
作者&投稿:益空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.​

1.Try to ask questions in class.

2.Once you get a feel for your classes, determine a goal for each one.

3.Schedule extra time to do the work for you more difficult classes.

4.If you teacher allows it, study with a friend from class.

5.Never force yourself to work for hours at a time without stopping.

你可能听说过这些词甚至受过其害, 病毒,网络欺诈,间谍软件,垃圾邮件,攻击,僵尸网络,有些是知道的有些是不知道的.
互联网服务供应商(而不是政府)应提供基本的防病毒,防网络欺炸,反垃圾邮件等服务作为一个对消费者普通的互联网服务,这很易做到。几家反病毒公司通过竞争提供消费者安全服务;每个网络服务提供者可以选择一项,或为客户提供三个选择。比如让消费者使用这些工具的窍门- 需要一个以公众健康资讯为主的的宣传活动。其效果相当于多洗手与医院紧急救治体系的区别.


你可能听说过这些词甚至受过其害, 病毒,网络欺诈,间谍软件,垃圾邮件,攻击,僵尸网络,有些是知道的有些是不知道的.
互联网服务供应商(而不是政府)应提供基本的防病毒,防网络欺炸,反垃圾邮件等服务作为一个对消费者普通的互联网服务,这很易做到。几家反病毒公司通过竞争提供消费者安全服务;每个网络服务提供者可以选择一项,或为客户提供三个选择。比如让消费者使用这些工具的窍门- 需要一个以公众健康资讯为主的的宣传活动。其效果相当于多洗手与医院紧急救治体系的区别.

互联网服务供应商(而不是政府)应提供基本的安全 - 防病毒,防网络钓鱼,反垃圾邮件,等等 - 作为一个普通消费者的互联网服务功能。这并不难做到。一个反病毒公司的数量竞争,提供消费者安全服务;每个ISP可以选择一个,或为客户提供例如三个选择。诀窍是让消费者在使用这些工具 - 这将需要公众健康讯息沿行的宣传活动。其结果应是一种普遍的手接近一比急性护理医院系统清洗。

Money made from this cannot be regarded as green GDP, for it involves pollution of the minds. The departments run the risk of becoming accomplices to porn websites if they do not bear the social effects and healthy growth of young people in mind.
Some say it is a formidable task to control lewd content because of the huge amount of information online. However, if we truly realize the harm this is causing to our society and if we sincerely care for the future generations, we can find ways to combat it. What is needed is a holistic approach that includes technology, legislation and political will.
Viruses, phishing, spyware, spam, denial-of-service attacks, botnets you have probably heard these words, and perhaps even suffered from what they signify, with or without knowing it.
I'd like to lay out a simple path to addressing (not resolving) these security problems, one that does not require agreement among all governments (or people) on what really constitutes a crime, much less a global police force or unenforceable global treaties. If we can increase security in general, then governments can focus on the real criminals.
A better approach is to view computer security as an issue of public health and economics, in which people can protect themselves but must pay for the costs they impose on others. We need to enable people to defend themselves against others; prevent innocent, well-meaning people from becoming infected and harming others; and reduce the incentives and ability of the ill-intentioned to do harm.
That sounds like a lot of different challenges. But there are effective approaches to each of them that do not require tracking everyone online, or requiring IDs for every interaction. Tracking user IDs will not enable us to catch or stop bad guys, and it will render the Internet impossible to use. We can't save cyberspace by destroying its openness.
To implement effective security, the entities best equipped to do so, the Internet service providers, must take the lead. They are technically savvy organizations with the ability (more or less) to protect users and detect abusers; they have a direct (though impersonal) relationship with their users; and they compete for users' business, so that, unlike governments, they will suffer if they perform badly.
The ISPs (rather than governments) should provide basic security - anti-virus, anti-phishing, anti-spam, and the like - as a regular feature of consumer Internet services. This is not hard to do. A number of anti-virus companies compete to offer consumer security services; each ISP could select one, or offer its customers a choice of three, for example. The trick is to get consumers to use these tools - which will require an awareness campaign along the lines of public health messages. The result should be something closer to widespread hand washing than to a system of acute-care hospitals.

英语reported below怎么翻译?
reported below翻译成中文的意思是:下面的报告。重点词汇:reported 词语分析:音标:英 [rɪ'pɔːtɪd]     美 [rɪ'pɔːtɪd]adj. 据报告的;据报导的;据传闻的 动词report的过去式和过去分词形式.短语:be reported as 报道称之为 ; 道...

1、我想他们将会在明天下午搬进来吧。I think they will move in tomorrow afternoon.2、我们后天晚上会在家里开一个晚会。We will have an evening party at home the night after tomorrow.3、孩子们今天早晨七点半吃的早饭。The kids had breakfast at seven thirty this morning.4、汉斯昨天开车...


1.Put those books back to the table.2.Be careful when (you are)crossing a road 3.Don't talk in class.4.Don't be late for class next time 5.Never forget the key again.6.Let me have a try.7.Let them have a rest.8.Let's go out and have a walk....

