
作者&投稿:闽顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome.
so that 意为“以便,为的是”,后接目的状语从句; in order to 也有“以便;为的是” 的意思,后接动词原形表目的。 如:
I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus.
= I got up very early in order to catch the early bus. 我今天起得
2.— What size would you like to take 你想要多大号的?
— Size M. 中号。
What size… 表示“······多大号码”,通常用来询问人的衣、裤、鞋、
What size are your shoes你的鞋子是多大码的?
size M 意为 “中号”,M是medium(中等的,中间的)的缩写。size S
意为“小号”,S 是small 的缩写。size L 意为“大号”,L 是large的缩写。
size XL 意为“特大号”,XL是extra large 的缩写。
3.It’s such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it immediately. 这件风衣如此好看,你应该立即买下了。

such…that…意为“如此······以至于······”,引导结果状语从句;有时可以和so…that…结构互换。此句也可表达为:The windbreaker is so cool that you should buy it immediately.

1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市;2.北京有许多名胜古迹;(.There are many places of interest in„„);3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一;4.故宫非常漂亮和著名;5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方;6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。
注意:(1)词数80左右;(2)请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑;(3)参考词汇:紫禁城 The Forbidden City,故宫 The Summer Palace,天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square
Beijing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some
of them.
The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn much
about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too. The Great Wall is also
a wonderful place to go. And Tian' anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk.
I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing.


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Unit 1 tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger 更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger 更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的 Unit 2 have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat...

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四年级下册人教版英语 1-6单元单词
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睢须暖胃: Michael Jackson's legendary Michael Joseph Jackson.(29th,August,1958-25th,June,2009) Michael Joseph Jackson is a symbol of pop culture figure, and he is a highly influential singer, composer, lyricist, and dancer, record producer, philanthropist, ...

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