打电话问:他在吗? 用英语怎么说

作者&投稿:宇文荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On the phone to ask each other

hi, I am looking for XX please= 你好,我要找 某某 谢谢。hi, I need to speak to XX please=你好,我要找 某某 对话谢谢。hi ,is XX present at the moment. 你好, 请问 某某 现在有在吗?hi, may i speak to XX please= 你好, 我可以和 某某 对话吗?hi, is XX home at the moment? 你好, 请问 某某在家吗?有很多种,这几个比较常用的

Is he in?


Is it a good time for you?

Hello, may i speak to xxx?
Is XXX available?

can i speak to he

Is he there/at home?

Is he there?

香坊区18067131072: 在打电话时想问“对方在吗”用英语怎么说 -
桐适百为:[答案] 你直接问你要找的人在吗? 比如 May I speak to Jack? 如果Jack 在的话,听电话的人会说: (如果他是Jack)This is Jack speaking. (如果不是Jack)He isn't here.Sorry.之类的

香坊区18067131072: 询问 谁谁谁在吗 用英语怎么说 -
桐适百为: 如果是打电话,在英语文化里要说may i speak to xxx?但是要强调对方在不在,如果是熟人,可以说is xxx there?如果不熟,excuse me, is xxx there?如果是走到某一个地方找人,把there换成here

香坊区18067131072: 打电话问某某某在不在用英文怎么说
桐适百为: hi, I am looking for XX please= 你好,我要找 某某 谢谢. hi, I need to speak to XX please=你好,我要找 某某 对话谢谢. hi ,is XX present at the moment. 你好, 请问 某某 现在有在吗? hi, may i speak to XX please= 你好, 我可以和 某某 对话吗? hi, is XX home at the moment? 你好, 请问 某某在家吗? 有很多种,这几个比较常用的

香坊区18067131072: 打电话时跟别人说了很久,然后问"你还在吗?"这个询问用英文怎么表达? -
桐适百为: “hello?” “are you here?” “are you hearing me?”

香坊区18067131072: 当你打电话询问海伦是否在时用英文可以怎么说 -
桐适百为: 当你打电话询问海伦是否在 When you call to ask if Helen is in当你打电话询问海伦是否在 When you call to ask if Helen is in

香坊区18067131072: 英文打电话问对方用is thatJim..还是is this Jim...就是电话接通第一句...可以这样问吗~如果要确认对方是不是某个部门,如前台:用哪句is this the front desk?... -
桐适百为:[答案] 在与对方直接对话时 用 Is this 开头才正确 Is that 起头的疑问句是用来问第三者的

香坊区18067131072: 电话里说"他现在不在"用英语怎么说? -
桐适百为: 要有礼貌地回答呢,可以这么说:I'm sorry. He is out\not here 幽默点的可以说:He is not available now(你现在得不到他\他的回答) 要是想再礼貌或者具体些:He is not here at the very moment. Could you leave a message so that he will make contact as soon as he comes? 总之要看具体的语境的.以上大家的翻译也都不错哦,看语境,把握语气!

香坊区18067131072: 英语:当你打电话时,想问对方是谁,你应该说什么 -
桐适百为: this is ...(介绍你自己是谁,这是英文说话习惯),what's that?(介绍完自己再问别人是谁这是比较礼貌的)

香坊区18067131072: 打电话用英语怎么说 -
桐适百为: phone打电话的英文:phone,音标[fəʊn] 例句:请于明晨给他打电话. Please give him a call tomorrow morning 第三人称单数:phones复数:phones现在分词:phoning过去式:phoned 过去分词:phoned

香坊区18067131072: 关于英语:在电话中询问对方怎么称呼用英语怎么说 ?
桐适百为: Hello, who's that speaking,please ?(这个是正式的电话用语) Hello, how can I address you? (这个一般是Face to face的时候询问对方称呼的)

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