求解:Some wild animals are in danger of the _________ (lose) of living areas.谢谢!!

作者&投稿:店韵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Some wild animals are in danger ________ the loss of living areas. A.as B.since C.because~

C 此题重点考查because和because of之间的区别。此题重点考查because和because of之间的区别。两者都表示因为,前者连接句子,后者连接短语。

loss, 因为loss是lose的名词形式, 词组结构 the + n.+ of

填lose的动名词形式losing。一些野生动物处于失去居住地的危险中。in danger of后面接名词或者接doing sth。这里是the ,那后面肯定是名词。lose是动词,不是名词也不是ing形式。所以是losing


loss 丢失 ( 名词)




梁山县18744482557: 求解:Some wild animals are in danger of the - ------- - (lose) of living areas.谢谢!! -
历沾新亚: 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:loss 丢失 ( 名词) 一些野生动物正面临着生存区域减少的问题.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

梁山县18744482557: Some wild animals - --- - and killed at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in t... -
历沾新亚: C 试题分析:考查时态.句意:一些野生的动物正在被这样的速度猎杀,以至于在不久的未来它们将从地球上消失.说明前半句应该使用被动语态,排除AB.D项表示过去的过去,与句意不符,故C正确.点评:时态的考查要放在上下文的语境中,同时要注意关键的时间状语.

梁山县18744482557: It is reported that some wild animals were found - ------in a big cave -
历沾新亚: 这是一个语法结构,be found done 发现被动的状态,不定式表示未完成的状态,根据语意,只能选B 竭诚相助,希望采纳!!!

梁山县18744482557: It is reported that some wild animals were found -- in a big cave in the mountain. -
历沾新亚: 这句话的语序调整后应该是这样的:It is reported that some wild animals were found hidden in a big cave in the mountain dead.最后的这个dead是表示“死了”这个状态,是形容词,而death是名词,名词显然不能起到修饰作用 希望帮助到你O(∩_∩)O哈!有不懂的继续问我~

梁山县18744482557: Some wild animals are in danger because fewer and fewer living areas(找出错误并改正) -
历沾新亚: 赞同楼上答案. because引导从句,后面要跟一个完整的句子.而这句话中的原因只是一个词语, fewer and fewer living areas,因此要用because of.

梁山县18744482557: 根据首字母填空 Some wild animals live alone while some animals live in g - --- -
历沾新亚: Some wild animals live alone while some animals live in 【groups】.有的野生动物独居,而有的群居.

梁山县18744482557: 跪求一道题目
历沾新亚: 选D,OF介词后面跟动名词,或者理解为,正在消失的

梁山县18744482557: wild 是什么意思? -
历沾新亚: 形容词 adj. 1.野生的, 未驯化的 They hunted wild animals for food. 他们猎取野生动物为食. Some wild flowers are growing in a corner of the garden. 花园的一角长了一些野花. 2.未开化的; 野蛮的 Wild tribes still inhabit part of the Philippines. ...

梁山县18744482557: 什么wild animals can do many amazing things -
历沾新亚: Some Some wild animals can do many amazing things.

梁山县18744482557: there are some wild animals改为否定句 -
历沾新亚: 真呀真高兴,因为他们都错了,采纳我的吧.There aren't(are not) any wild animals.

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