
作者&投稿:赤庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

读音:英 [ˈhɛvɪə] 美 [ˈhɛviər]
1、heavier element 重元素
2、heavier hydrocarbons 较重烃
3、heavier industry 重化工业
读音:英 ['hevist]
1、heaviest pressure 沉重压力
2、heaviest piece 最重件
3、heaviest resource 最繁忙的资源

1、n. 打火机;驳船;点火者
2、v. 驳运
3、adj. 更明亮的,更光明的;照明更好的,光线更充足的
1、cigarette lighter 打火机 ; 香烟打火机 ; 点火枪
2、Cigar Lighter [电] 点烟器 ; 供应车用空气净化器 ; 打火机
3、Lighter Factory 打火机厂 ; 挨水机厂
二、heaviest的反义词: lightest
adj. 最轻的(形容词light的最高级形式);最亮的
1、The lightest 最轻的
2、lightest word 毫无意义的话
3、Lightest Weight 重量最轻

wide --wider --the widest
fat--fatter--the fattest
heavy--heavier--the heaviest
slow--slower--the slowest
wise--wiser--the wisest
happy--happier--the happiest
unhappy--more unhappy--the most unhappy

cheap的比较级:cheaper最高级:cheapest 。sate的比较级:sater最高级:satest。hearly:比较级:more hearly最高级:most hearly(如果hearly是形容词比较级是hearlier 最高级是hearliest)happy的比较级:happier最高级:happiest。 heavy的比较级:heavier最高级:heaviest 。thin比较级:thinner最高级:thinnest

形容词 比较级 最高级
cheap cheaper cheapest
sate safer safest
happy happier happiest
heavy heavier heaviest
thin thinner thinnest

cheaper cheapest
safer safest
happier happiest
heavier heaviest
thinner thinnest

cheaper cheapest
safer safest
happier happiest
heavier heaviest
thinner thinnest

cheaper cheapest
safer safest
happier happiest
heavier heaviest
thinner thinnest

[Flink State] State究竟保存在哪里?
从上图中3,4两行可以看到,具体用来存储state的有三种HeapKeyedStateBackend,RocksDBKeyedStateBackend和DefaultOperatorStateBackend。DefaultOperatorStateBackend (1)operator的ListSate的实现类PartitionableListState, OperatorState都保存在内存中,本质上还是一个ArrayList。(2)snapshot方法 该snapshotS...

And made thy world an undistinguishable heap. 9. A thousand years the Earth cried, ‘Where art thou?’ And then the shadow of thy coming fell On Saxon Alfred’s olive-cinctured brow: And many a warrior-peopled citadel. Like rocks which fire lifts out of the flat deep, Arose in sacre...

我还可能会患上风湿病!"袋鼠说。 Said the Duck ,'As I sate on the rocks, I have thought over that completely, 鸭子说,"我坐在石头上的时候,就很仔细地想过这个问题。 and I bought four pairs of worsted socks which fit my web-feet neatly. 我买了四双绒线袜子,它们会把我的鸭蹼包裹得干干净...

Like one fierce cloud over a waste of waves, Hung Tyranny; beneath, sate deified The sister-pest, congregator of slaves; Into the shadow of her pinions wide Anarchs and priests, who feed on gold and blood Till with the stain their inmost souls are dyed, Drove the astonished herds of m...

And made thy world an undistinguishable heap. 9.A thousand years the Earth cried, ‘Where art thou?’And then the shadow of thy coming fellOn Saxon Alfred’s olive-cinctured brow:And many a warrior-peopled citadel.Like rocks which fire lifts out of the flat deep, Arose in sacred Italy...

Where had been heap'd a mass of holy things For an unholy usage; they rak'd up,And shivering scrap'd with their cold skeleton hands The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath Blew for a little life, and made a flame Which was a mockery; then they lifted up Their eyes as...

Hissing, but stingless--they were slain for food. And War, which for a moment was no more, Did glut himself again: a meal was bought With blood, and each sate sullenly apart Ging himself in gloom: no love was left; All earth was but one thought--and that was death Immed...

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: cheap、sate、hearly、happy、heavy、thin的比较级和最高级 -
宗圣翔降脂:[答案] cheaper cheapest safer safest happier happiest heavier heaviest thinner thinnest

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 昂贵跟便宜的英语单词分别是什么? -
宗圣翔降脂: 昂贵英语单词:expensive; costly; costliness; dearly; valuableness; [例句] 那不像你料想的那么昂贵.It is not so expensive as you might expect.房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品.The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art 便...

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: cheap eat taste哪个不一样 -
宗圣翔降脂: cheap 是指便宜的意思,是形容词 eat 是吃的意思,是动词 taste 是尝的意思,也是动词 所以cheap不一样

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 英语字组发音问题ea三种读音的规则是什么 ea [i:] teach easy cheap please [e] heavy bread sweater weather [ei] break great ear三种读音的规则是什么 [i*] hear... -
宗圣翔降脂:[答案] 没有特别规则.英语词源来自很多不同的语言,如法文、拉丁、德文等,所以同一个字母组合拼写会有完全不同的发音.

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: Cheap用英语怎么说
宗圣翔降脂: cheap 英[tʃi:p] 美[tʃip] adj. 便宜的,廉价的; 劣质的,低劣的; 小气的,可鄙的; adv. 便宜地; 卑鄙地; [例句]I'm going to live off campus if I can find somewhere cheap enough 要是能找到足够便宜的地方,我就不在校园里住了.

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 英语上说某个东西便宜的三种用法,今天老师教了贵的,让我们回来查便宜的.各位,帮个忙! -
宗圣翔降脂: 1.sth is so cheap.2.sth is not too expensive / dear.3.sth is inexpensive.4.The price is not high.5.The price is very low.

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 写出cheap,easy,late的比较级和最高级 跪求!!!!!!!!!! -
宗圣翔降脂: cheap -- cheaper -- cheapest easy -- easier --easiest late-- later --latest 祝你新年快乐,学习更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: cheap的名词复数形式是什么?
宗圣翔降脂: cheap 的名词形式:cheapness,因为是抽象名词,没有复数形式.

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 英语的对应词是什么?1happy 2right 3warm 4late 5cheap 6bad 7high 8under 9fat 10salty 的对应词 急急急
宗圣翔降脂: 1. sad 2 wrong 3 cold 4 early 5 dear /expensive 6 good 7 low/short 8 on 9 thin 10 sweet

肃南裕固族自治县19649859376: 英语反义词 -
宗圣翔降脂: happy-sad thin-fat cheap-dear/expensive full-empty cry-laugh/smile many-few little-much before-after finish-begin/start big-small

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