
作者&投稿:汤超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Some girls are dancing on the stage. Novels are often adapted for the stage.


一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。 The city was staging Hamlet.
该城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。 They decided to stage a general strike.

. He is famous for his fine acting.
Their school is different from ours.
他们的学校与我们的不同。The delegates come from different parts of the world.
代表们来自世界各地。 That is quite a different matter.

Look at part one.看着第一部分。Parts of the book are interesting.
这本书有几部分很有意思。 That's a radio serial in ten parts.
那是一部十集广播连续剧。 Our workshop turns out parts for generators.

His books have a large audience.
他的书有广大的读者。 He was granted an audience with the king.
他获准觐见国王。 The audience enjoyed every minute of the performance.

There was a large audience in the theatre.
Why not buy both?
为什么不把两件都买下? Both his eyes were severely burned.
他的双眼都严重烧伤了。 We like Amy and Phil both.
艾米和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。 The prospects both excited and worried me.

What about going for a row?

They rowed across the lake.
他们划船过湖。 He had a row with his neighbor.

The teacher told the children to stand in a row.

All the parts of the building are in perfect balance 建筑物的各部分都显得非常匀称 He can wait for ever, for all I care. 他可能永远等下去,这与我无关。

1,thousands of Thousands of people born very day. 2,translate...into Please translate this essay into Chinese. 3,try onr'sbest We will try our best to solve the problem. 4,try on I'd like to try on that blue coat. 5,try out We won't able to tell what skill this man has until we try him out. 6,turn down Please turn down the radio a little bit. 6,turn off Please turn off the radio. 7 ,turn on Please turn on the radio. 8,turn up Please turn up the radio a little bit. 9,used to do sth We used to go shopping each sunday. 10,very much Thanks very much. 11,wait for Don't wait me for dinner. 12,wake up I always wake up at 6:30 in the morning. 13,what'more What more you need? 14,work on Tom working on this project. 15,work out The plan work out badly. 16,worry about There is no need to worry about him. 17,write down Plese write down all the words listed on the blackboard. 18,write to. I will write to you soon. (19,take up I won't take up much of your time. 20,talk about Let's talk about your future plan. 21,tell a lie She tells a lie to you. 22,thanks to Thanks to your help that I solve this problem finally. 24the day before yesterday I bought this book the day before yesterday. 25,the day after tomorrow I will buy this book the day after tomorrow. 26,the more..the more.. The more I see of him, the more I like him. 27,the same as I have a book the same as this one. 28,the same to The same to you. 29,think about Think about it before you answer this question. 30,think of What do you think of him? 31,think over We need to think over this matter.

形容话很少。 三言两语出处: 元·关汉卿《救风尘》第二折 “我到那里,三言两句,肯写休书,万事俱休。” 三言两语造句: 1、在忙碌的时间如果他接到私人电话,他也只是三言两语。 2、而最大的问题是,雇佣更多的人会让你的工作效率降低 以前只要把头伸进某个办公室三言两语解决的问题,现在...

在这种压力之下,我们有时也想作几句惊人之语,但又痛感缺少想象力。 4、一句机智的妙语胜过一摞劣书,一句深刻的名言可以改变人的一生。 5、古时候那些昏君就是因为轻信妙语连珠而导致自己失去江山的。 6、新来的老师简直太棒了,课堂上不但妙语连珠,而且每一个细节她都可以绘声绘色地给大家...

(2)您的花言巧语对于了解您的人来说,适足以泄漏您的空虚和弱点。莎士比亚 (3)他一时被花言巧语所迷惑而被骗去了一部手机,现在追悔莫及。 (4)他用花言巧语骗取了她的感情。 (5)这人花言巧语,欺骗了很多人。 (6)应该逃避谄媚者的花言巧语,而不应该逃避一个朋友的坦率恳切的苦...

很少的几句话—( )言( )语
详细解释 1. 【解释】:个别词句或片断的话。2. 【出自】:高阳《胭脂井》:“其中或者有只言片语可采,敬烦删定。”近义词:片言只语, 片言只字, 片纸只字 ,三言两语 反义词:千言万语, 多言多语 ,万语千言 只言片语造句 1、曾几何时,网络被视为只言片语的集散地、道听途说的原...

网络流行语。 (3)希望有一天有人能对我说,我是看着你“流行语”长大的! (4)一电脑爱好者,满口网络流行语:表迷恋哥,哥只是个传说,传说中的神马,都是浮云一朵朵,知道哥是谁鸟?表这酱紫,知道哥的有木有?泪奔!看罢你晕不晕? (5)可以不学习(流行语造句lishixinzhi\/2950520),但是...


1 亲情是什么?亲情是“马上相逢无纸笔,凭君传语报平安”的嘱咐,是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂,是“来日倚窗前,寒梅著花来”的思念,是“雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人”的守候。 2 亲情是什么?亲情是“马上相逢无纸笔,凭君传语报平安”的嘱咐,是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂...

