
作者&投稿:却呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
seriously、heavily、badly、severely 用法及区别~

heavily意思是“重地;大地”如:He fell on the ground heavily/hard. It rained
seriously和badly都有“严重地”的意思。如:He is badly/seriously
ill.但是,badly还可以表示“迫切地”或是“差地”。例如:Our school is badly in need of a
hiatory teacher. He played basketball badly.
severely的意思是“严厉地;严重地”例如:He was severely punished. 他受到严厉的惩罚。 I
suffered severely from the hot weather. 炎热的天气使我颇受其苦。

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 沉重地
a heavily loaded truck
He sat down heavily.
2. 沉闷地,郁闷地
"I don't understand you," she said heavily.
3. 猛烈地,厉害地
He is drinking heavily.
The rain came down heavily all night.
4. 浓密地,繁茂地
This area is heavily populated.

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 严肃地
2. 认真地;当真地
They take their responsibilities seriously.
3. 严重地
She was seriously injured.
KK: []
DJ: []
1. 坏;拙劣地
She sings badly.
2. 邪恶地;罪恶地
To steal is to act badly.
3. 不利地;有害地
He spoke badly of his boss.
4. 不正确地
5. 严重地;厉害地
My back hurts badly.
6. 【口】很,非常
She wants to go badly.

badly的几点用法说明 1. 不要认为 badly 只表示“坏”、“严重”,其实它还可以表示“迫切地”、“非常” (多与
want, need, be in need of 等连用;若是与其它动词连用则要用 greatly 或 very much
等):He wants tocome badly. 他非常想来。
He is badly in need of money. 他急需要钱。

2. badly是副词,bad 是形容词,因此修饰动词时,要用badly,
不用bad:我担心我的英语说得很差。正:I’m afraid I speak English very badly. 误:I’m
afraid I speak English very bad. 但是注意,与连系动词feel连用
(作表语),表示“不舒服”、“、难过”等义,本应用 bad, 不过在现代英语中也可用 badly:
Don’t feelbad [badly]. I was only joking with you.

3. 和bad一样,badly 的比较等级为 worse, worst。

bad/ badly
这两个词的意思含有“坏、糟、严重”等意思,且它们有共同的比较级worse和最高级worst 。
① bad是一个形容词,意思是“坏的,糟糕的,差的,严重的”。
I don’t think he is a bad person.我并不认为他是一个坏人。
I had a bad headache.我的头疼得很厉害。
The house is in a bad condition. 房子失修了。
We need help badly.我们急需帮助。
His arm was badly hurt.他的胳膊严重受伤了。
Our school team played badly in the match.我们校队在比赛中打得很糟。

如:He is badly/seriously ill. 但是,badly还可以表示“迫切地”或是“差地”。例如:Our school is badly in need of a history teacher. He played basketball badly.
seriously ad.
1. 严肃地
2. 认真地;当真地
They take their responsibilities seriously.
3. 严重地
She was seriously injured.
badly ad.
1. 坏;拙劣地
She sings badly.
2. 邪恶地;罪恶地
To steal is to act badly.
3. 不利地;有害地
He spoke badly of his boss.
4. 不正确地
5. 严重地;厉害地
My back hurts badly.
6. 【口】很,非常
She wants to go badly.

前者通常指事物的一种形式或情况(the climate change is the result of the most severely damaged environment),后者则更多指人的一种态度(seriously, I am incline to agree with him).

severely [si'viəli]
1. 严格地;严厉地
2. 严肃地
3. 严重地
4. 朴实无华地
5. 非常

seriously ['siəriəsli; 'si:r-]
1. 严肃地
2. 认真地;当真地
3. 严重地
4. [作加强语气词]很,非常

severely adv 严格地,严厉地,严重地
seriously 认真对待;把...当回事

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怀集县15993747178: severely与seriously区别 -
窦残新力: 前者通常指事物的一种形式或情况(the climate change is the result of the most severely damaged environment),后者则更多指人的一种态度(seriously, I am incline to agree with him).

怀集县15993747178: seriously、heavily、badly、severely 用法及区别 -
窦残新力:[答案] 四个单词都是副词,在意思上区别如下:heavily意思是“重地;大地”如:He fell on the ground heavily/hard. It rainedheavily/hard.seriously和badly都有“严重地”的意思.如:He is badly/seriouslyill.但是,ba...

怀集县15993747178: Severely是什么意思 -
窦残新力: severely英音:[sə'virli]美音:[sə'vɪrlɪ]副词 ad. 1.严格地;严厉地;严重地;严肃地 A fire had severely damaged the warehouse. 一场大火严重地毁坏了仓库. 2.朴实无华地

怀集县15993747178: “Severely”是什么意思?帮忙翻译下?
窦残新力: 副词,由severe 加ly构成,意为:严重地,严厉地,剧烈地.

怀集县15993747178: severely是什么意思 -
窦残新力:[答案] severely[英][sə'vɪrlɪ][美][səˈvɪrlɪ]adv.严格地; 严重地; 严厉地; 严肃地; 最高级:most severely比较级:more severely例句:1.But the law also has been severely criticize...

怀集县15993747178: severly是什么意思?
窦残新力: 漏字母了吧?我认为你想问severely,是副词,意为:严厉地;严重地;苛刻地;难堪地;

怀集县15993747178: narrowly和severely分别是什么意思 -
窦残新力: narrowly ['nærəuli]adv. 仔细地;勉强地;狭窄地;严密地severely [si'viəli]adv. 严重地;严格地,严厉地;纯朴地

怀集县15993747178: Severely 罗马译音 -
窦残新力: 我是你爸爸的意思.

怀集县15993747178: 严厉地的英文,严厉地的翻译,怎么用英语翻译严厉地 -
窦残新力: 翻译如下:严厉地 根据语境sternly; sharply; roundly; rigorously; with a heavy hand都可以 例句:He sternly admonished the students who had violated the school rules. 他十分严厉地训诫了犯校的学生.

怀集县15993747178: 56.I used to smoke - __ - but I gave it up three years ago.(A) seriously (B) heavily (C) badly (D) severely 四个选项都应该用在什么情况?本题选哪个?59.He ... -
窦残新力:[答案] 56:B seriously 1.严肃地 2.认真地;当真地 They take their responsibilities seriously. 他们认真对待自己的职责. 3.严重地 She ... 5.严重地;厉害地 My back hurts badly. 我的背疼得厉害. 6.【口】很,非常 She wants to go badly. 她很想去. severely 1.严格...

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