
作者&投稿:芝逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today I would like to introduce a well-known Chinese singer,Eason Chan,who is now one of the best singers in the Great China area.After Eason gratduated from his university, he decided himself taking a singing competition in HongKong, finally he got the runner-up.Therefore he got the chance to make his own music.In the year of 1996, his first album,named , was published and after in the following years until now,he published about 40 albums and 34 concerts either by himself or with his friends.Not only the achievement of musics ,but also in the films,he made more than 20 films till now, one of them called ,got the top award in HongKong's movies festival

不完整的旋律 王力宏 说谎 林宥嘉 1. 青花瓷 (周杰伦) 2. 日不落陈奕迅 放手去爱 迪克牛仔 你爱我像谁 张卫健 爱海滔滔 陈浩民 无心

Chinese name: 陈奕迅
Ancestry: Dongguan, Guangdong
Born: 27 July 1974 (1974-07-27) (age 36)
Hong Kong
Occupation: Singer, record producer, musician and actor
Genre(s): pop, pop rock, soft rock, dance pop
Instrument(s): Piano, Guitar, Harmonica, Accordion, drums, Violin
Voice type(s): Tenor, Falsetto
Label(s): Cinepoly Records (2004–present)
Music Plus (2000–2004)
Capital Artists (1995-2000)
Years active 1995-present
Spouse(s): Hilary Tsui
Children: Constance Chan

Chan is the son of Chan Kau-tai, a former civil servant. Chan was sent to the United Kingdom for study at the age of 12. He attended St. Joseph's kindergarten, St. Joseph's Primary School in Hong Kong, Dauntsey's School in Wiltshire, England and later Kingston University majoring in architecture. Chan returned to Hong Kong before the completion of his degree to participate in the 1995 New Talent Singing Awards Competition. He won first place. Immediately after his victory, Capital Artists signed a contract with him, ending his future career as an architect while launching his successful career in music.

In 2003, Chan's father, who was Hong Kong Housing Department's chief building services engineer, came under investigation of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for taking bribes. In early 2004, he was found guilty, and sentenced to seven years in jail and fined Hong Kong $2.6 million for accepting more than HK$3 million in bribes.

Chan married his longtime girlfriend Hilary Tsui in 2006. His daughter Constance Chan was born on October 4, 2004. Constance Chan's name was given by Eason's good friend and famous songwriter Wyman Wong. Chan gave up smoking after the birth of his daughter. He reportedly did it for Constance and the health of his voice. However, in 2007, he admitted in his concert that he has resumed smoking due to stress from his then ongoing "Moving On Stage" world tour.

On December 9, 2009, Eason carried the 2010 Olympic Torch through the downtown of Montreal, effectively becoming the only person of Chinese descent to carry both the Summer and Winter Olympic torch.

Eason Chan。陈奕迅(Eason Chan),1974年7月27日出生于中国香港,祖籍广东省东莞市,华语流行乐男歌手、演员、作曲人,毕业于英国金斯顿大学。2003年发行个人首张概念专辑《黑白灰》,专辑中的歌曲《十年》获得第4届音乐风云榜十大金曲奖。2019年7月5日,为电影《银河补习班》献唱的推广曲《相信你的人...


陈奕迅的英文名是Eason Chan,别名有Eason、医生陈。陈奕迅,1974年7月27日出生于中国香港,祖籍广东省东莞市,华语流行乐男歌手、影视演员、作曲人,毕业于英国金斯顿大学。1995年参加第14届新秀歌唱大赛并获得冠军,同年正式出道。他独特的嗓音和深情的演绎风格使他在华语乐坛独树一帜。除了本名“...


中文名: 陈奕迅 外文名: Eason Chan 别名: 阿臣,医生E神E臣,陈小胖,所长 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 出生地: 香港 出生日期: 1974年7月27日 职业: 歌手,演员 毕业院校: 英国 金斯顿大学 经纪公司: 环球 新艺宝唱片 代表作品: 《 爱情转移 》、《 十年 》、《 浮夸 》、《 k歌之王 ...



1. 1996年12月,华星唱片发行了陈奕迅的首张专辑《陈奕迅》。2. 1997年,陈奕迅发行了国语专辑《一滴眼泪》。3. 1998年2月20日,陈奕迅推出了专辑《与我常在》。4. 1998年,他的国语专辑《酝酿》面世。5. 1998年5月20日,陈奕迅发行了专辑《我的快乐时代》。6. 1998年12月,他发行了专辑《新...

