
作者&投稿:贝纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to resfue?
In our daily life.sometimes,we have to refuse people's requirements and other questions when the things are out of our scope,or ability,or bottom line.
So when we meet these situations,how should we do??I think first.we shall think ourselves to check the result if we do it.and then,we can explain to friends how the disadvantage and danger of these matter and help them to find more effective solutions.
If we do like this,I think friends or others will release our status,also we will have a better relationship between people.

Dear LaoBan,
I am not able to attend your company's ten years anniversary celebration at Shanghaixxxxxblablablabalalala. However, I would attend the QinWu exhibition at Peace hotel on 9th, August, 2012. I thank you for your invitations.

Your sincere partner,

英语作文。拒绝网上有出现过的。 15 标签: 英语 作文, 作文, 拒绝 write an essay to suggest ways to make shenzhen more beautiful.you can do the task based on the following outline and suggestions. outline paragraph1 why do we need to make shenzhen more beautiful?(E.g,more tourists,nicer to live in) paragraph2&3 how can we make shenzhen more beautiful?try to develop your ideas by giving examples and personal experiences, paragraph4 ask the public to take some action.explain clearly all the suggestions. suggestions keep our city clean by throwing less rubbish plant more trees. asking people to use public transport(公共交通) 不要写的太好。我英语不太好。就普普通通的就好了。 初一的。60词左右。


一、让对方自行取消 我们要拒绝别人的邀请时,最好能够抢在对方的思维之前,打破常规,巧设妙计,让对方自行取消。比如说你正在学习,你的同学邀请你一起出去玩,这个时候你就可以说:我给自己定了一个目标,今天要用三个小时来熟悉书本上的内容,不完成我决不出去玩。你的态度一定要坚决,对方哪怕猜...

1.心有所属拒绝法 当对方跟你表白的时候,可以跟对方说自己已经有了喜欢或者暗恋的对象了,已经不可能装的下其他的人了,这时候就算对方很难受,但也会理解你的。2.斩钉截铁拒绝法 可以明确的跟对方说自己的想法,让对方断了以后的念想。比如:我说过,从我一开始认识你起,我们只能是朋友,这辈子...

1.不要等别人接受 你不必说服别人接受或同意你的拒绝。“你不明白为什么我不能?那我看看怎么说你才能懂……”这样的话会让别人觉得,只有你说服他们同意你的观点,你才有权说“不”。如果别人每次重复请求你时,你都要为自己解释,那么你就给了对方终极权力。他们没有最终决定权,你才能掌控最终决定...


用温和的态度去说出自己拒绝的理由,使得他人觉得你很真诚,而不是故意拒绝,这样对方也不就好意思责怪于你。如何拒绝别人不合理的要求 怎么拒绝别人不适当的要求 拒绝3、使用拒绝补偿的策略。拒绝补偿就是你拒绝对方的某个请求,但是又给予对方一些积极的回应,比如说对方要求你做某些事情,你可以说,我...


怎么委婉的拒绝别人1 在人际交往中,我们常常会遇到要拒绝人的情况,但如果只是简单地来一句“不可以”来拒绝,就会伤害到别人,懂得人际交往技巧的人在拒绝别人时会用委婉的方式。方法\/步骤 一、先赞美再用正当理由拒绝。比如你和某人在某件事情上存在异议时,你可以先肯定对方的想法,再用正当的理由...

不”,不要因为碍于情面,无法拒绝对方,伤害了自己,成就了他人。拒绝别人的时候要注意态度诚恳,认真倾听,学会换位思考,给对方留有面子。真诚地表达出你拒绝的理由,实在是有心无力,提供一些可行的建议或者折中的方案,让自己不勉强,让别人不尴尬, 这样,也更容易维持双方之间长久的关系。


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汗窦夫坦: How to resfue?In our daily life.sometimes,we have to refuse people's requirements and other questions when the things are out of our scope,or ability,or bottom line.So when we meet these situations,how should we do??I think first.we shall think ...

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