手语造句: 1、我们用手语交谈。 2、甚至在他只有3周大的时候,如果他看见我在给他做牛奶的手语,他就开始哭。 3、我没有为了自己的后代,报名参加过婴儿语言课、瑜伽、创意舞蹈或幼儿手语。 4、他请他们在开会时一个人、一个人地说话,并在同他说话时面对他,而不是面对他的手语翻译。

用这7个成语造句 麻烦各位大哥大姐了~~
1.敝帚画西施:你这是敝帚画西施,根本不可能完成的任务.2.鞭长莫及: 我们做事要正确评估自己的能力,有些事是鞭长莫及,就不要过分强求了.3.并驾齐驱: 他俩的学习都很好,可以说是并驾齐驱,不相上下。4.不盈不溢:意思是不多不少刚刚好~造句是:她对家乡的思念,不盈不溢却永存心间.5.不绝...

” 语无伦次造句: 1、毫无疑问,这些人已经像1929年的胡夫总统和他的倡议一样被经济危机质问得语无伦次了。 2、在一次特别的全国电视采访中,当问到他为什么要当总统时,他竟然完全语无伦次。 3、日本前财务大臣在不久前七国集团会议的一个新闻发布会上昏昏欲睡、语无伦次,看过他这段...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 一些英语单词麻烦造句1.用act造句 2.用alarmclock造句 3.用army造句 4.用artmuseum造句 5.用background造句 6.用businesstrip造句 7.用childrearing造句 8.用... -
郦生磷酸:[答案] 1.Theactressactsverywell. 2.Iboughtanalarmclockyesterday. 3.SheworksfortheSalvationArmy. 4.Onedaywewenttoanartmuseum. 5.Healwaysdrawspicturesagainstabackgroundoftrees. 6.Heisonabusinesstripnow. 7.Cop...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 英语的几个造句,麻烦了!
郦生磷酸: 1,thousands of Thousands of people born very day. 2,translate...into Please translate this essay into Chinese. 3,try onr'sbest We will try our best to solve the problem. 4,try on I'd like to try on that blue coat. 5,try out We won't able to tell what skill this ...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 英语麻烦造句 急 急 用1.original 2.comfortable 3.the same as 4.in style 6.inexpensive 7.colorful -
郦生磷酸:[答案] 1.The original mother still love me. 2.I gave little dog made a comfortable home. 3.He and I have the same experience. 4.This is not my style. 5.对不起, 6.A rainbow of colors is very rich and colorful.

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 一些英语单词麻烦造句@!1.用major in造句2.用prefer造句3.用respect造句4.用support造句5.用tend to造句6.用work my dog造句7.用work out造句 -
郦生磷酸:[答案] I want to major in pre-law in Harvard University. I prefer not going to tonight's party. I respect my teachers sincerely. I supported my best friend when he ran for student government. I tend to stay up late at night. I believe we can work this problem out if we ...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 一些英语的造句.麻烦高手指点.谢谢:)几个句子中间关键的连接部分不会用.麻烦高手指点下.1:..至少是造成肺癌一部分的理由是用. is the cause of lung ... -
郦生磷酸:[答案] 1. 至少是造成肺癌一部分的理由 Is at least part of the reason causing lung cancer. 2. 发明电视机的人 The inventor of television. 3.几乎不能站立 Can hardly stand. 4. 我建议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 请帮我造几个英语句子?能造一个是一个,不要有太多的语法错误,不要太离谱就行了,麻烦大家了.1.I had no idea that_________.2.We heard the news that... -
郦生磷酸:[答案] 1.you were such a nice friend.2.our team had won the match.3.he had lied to everyone.4.made her parents and friends so proud of her 5.I was admitted to the university 6.everyone must wear the uniform ...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 一些英语单词麻烦造句 -
郦生磷酸: 1.The actress acts very well. 2.I bought an alarm clock yesterday. 3.She works for the Salvation Army. 4.One day we went to an art museum. 5.He always draws pictures against a background of trees. 6.He is on a business trip now. 7.Coping with ...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 英语造句1.add up2.calm...down3.be concerned about4.should have done5.have got to do麻烦帮我把这六个短语造六个句子,每个短语一个句子, -
郦生磷酸:[答案] 1.To me, I have nothing to add up.2.When meeting the difficulty,you must calm down.3.I think this is you are most concerned about.4.It should have done by him ,but actually it hasn't.5.I want to have ...

怒江傈僳族自治州13924112092: 麻烦的英语句子翻译、紧急1(用mean造句)你打算身无分文的去那吗?2(用mean造句)你那样说是什么意思?3(用way造句) 不久我就习惯了这种做事... -
郦生磷酸:[答案] Do you mean to go there without any penny?What do you mean?I'm used to that way soon.The best way to get respect from others is to respect others.To her children,Mrs.While is more than their mother bu...

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