢.就这样, 锲而不舍的乌龟获得了胜利, 而赛跑冠军兔子却因半途而废遭到了惨败.

这故事是说, 奋发图强往往胜过恃才自满.



Tortoise and rabbit race

One day, in the forest, the rabbit ran with the tortoise. The rabbit laughed at the tortoise's slow climb. The tortoise said, "one day I will win." The rabbit said contemptuously, "let's start the race now!" The tortoise agreed, and the rabbit shouted, "the game begins!"

The rabbit ran fast and the tortoise climbed desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise were far away. The rabbit thought the race was too easy. He had to sleep for a while first, and said that even if he woke up, the tortoise might not be able to catch up with him. The tortoise kept crawling, crawling and crawling. When he got to the rabbit, he was very tired, but the tortoise thought that if he went to rest like the rabbit at this time, he would not win the game, so the tortoise continued to climb and climb. When the rabbit woke up, the tortoise had reached the end.






This story tells you: don't underestimate others easily. Modesty makes one progress, while pride makes one lag behind We should do things in a down-to-earth manner and do not give up halfway in order to achieve success.

此故事告诉大家:不可轻易小视他人。虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后. 要踏踏实实地做事情,不要半途而废,才会取得成功。

The rabbit and the tortoise race running, the rabbit ridicules the tortoise to climb slowly.


The rabbit ran fast, and the tortoise crawled desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise had already left a great distance.


The rabbit thinks the game is too easy. It needs to sleep for a while.


The tortoise, on the other hand, crawls all the time. When the rabbit wakes up, the tortoise has reached the destination.


Tortoise and rabbit race
One day, in the forest, the rabbit ran with the tortoise. The rabbit laughed at the tortoise's slow climb. The tortoise said, "one day I will win." The rabbit said contemptuously, "let's start the race now!" The tortoise agreed, and the rabbit shouted, "the game begins!"
The rabbit ran fast and the tortoise climbed desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise were far away. The rabbit thought the race was too easy. He had to sleep for a while first, and said that even if he woke up, the tortoise might not be able to catch up with him. The tortoise kept crawling, crawling and crawling. When he got to the rabbit, he was very tired, but the tortoise thought that if he went to rest like the rabbit at this time, he would not win the game, so the tortoise continued to climb and climb. When the rabbit woke up, the tortoise had reached the end.
This story tells you: don't underestimate others easily. Modesty makes one progress, while pride makes one lag behind We should do things in a down-to-earth manner and do not give up halfway in order to achieve success.
此故事告诉大家:不可轻易小视他人。虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后. 要踏踏实实地做事情,不要半途而废,才会取得成功。

The Tortoise and the Hare
Once upon a time, rabbits were the fastest animals, while turtles were the slowest animals. The tortoise was not convinced, so he found a rabbit and agreed to race the next morning.
At last, the rabbit and the tortoise ran at the sound of "Start". Soon, the rabbit left the tortoise behind. The rabbit thought: The tortoise runs so slowly that I don't think it will ever outrun me. Let's sleep first! As soon as the rabbit jumped, it just jumped onto the grass and fell asleep. The tortoise kept running. It ran for a long time and finally reached the finish line. The rabbit woke up, saw that the tortoise had reached the destination, and left angrily.


The rabbit and the tortoise race running, the rabbit ridicules the tortoise to climb slowly.兔子和乌龟比赛跑步,兔子嘲笑乌龟爬得慢。
The rabbit ran fast, and the tortoise crawled desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise had already left a great distance.兔子飞快地跑着,乌龟拼命地爬,不一会儿,兔子与乌龟已经离得有很大一段距离了。
The rabbit thinks the game is too easy. It needs to sleep for a while.兔子认为比赛太轻松了,它要先睡一会。
The tortoise, on the other hand, crawls all the time. When the rabbit wakes up, the tortoise has reached the destination.而乌龟呢,它一刻不停地爬行,当兔子醒来的时候乌龟已经到达终点了。

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