
作者&投稿:翁洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.

The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games.

The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is

"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games."
The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.

In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.

A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, company owners, and marketers.


extreme sport

夏季极限运动主要比赛和表演项目有:BMX、滑板、难度攀岩、速度攀岩、空中滑板、高山滑翔、滑水、激流皮划艇、摩托艇、冲浪、水上摩托、蹦极跳、轮滑的U 台跳跃赛和街区障碍赛、100米和200米等运动项目。 由于极限运动有其"融入自然(自然、环境、生态、健康)、挑战自我(积极、勇敢、愉悦、刺激)"的"天人合一"的特性,使得极限运动在欧美各国的风靡程度简直可以用疯狂、魔力来形容。以滑水和滑板为例,仅在美国,滑水爱好者目前就有110万之名,职业滑水队、表演队更是星罗棋布, 已经成为许多城市重要的都市文化"大餐";而滑板运动的发烧友更是多达450万之众。 由于滑板运动太过惊险、刺激,在本世纪60年代,滑板运动曾受到有关国家政府严令禁止,一度沦为"地下项目",一直到80年代中期,滑板项目才重见天日,使这项"都市魔幻"卷土重来,其声势之在、影响之广,以致于成为许多精明厂商眼中的"印钞机"。滑板天皇巨星托尼·霍克(Tony Hawker)和安迪·麦克唐纳(Andy Mcdonald )在许多年轻人眼中无疑是和乔丹(篮球)、皮特·桑普拉斯(网球)一样的超级偶像。
从二十世纪七十年代的交谊舞,八十年代的迪斯科,到九十年代的保龄球、桑拿浴,都已经不能满足人们日益增长的感觉需求水平。一方面,人们更加需要寻求刺激、发泄压力、释放能量,另一方面,对于一般性的刺激、享受,人们习以为常、不足为奇。这时,人们便开始追求更为强烈的刺激,从而获得所需要的感觉和唤醒。而极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 人类在自然的怀抱中创造了文明,文明却正在使人类远离自然。也许是人类在远离自然的文明世界生活得太久了,在都市文明所带来的便捷中逐渐陷入身心的慵懒之后,便开始渴望回归自然。
按捺不住心情的都市新潮一族,首选渴望冲出都市文明的封锁,去和自然对话,还原人类作为大自然中一员的本色,表现人类最本质的能力。极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 此外,与传统体育项目(包括奥运会项目)相比,极限运动更富有超越身心极限的自我挑战性、观赏刺激性、高科技渗透性、商业运作性。

Attack-Dog Toughness, Cat-Like Balance, Razor-Sharp Reactions, Explosive Jump-Ability—Get It All When You Train Xtreme Sports, The Renegade Style Get this book if you want to xcel in: Surfing, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Skimboarding, Wakeboarding, Moto-X, BMX, or MTB. Watcha want? Are you for real? Are you a doer? Can you excel? Do you have what it takes? Can you hack it?

Ready to put muscle in your madness? Fire in your veins? Iron in your claws?

But if you’re seriously afflicted with the burning desire to succeed at all costs, to blow the roof off your past achievements and live like it was last your minute on earth, then grab this thing and make it yours from the inside out.

Welcome, friend, to the style of Renegade. Adopt the code, make it yours and explode to ridiculous new levels of spectacular performance—no question.

Welcome, friend, to the first-ever, complete training program for superlative results in the xtreme sport of your choice.

"You Ain’t In The Game If You Ain’t Doing It Renegade"


wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially ...

An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly sp...

Parkour is a sport activity with the purpose of moving from one place to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using only the physical skills of the human body. It is used to overcome obstacles, which can be any obstacle in the environment on fences and stone, to pill...

The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing panies to promote the X Games文章简单,自己看看就行了 有没有关于极限运动的英语范文,跪求 像一片蔚蓝的天空,天空中飘着一朵朵洁白无暇的白云,其中,有一个大而醒目的白云,上面写着“勇敢...

Are you for real? Are you a doer? Can you excel? Do you have what it takes? Can you hack it?Ready to put muscle in your madness? Fire in your veins? Iron in your claws?But if you’re seriously afflicted with the burning desire to succeed at all costs, to blow the r...

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First, it has a high value of training. As a general sports, table tennis unique to the fast changes in the characteristics of many of the participants decided in the following areas can benefit from: 1, the body muscles and joints organizations with the activities, thereby ...

Now please pay attention to the pictures.There a lot kinds of sports.but which one is really fit you best? As far as I am concerned ,we should take diffrent sports for diffrent purpose.Nowadays, Young people are more likely to pursue a healthy life.Naturally,they think that ...

运动使人健康,运动使人快乐。好多人喜欢运动,写我喜欢运动这篇英语作文时,要注意积累更多有关运动的单词、短语和语法结构等,根据我多年积累的英语知识,我为大家整理准备三篇有关我爱运动的英语文章,由易到难,字数由少到多,希望大家喜欢哦~【一】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文...

An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly ...

盐城市19866496787: 英语作文:关于极限运动的 80词带翻译 着急, -
贲琼双黄:[答案] An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a ... but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games 文章简单,自己...

盐城市19866496787: 写一篇关于极限运动的英语文章(至少写两段). -
贲琼双黄:[答案] Parkour is a sport activity with the purpose of moving from one place to another as efficiently and quickly as possible,using only the physical skills of the human body.It is used to overcome obstacles,which can be any obstacle in the environment on ...

盐城市19866496787: 谁有介绍极限运动的英语文章(带翻译)
贲琼双黄: Anextremesport(alsocalledactionsportandadventuresport)... Theimplicationofthephrasewasthattheword"sport"definedanactivityinwhichonemightbekilled. ...

盐城市19866496787: 极限运动的英语作文? -
贲琼双黄: A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer ...

盐城市19866496787: 求一篇英语作文(写极限运动的)急需一篇英语作文极限运动的 -
贲琼双黄:[答案] A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is ... In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ...

盐城市19866496787: 以我喜爱的极限运动写英语作文 -
贲琼双黄: Sports Meeting Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive. This time, I was even more excited. Because I went in for the sports meeting and my...

盐城市19866496787: 有关简单介绍极限运动的英语文章简单的介绍一下各类极限运动的历史和现状,不要太复杂. -
贲琼双黄:[答案] A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer beari...

盐城市19866496787: 有没有关于极限运动的英语范文,跪求 -
贲琼双黄: 这里有:可以自己添加,也可以修改,也可以查询,是个大家一起参与和创建的极限运动中英文对照词典,也是极限运动专用名词对照词典.http://www.xgim.com/dic/dictionary.shtml

盐城市19866496787: 关于极限运动的英文简介,少量即可,重谢! -
贲琼双黄: Extreme Sports (like barefoot waterski, base jumping, bungee jumping, hang gliding, heliskiing, inline skating, kayaking mountain biking, skateboarding, skydivi...

盐城市19866496787: 人们是否应该做极限运动?写一篇英语作文! -
贲琼双黄:[答案] Whether the people should make the maximal exercise? Why popular extreme sports to the world,focused?Why do people's ... People to the field the other hand the modern commercialization of the sport spread.When the nature of the sport more and ...

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