
作者&投稿:杨逄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Finance is the science of funds management.
(1) The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance.
(2) Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted.

Financial engineering is a multidisciplinary field relating to the creation of new financial instruments and strategies, typically exotic options and specialized interest rate derivatives. The field applies engineering methodologies to problems in finance, and employs financial theory and applied mathematics, as well as computation and the practice of programming; see computational finance.

Finance:is the science of funds management.The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance.Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted.

Financial Engineering:Financial engineering is a multidisciplinary field relating to the creation of new financial instruments and strategies, typically exotic options and specialized interest rate derivatives. The field applies engineering methodologies to problems in finance, and employs financial theory and applied mathematics, as well as computation and the practice of programming; see computational finance.

1. the commercial activity of providing funds and capital
2. the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
3. the management of money and credit and banking and investments
1. obtain or provide money for
Can we finance the addition to our home?
2. sell or provide on credit

Financial Engineering
the product about finance

Today the weather is not good, though. Not out playing. I am starting to get up very late, get up before 8:00 am. One day I will be at home reading. Today, I can play computer, my home computer is broken. Afternoon homework at home, work very hard. At accompany my ...

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你好,翻译结果如下:Chinese Summary Research Teaching as a new teaching ideas, the university's undergraduate education reform, development and redevelopment of a sense of innovation and innovative spirit and ability of high-quality personnel of the train and bring up; to promote the ove...

My campus very beautiful, is very broad Has many flowers and plants and the trees in the drill ground When finishes class, in the drill ground has many lovable children, some of them skip rope; Some kick the shuttlecock; Some play the basketball When attends class, in the ...

come home from work:下班回家。keep her room tidy and clean:她房间的保持干净整洁。bring his evening paper home:把他的晚报带回家。每天做家务:everyday with housework 放学回家:afterclass and go home 一起喝咖啡:cafe together 在教室做功课:do some work in a classroom 经常呆在家里:...

1 we learned from a reliable source term an english-speaking people will pay our oral English Mary felt but depend on own strength is difficult to carry out her plan 3 extremely disappointed man reading the letter with trembling fingers tore it into pieces 4 I'd like to talk ...

disturbing you, not making it public.This love tastes sweeter than lemon and more acid than apple.As long as I can be close to you, I can feel happy, even I have done nothing. You are my spiritual opium,once stucks on it,cannot quit anymore.手工翻译的哦,希望你满意。

As long as the Earth is also transferred,I would have to accompany you around.

Han Wen is the administration of justice in the "Spring and Autumn summary prison system" as the main object of study, the focus of its judicial practice has played in both positive and negative role. In order to clearly explain the "summary justice prison," the system, the ...

School uniforms can play an educational role. Students wearing students with the campus culture in the school is very useful to students wearing the uniform educational functions, for example to train students teamwork. Second, the school uniform will enable students to distinguish between ...

东宁县15329974647: 请大家帮我用英文解释一下金融和金融工程两个专业名词! -
南温沃尔: 以下的解释源自wiki的英文解释(更多解释可查wiki) Finance is the science of funds management.(1) The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance.(2) Finance includes saving money and often includes...

东宁县15329974647: 谁能用两三句英语概括一下对金融的定义 -
南温沃尔: Finance is the currency of credit activities and interdependent interaction of an organic whole, it is the hub of the credit for the currency, and based on this, in the economic subject through various forms of credit between money and intermediary ...

东宁县15329974647: 英文翻译高手.什么叫金融解释的英文翻译. -
南温沃尔: Finance is the currency in circulation and credit activities as well as associated with general economic activity. A broad sense refers to all the financial and credit currency issue, storage, exchange, settlement, factoring the economic activities, ...

东宁县15329974647: 金融英语翻译:亲们帮我看看什么意思? charges or encumbrances -
南温沃尔: 费用或债券

东宁县15329974647: 请用英文解释下列词汇 金融英语 1、savings deposit 2、 -
南温沃尔: saving deposit……储蓄存款 lump sum deposit总额存款 lump-sum deposit and withdrawal整存整取 small savings 小额储蓄存款;零星储蓄存款;小额储蓄存款 principal receiving 总的接收 debit cards借记卡;记帐卡 credit card 信用卡 信用卡can be used for overdrawing(透支)

东宁县15329974647: 帮忙翻译一下金融方面的英语吧!谢谢~~~ -
南温沃尔: 1. Finance is a country's economic and political core. The financial markets are an important part of finance, financial markets, if there are problems, there will be a chain reaction, leading to bank failures (such as the United States, bank failures, ...

东宁县15329974647: 【紧急】谁能帮我翻一下,金融英语“Financial ecology” does not refer to the internal operation of the financial institutions.Instead ,it refers to the external ... -
南温沃尔:[答案] “金融生态”并不是指金融机构的内部运作.相反,它指的是外部环境,或金融业务的基本条件.法律框架,包括法律和法规,保护投资者和存款人,会计准则和破产法的利益,是金融生态的重要组成部分.来自社会各阶层共同努力,需要...

东宁县15329974647: 用英文介绍一下金融学专业! -
南温沃尔: 您好,看到您的问题将要被新提的问题从问题列表中挤出,问题无人回答过期后会被扣分并且悬赏分也将被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 一,您可以选择在正确的分类下去提问或者到与您问题相关专业网站论坛里去看看,这样知道你问题答案...

东宁县15329974647: 谁能帮帮我用英文解释一下金融危机(FINANCIAL CRISIS)的定义?是要全英文解释.不要中文的!要祥细一点的,最好写明出处, -
南温沃尔:[答案] A financial crisis (also known as a currency crisis ) occurs when the value of a currency changes quickly,undermining its ability to serve as a medium for exchange or a store of value.A financial cris...

东宁县15329974647: 用英语介绍一下金融在经济中的作用 -
南温沃尔: Finance in the role of the modern economy: First, in the modern financial economy of the United Nations, by its own special nature and role of decision. Modern economy is a market economy and the market economy in essence, is a well-...

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