
作者&投稿:澄于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

具体例子。(希望解决你燃眉之急 若回答令你满意 请采纳为最佳答案 谢谢 若不满意可继续追问)

Virginia Woolf is important to the history of women writers in English literature, his academic research has continued ever since the beginning of its lifetime, and with the replacement of the times, new ideas and methods described are endless. Woolf research results in terms of both quantity and range of annual increase in acceleration, published abroad in the past five years alone, more than a hundred books in English related to this, the article is more than a thousand articles, eight more than thirty doctoral theses. From the research trend, inheritance, such as feminist studies; has discarded, such as myth and intersex research; new developments, such as anthropology, political ethics and space research; There circuitous development, such as modernism and psychology research. Woolf domestic and foreign research success is clearly not comparable, monographs less, but the total number of the article, although many have two hundreds of articles, but influential article quite limited. 这个


Decisions, Decisions (Scenario)决策,决策(选方案比较恰当吧)
Sondra needed help. Her insurance company’s rapid growth was necessitating making some changes, but what changes? Should they add to the existing information system? Buy a new system? She was given the responsibility of analyzing the company’s present information system and decide what the company should do that would give them plenty of room. She was confused and needed help in making the correct decision.桑德拉需要帮助。她的保险公司的因快速增长需要做一些改变,但什么样的改变呢?把这些改变加入现行的信息系统吗?还是买一个新的系统?公司让她负责分析公司现有的信息系统并决定公司应怎样做才能给信息系统足够的空间。她很困惑因此需要帮助来作出正确的决策。

38. According to the decision-making process, the first step Sondra should take would be to _____________.38。根据决策过程,桑德拉首先应采取的步骤应是_____________。

a. analyze alternative solutions分析替代方案

b. identify decision criteria确定决策标准

c. evaluate her decision’s effectiveness评估她的决策效力

d. identify the problem找出问题

39. According to the decision-making process, the second step Sondra should take would be to ____________.根据决策过程,桑德拉第二步应采取的步骤应是_____________。
a. analyze alternative solutions分析其他/可供选择的解决方案。
b. identify decision criteria确定决策标准

c. evaluate her decision’s effectiveness评估她的决策效力

d. allocate weights to the criteria权重分配的准则

40. The very last step Sondra should take, according to the decision-making process, would be to __________.根据决策过程,桑德拉最后应采取的步骤应是_____________。
a. analyze alternative solutions分析其他/可供选择的解决方案
b. select alternatives选择其他/可供选择的解决方案
c. implement the alternative执行其他/可供选择的解决方案。

d. evaluate the decision’s effectiveness评估决策效力

41. When Sondra is conveying her decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it, she is performing which step in the decision-making process? 桑德拉向那些受其影响并得到许诺的人们传达决策时,她在决策的过程中执行的是哪一个步骤?
a. analyzing alternative solutions分析其他/可供选择的解决方案。
b. selecting alternatives选择其他/可供选择的解决方案。
c. implementing the alternative执行其他/可供选择的解决方案。
d. identifying the problem确定问题所在
。(有的词有几个意思,毕竟是你的文章,具体的意思可选择,才看到你的信息,就赶快翻出来了希望解决你燃眉之急 若回答令你满意 请采纳为最佳答案 谢谢 若不满意可继续追问 )




38人。根据决策的过程中,应采取的第一步将是Sondra _____________。


识别决策准则b .


识别问题。d .



识别决策准则b .


d .分配权重的标准



选择选择b .


d .评价决策的有效性



选择选择b .


识别问题的d .



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1. There are six important components of a tour trip: Food, a place to stay, transportation, fun and shopping.2. It offers both long-term and short-term stays. Everyday, guests check in for all purposes-business or touring. It provides the guests with lots of local ...

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Along with the development of market economy, the business enterprise is an independent legal person entity, its economic behavior and economic benefits are a close contact together.How therefore pass the valid means of line, attain to pay the tax less or with least of the cost ...

appreciate unique alien cultures. This will also add so much flavor to human lives.9. I hope that in the year 2020, the world will be a better place. I will find my portion of happiness because of this happy world.猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】...