Nanjing has a history for more tnan 2,400 years, in which ten of the Dynasties hounded their capitals.3.南京很美,有许多名胜,如玄武湖、鸡鸣寺、石头城等,还有许多现代化的工厂和高大的楼房。Nanjing is very beautiful. There are many of key point of interests,such as the Xuanwu ...

Open and bright, the work is careful, handles matters steady, the good communication and the power of expression, the organization and the coordinated ability, is good at studying, the greatly strengthened adaptive faculty and the team spirit, the willpower is firm, dares to accept ...

My name is ...My phone number is ...2.我住在北京丰台区 I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.3.住在哪里已经十多年了 I have lived in there for more than ten years.4.我喜欢哪里,因为我出生在哪里,I like there, because I was born in there.5.我是一名学生 在北京商贸学校...

There is a country named Germany,which is located in the middle of Europe;There is a country named Germany,which has long history and wealthy resource;There is a country named Germany,which never know what is give in.It is the symbol of will, it is pronoun of braveness,it is...

why would you like to live in village ? not in city?fist of all, I love all of nature stuff, fresh air, and a quiet environment. we can hear birds singing, to smell the fragrance of flowers, play on grass. vibrant scene on everywhere.then, we can plant our own food...

下面这些英文 说的是什么啊? 用中文翻译 我不懂英文
我的中文名字是朝霞。我今年19岁了,是全日制学生。我的家乡是遵义的一个小乡村。现在,我住在贵阳云烟。接下来,我向你介绍一下我的家人。我的父母是工厂的职工,现在他们正在工作,他们都是45岁。我来自一个大家庭,我有两个姐姐和两个弟弟。一个姐姐叫Alice(爱丽丝),她今年21岁了。另一个姐姐叫 Liza,她20岁了...

涿州市13472635053: 英语翻译把下面中文翻译成英语,请翻译成初一水平.1.这双蓝色的长袜子.2.这件绿色的T恤.3.那双蓝黄相间的袜子. -
施叶佳乐:[答案] 1这双蓝色的长袜子. 1 this pair of blue socks. 2.这件绿色的T恤. 2. This green T-shirt. 3.那双蓝黄相间的袜子. 3. The blue and yellow socks.

涿州市13472635053: 请把下面的中文翻译为英语
施叶佳乐: 1 You just have to go and then turn left 2在我们的社区内,有一个银行 2 in our communities, there is a bank 3让我们先去看狮子吧 3 Let us first look at Lions Bar 4它通常每天休息20小时 4 It is usually a rest day, 20 hours a 5他想成为什么人? 5, he ...

涿州市13472635053: 请把下面中文翻译成英语
施叶佳乐: No equipment and email address building relationships. Please build send information of the relationship. 望采纳

涿州市13472635053: 请把下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢了!!!
施叶佳乐: 1这些科学实验的结果对于我们非常有价值(scientific;valuable; contribute to) Results of these scientific experiments are valuable to us.或者Results of these experiments contribute a lot to us. 2在完成写作之后请仔细检查,看看是否所有的句子都说...

涿州市13472635053: 请把下列的中文翻译成英文
施叶佳乐: 10.Is afraid me

涿州市13472635053: 请把下面的中文翻译成英语.要快哦 -
施叶佳乐: 1 Please write me soon. 2 There were hundreds of people come to this park everyday. 3 Don't forget give me a call when you got there. 4 How you get along with your parents? 5 Why you quarrel with her this morning? 自己翻得,绝对不是机器!! 希望可以帮到你.

涿州市13472635053: 请将下面的英文翻译成中文 感激不尽!谢绝机器直翻!There are various methods adopted for the forecasting of future market price. One approach to predict ... -
施叶佳乐:[答案] 在预测未来市场价格时可以采取各种各样的方式.一种预测市场行为的方式是回归复原法.其基本理念是用历史价格、总量及... 先第一段.好困.明天帮你翻第二段. 如果你能够给一些关于材料的背景会更好一些. 翻译得不是很专业,

涿州市13472635053: 请把下面英语翻译成汉语
施叶佳乐: Happy New Year To you 祝你新年快乐 Happy New Year to you ! 祝你新年快乐 May every great new day 希望每天都是崭新美好的 Bring you sweet surprises Ahappiness buffet. 带给你甜美的惊喜的快乐盛餐 Happy New Year to you, 祝你新年快乐 And when the new year's done, 当新年结束时 May the next year be even better, 新的一年会跟更好 Full of pleasure, joy and fun. 充满了满意,欢快和乐趣

涿州市13472635053: 请把下列中文翻译成英文
施叶佳乐: 1.As the summer holiday is coming,I have a plan for English study. 2.I communicate with others in English every Friday and weekend in the English club.

涿州市13472635053: 请将下面的中文翻译成英文? -
施叶佳乐: good or bad of making stares. In this times,making stares is a kind of fishion.A part of people say no,others say it's good. In my mind,the people who has many good things but has no way and no change to success of stars,they can use this way (...

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