
作者&投稿:严静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I Am A Bitch I'm A Lover 我也很喜欢这首歌


Name:< Jane Fonda > by Mickey Avalon
I had a baby named Jane
She could shake that thing
Said her Daddy used to hang
With Johnny Coltrane

She sang a soul train
With her friend named Jen
Her booty was bigger
Than a Mercedes Benz

Jen was a herdy gerdy dirty little girly
I heard it from a birdy
She could cook a mean turkey
With gravy
baby, baby, baby

Baby was Jen's best friend and maybe
If you were lucky
Licky licky, sucky sucky
Mickey, Mickey, fuck me fuck me

More junk in the trunk than a Honda
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

Five, six, seven now
If you don't know, let me show you how
To work it out, work it little momma
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

I had a princess, queen of incest
She was in Reba Jean, her big breasts
And big eyes and a big ass to match
Jean wasn't fat, she was easy to catch

Then came Molly your hood from Hollywood High
So fly she was trans-Atlantic
She was a manic depressive, manic depressive
Which was impressive

Very impressive, I had to test it
Tasted like chicken and was lemon scented
She took me home to her momma
I taught them both how to Jane Fonda

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

Five, six, seven now
If you don't know, let me show you how
To work it out, work it little momma
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

I had a girl named Dana from Anta Anna
She was a waitress at the Copa-cabana
She was slammin' and her ass was jammin'
Like Janet Jackson in the Rhythm Nation

Her brother Jason had a girl named Grace
You could see her ass from outer space
So I landed on the planet
And planted a Mickey Av flag dammit

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

Five, six, seven now
If you don't know, let me show you how
To work it out, work it little momma
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

Five, six, seven now
If you don't know, let me show you how
To work it out, work it little momma
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

Five, six, seven now
If you don't know, let me show you how
To work it out, work it little momma
I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda

One, two, three, four
Get your booty on the dance floor
Work it out, shake it little momma
Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

英文名:Catherine the Great 导演:Marvin J. Chomsky马文.J.乔姆斯基 主演: 凯瑟琳.泽塔琼斯,保罗.迈克甘,伊恩.理查森,布莱恩.布赖斯德 地区: 欧美影视 类型:剧情片 级别:普通 内容简介:在俄国历史上,凯瑟琳大帝与彼得大帝齐名,她建立了人类历史上空前绝后的横跨欧亚美三海的庞大帝国。她的...


幸福终点站:汤姆汉克斯 凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯 全民超人汉考克:威尔史密斯 查理兹塞隆 逃出克隆岛:伊万麦克格雷 斯嘉丽约翰逊 罪恶之城:杰西卡阿尔巴 布鲁斯威利斯 珍珠港:詹妮弗加纳 本阿弗莱克 加勒比海盗:凯拉奈特莉 约翰尼德普 救赎:詹姆斯麦卡沃伊 凯拉奈特莉 他其实没那么爱你:斯嘉丽约翰逊 德鲁巴里摩尔 詹妮弗康...


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路馥红花: 诚为您服务,您的满意是对我们最大的支持!以前的电视上放过此片,也记得些片段! 第一个藏钱地点在一个山崖边,线索藏在鸟窝的鸟蛋上,但箱子不牢靠,百万美金都散落到悬崖下了! 还有一个藏钱地方是在鱼缸里,但钱不小心都被碎纸机粉碎了! 似乎寻宝的人里面有个警察,还有一对都带眼镜的夫妻,他们的汽车开起来是一挺一挺的,十分搞笑! 望您能喜欢!正在冲级,望能采纳,不胜荣幸

红安县19270583184: 凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯 2009电影《姐弟恋》(The Rebound )中58分钟开始的由女生合唱的那首歌的名字? -
路馥红花: Gym Class Heroes 唱的 Guilty as Charged 专辑 The Quilt 用搜狗就能下到MP3 ; )

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路馥红花: 电影2011年:《克莉奥》(Cleo) 2010年:《斯通潘纳托》(Stompanato) 2010年:《达利》(Dali) 2009年:《追逐季候风》(Racing the Monsoon ) 2009年:《姐弟恋》(The Rebound ) 2007年:《死亡挑战行动》(Death ...

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红安县19270583184: 凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯主演的电影《姐弟恋》开头,女主角送小孩上学后回家路上在车上唱的歌是什么名字?
路馥红花: I Am A Bitch I'm A Lover 我也很喜欢这首歌

红安县19270583184: 凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯主演的电影姐弟恋一开始的主题曲,在车上哼唱的那段
路馥红花: Meredith Brooks 的Bitch -0-

红安县19270583184: 接受些日本姐弟恋电影!注意是电影,不要电视剧 -
路馥红花: 《天使之卵》《雌雄同体》 《情书》 《四月物语》 都是日本的,导演岩井俊二的作品 《东京铁塔Tokyo Tower》很感人~~还有一部外国的 凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯主演的《姐弟恋》也很好看~~

红安县19270583184: 电影 ( 姐弟恋 ) 开头的音乐 -
路馥红花: 是meredith Brooks的《bitch》http://www.51t.com/ting/a5f8f2c3/8e2902af/BitchMeredith BrooksI hate the world today 我憎恨今天的世界.You're so good to me 你对我如此的好I know but I can't change 我知道但是我无法改变Tried to tell ...

红安县19270583184: 姐弟恋 THE REBOUND怎么样 -
路馥红花: 挺清新的喜剧片!值得欣赏!也一直很喜欢凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯,不知不觉都开始饰演中年妇女了,岁月如梭啊...

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