1 ineloquent girl depict themselves, we also can use these paintings to express themselves, everyone is a Tuzki, think of twisting two noodle-like arms, doing all kinds of cute moves Every day with our accompanying QQ, MSN above, we want each other to do the movements across ...

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偶贸力达: 三个旅行者,阿兰·卡尔和保罗都坐在椅子在火车站他们正在等待火车真是太迟通过的时候,他们开始互相交谈. 起初,他们谈论天气,他们的工作保罗说:“告诉me-...

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偶贸力达: Recently, my parents and I back to visit relatives, found their life has changed significantly. In her hometown, people go out and more convenient with a car. And the new house also everywhere. Live in their new home feeling and urban house nothing...

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偶贸力达: 1、直到完成了工作,你才能回家. util you finish the work, then you will be able to go home, 中文有这样的说法,但英文不会是这样说的.英文的说法应该是,you have to finish the work before go home. 你得在回家前完成工作. 而且我看了,以...

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偶贸力达: Today,science and technology is widely applied to life. Our life is much better. But a the saying goes, technology is a double-edged sword. ...看到了吧,这就是人工翻译,没有什么语法错误.看看上面的两位翻译的,且先不要说细看词汇锤炼、语...

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偶贸力达: (尽力了.可能有些出入,望采纳}已经是七点半了,我再次迟到了与我妻子埃莉诺的晚餐约会.我们已经约定7点钟在餐馆见面.我觉得有点不安,但令我感到庆幸的是的,我有一个好借口:一个商业会面超时了,我没有浪费时间去吃饭. 当我...

尚志市17886145442: 急需翻译,人工啊,速度 -
偶贸力达: 迈克生病了,去医院看病.医生仔细检查了他一遍,然后说:“嗯,迈克,你得了重感冒.你得打几针,之后你就会感觉好多了.护士会来给你打第一针,之后明天晚上你得再来打一针.”过了一会儿,一名年轻的小护士来到迈克的窗前,对他说:“现在我来给你打第一针了,迈克小朋友.你想打在哪里呢?”那个男孩非常吃惊.他盯着护士好一会儿,之后说:“以前还没有护士这样问过我呢.我要是说哪儿,你真的会打哪儿吗?”“没错,迈克.”护士回答道.“额,那么……”迈克微笑着回答,“请打在您的左胳膊上.”

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偶贸力达: 法国著名歌手本 兰伯特今夏将度一个长假.他原打算去希腊或西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大.我总在欧洲度假,至此我想来点不一样的.我听说加拿大很漂亮,而且那的很多人说法语.本将会去加拿大的五大湖区.他在六月份的第一个周出发并要待到九月份.他打算过一个放松的假期.我打算待在乡村,我爱大自然.希望我能忘掉所有麻烦.晚上我会租影片看还会美美睡上一觉.超棒的假期!我都等不及了!

尚志市17886145442: 求英语高手帮我翻译(要人工的)急急急!!!在线等 -
偶贸力达: 布朗先生是我一个朋友,他跑得很快而且也喜欢向别人炫耀他跑得有多快.一天,一个小偷进了他房子里,拿了他一些东西然后很快地跑出房子.布朗先生发现了,一边追着这个小偷,一边大喊:“嘿!难道你不知道你是没有办法从我这里逃跑吗?” 但是,小偷加快速度往前冲,布朗先生生气了,跑得更快了.他一会儿就跑离了他房子几公里远.我遇到他的时候,他正在艰苦跑步.我问他:“你干嘛跑这么快?”他说:“我要抓个小偷”我又问:“但是那个小偷呢?”布朗先生自豪地说:“他落后我几公里呢!他以为他能跑得比我快,不过你看,他错了.”

尚志市17886145442: 人工翻译好还是在线翻译好? -
偶贸力达: 当然是人工翻译,软件翻译比较僵硬,大多像单词的罗列啥,复杂的句子甚至翻译的不对,人工智能比不上人的智能

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