求助翻译 看到的一篇短文,试着翻译了一下,翻译的不好。请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译一下,谢谢大家。

作者&投稿:养水 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have a very good friend, her name is zhang Yilin。 she has a pair of big eyes and a mouth like cherry。She is very cute and lovely.She is good at English。 She also helped me to with a composition , ha ha!!

How are things with you? I haven’t written you for some time. I remember last time I wrote you was when I was left behind as a single unwanted girl staying alone in the dorm at the night before Saint Valentine's Day. Those days were really hard for me. However every dog has its lucky day. The “someone” I have been waiting for is accompanying me. For the coming Valentine’ Day, I won’t be lonely any more as before.
Don’t be surprised about this. Girls at my age have mostly had a steady relationship, or even have already got married. I was really happy when I finally found my lifetime partner, especially after our hard efforts for being together. I’d love to share with you my joy, and I wish to get your blessing.
We’ve been together for two years. Looking back on the days we’ve been through, I am glad I didn’t give up halfway and finally we’ve made it. Haven’t we heard so much about how a country boy falls in love with an urban girl? I thought such story was nothing but cliché. Just I never thought the cliché would happen to me. So you can imagine how desperate my parents were when they knew our relationship and my resolution to be with him anyway. I broke their hearts indeed, but I felt equally sad. Who doesn’t hope everything goes as you wish? But life is real, not a fairy tale. Anyway, he is accepted by all my family. That’s what people say “all’s well that ends well”. I know clearly the meaning of this sentence, because I learn it the hard way.
I call him “honey”. Maybe that’s why I always feel sweet when he is around. He is playing different roles in my life. Sometimes he can be my friend, sharing my happiness and sorrow; sometimes he is my teacher, helping me with my work and offering solutions to my problems; and sometimes he is like my elder brother, caring and protecting his little sister. It reminds me of the words “I love you not because who you are, but because who I am when I am with you”. Yes, he is not handsome, but he is the most charming man in my eyes. He is not rich, but I’ve found the richest world underneath his heart. I figure love is not you know how good the man is and then you decide to be with him, but that albeit you know many of his weaknesses, you still won’t leave him.
Now daddy finds me a good job in my hometown. You know what that stands for? It means I will never worry about hunting for a job in this competitive society; I can buy pretty clothes and stuff with my good salary, not having to consider about paying for the rent. But it also means I have to separate with honey for a long time, possibly five or six years, for he is working in another city. One day honey said to me seriously: “if I decide to be selfish, I’ll keep you by my side, for better or for worse; but I can’t. I have been selfish once, and I don’t want to be selfish for the second time.” My eyes were brimming with tears when I heard him say so. I was just wondering what all that fancy life would mean without my beloved around. I don’t want others to pave the road for my future, though I know clearly how hard it would be to be on my own. But I am a stubborn girl, like I always am. The day when I decided to be with my honey, I realized I have to escape from my parents’ guard and guidance. Me, can you understand this?
I kind of think I am selfish too. I disobeyed my family again and again. My honey and I wish that some day in the future, we will reward them for their tolerance and understanding for us. As for the present, all we want to do is escort our love, for only we know how hard-earned this love is. Wish us good luck! I know you will. And by the way, get in the mood for your Valentine’s Day! o(∩_∩)o
Best wishes,
Another Me

-------------- 读者是Sasha Pick。
---------------摘自Elizabeth Allard。







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