陈奕迅(Eason Chan Yik shun,1974年7月27日-), 陈奕迅 著名实力派粤语流行音乐歌手、演员,香港演艺人协会副会长之一,曾被美国《时代杂志》形容为影响香港乐坛风格的人物,同时也是继许冠杰、张学友之后第三个获得“歌神”称号的香港男歌手。 陈奕迅曾在多个亚太地区获得多个奖项和提名,包括香港地区...

陈奕迅毕业于英国金斯顿大学。陈奕迅是一位才华横溢的华语乐坛歌手,他在音乐领域取得了巨大的成功。除了他的音乐才华,他的教育背景也是人们关注的一个方面。以下是关于陈奕迅教育背景的 陈奕迅毕业于英国金斯顿大学。金斯顿大学是一所位于英国伦敦地区的知名学府,以其优质的教育资源和良好的学术氛围而著称。

略阳县15160348775: 求关于陈奕迅详细的英文简介! -
毓法利维: Chinese name: 陈奕迅 Ancestry: Dongguan, Guangdong Born: 27 July 1974 (1974-07-27) (age 36) Hong Kong Occupation: Singer, record producer, musician and actor Genre(s): pop, pop rock, soft rock, dance pop Instrument(s): Piano, Guitar, ...

略阳县15160348775: 用英文介绍陈奕迅 -
毓法利维: Eason Chan (陈奕迅) is a prominent male singer in Hong Kong's music industry. Undoubtedly one of the most dominant male singers in the post-1997 era of Hong Kong music industry. Eason Chan has been praised by Time magazine as a ...

略阳县15160348775: 用英文介绍陈奕迅 -
毓法利维: Eason Chan is a famous Cantonese pop music singer and actor. He was described as the person who affects Hong Kong music styles by the United States Time Magazine. He is regarded as the third “God of Song” following Sam Hui and Jacky...

略阳县15160348775: 求一篇120字高中水平的英语作文,内容关于介绍陈奕迅的. -
毓法利维:[答案] Eason Chan,born in Hong Kong,went to England to study when he was 12.He attended St.Joseph's kindergarten,St.Joseph's College in Hong Kong,Dauntsey's School in Wiltshire,England and later Kingston Uni...

略阳县15160348775: 陈奕迅的英文名 -
毓法利维: 中文名: 陈奕迅 外文名: Eason Chan 别名: 阿臣,医生E神E臣,陈小胖,所长 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 出生地: 香港 出生日期: 1974年7月27日 职业: 歌手,演员 毕业院校: 英国 金斯顿大学 经纪公司: 环球 新艺宝唱片 代表作品: 《 爱情转移 》、《 十年 》、《 浮夸 》、《 k歌之王 》等

略阳县15160348775: 陈奕迅的资料 -
毓法利维: 姓名:陈奕迅(Chen Yik Shun) 英文名称:Eason Chan 生日:1974 年 7 月 27 日 生 肖: 寅虎 星座:狮子座 身高:1.73米 现住地: 香港跑马地 籍 贯: 广东-东莞 民 族: 汉族 体重:160 磅 血型:O 型 学历:伦敦 Kingston 大学 嗜好:唱歌...

略阳县15160348775: 求话题作文 我最喜欢的歌手 介绍陈奕迅英文介绍!!!!急急急 -
毓法利维: .,,';l;,l,/l;,,m;m./.m,./,.//'l';

略阳县15160348775: 求一篇120字高中水平的英语作文,内容关于介绍陈奕迅的. -
毓法利维: Eason Chan, born in Hong Kong, went to England to study when he was 12. He attended St. Joseph's kindergarten, St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong, Dauntsey's School in Wiltshire, England and later Kingston University, studying architecture. ...

略阳县15160348775: 陈奕迅的个人档案? -
毓法利维: 姓名:陈奕迅 英文名称:eason chan 陈奕迅生日:1974年7月27日 星座:狮子座 身高:1.73米 体重:160磅 血型:O型 陈奕迅学历:伦敦kingston大学 嗜好:唱歌、游泳、网球 教育程度:英国伦敦Kingston University建筑系二年级 最难过的事...

略阳县15160348775: 介绍eason的英语作文第一段写他的相关信息 以及经历 还有成名故事现如今的地位等 第二段写他的音乐风格和他的音乐的影响第三段写你为什么喜欢他不要... -
毓法利维:[答案] Eason Chan is a frequent winner of Asia's music awards.He is the second non-Taiwanese singer after Jacky Cheung to win Taiwan's Golden Melody Award.He won "Best Male Singer" in 2003 and "Best Album" twice in 2003 and 2009.He has ...

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