求夜访吸血鬼(interview with the vampire)的英文剧情简介

作者&投稿:黎裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求夜访吸血鬼Interview with the Vampire英文版TXT下载~


  The 18th century Louisiana. Zhuang Yuanzhu Louis in the death of his wife after the woman lost Tongbuyusheng. He met a vampire Laisitate, Shi and his magic has become a vampire. Luis do not want to blood and the killing of human life, by the absorption of animal blood for a living. Laisitate then one should teach Louis into the real kind.
  In New Orleans, Louis met as a result of plague and the loss of loved ones Keluodiya little girl. Laisitate Keluodiya also put into a vampire. Three people together to form a strange family.
  Over several decades. Keluodiya resentment began to grow he Laisitate deprived of their rights. In order to leave, together with Luis Laisitate, Laisitate lured her to drink the blood of the dead, their assassination into the swamp. However, Luis Keluodiya and is preparing to go to Paris, suddenly appeared Laisitate. Fight, Lewis grabbed seen hurling a lamp Laisitate, flames engulfed him. Xiong Xiong fire in the city, and Luis Keluodiya to Paris on board a ship.
  That is, living in Paris as father and daughter, like Valentine's life. They also met the same: to amand live in Germany led by the theater on the ground floor of a group of vampires. However, the vampire in the world, murder is the only kind of crime. To this end, and Luis Keluodiya between the cracks. Keluodiya at the request of Keluodiya He also became a vampire, as he left after Keluodiya alternative. However, the Vampire Santiago to mobilize people to suddenly appear, they are captured. Luis enclosed by walls, Keluodiya and her companions were exposed to the sun put to death. Amand Lewis was saved by Germany, he vowed to take revenge ...



时光飞逝,几十年过去了。克萝迪娅开始怨恨莱斯塔特剥夺了他成长的权利。为了与路易斯一起离开莱斯塔特, 她诱骗莱斯塔特喝下了死人的血, 并将其刺杀后扔入沼泽。然而在路易斯和克萝迪娅正准备前往巴黎时,已是面目全非的莱斯塔特突然出现。搏斗中,路易斯抓起油灯掷向了莱斯塔特,火焰立刻将他吞没。在吞没半个城市的雄雄烈火中,路易斯与克萝迪娅登上了去巴黎的轮船。

两人在巴黎过着即象父女、又像情人的生活。他们还见到了同类:以阿芒德为首的聚居在剧院地下的一群吸血鬼。阿芒德给了路易斯许多教导。然而,在吸血鬼的世界中,谋害同类是唯一的犯罪。为此,路易斯和克萝迪娅之间出现了裂痕。 在克萝迪娅的要求下, 他把克萝迪娅也变成了吸血鬼,作为他离开克萝迪娅后的替代。然而, 吸血鬼圣地亚哥突然率众出现, 抓走了他们。路易斯被封入墙中,克萝迪娅和她的女伴则被暴露在阳光下处死。

路易斯被阿芒德所救,他发誓要进行报复。不久,他乘吸血鬼们沉睡时放火烧毁了它们的巢穴,杀死了圣地亚哥和众多的吸血鬼。他拒绝了阿芒德和他一起生活的要求,独自离开了巴黎。失去了克萝迪娅的路易斯倍受打击。他四处流浪,却始终无法抚平心中的创伤。1988年,路易斯返回了新奥尔良, 见到了受伤虚弱、 独自隐居的莱斯塔特。路易斯向一个年轻记者马洛伊讲述了自己的经历,希望以此训鉴后人。不料马洛伊在听完之后却被深深地吸引,还执意要路易斯把他变成吸血鬼。路易斯厌恶地离开了他。失望的马洛伊独自驾车返家。然而,莱斯塔特却突然在车后座上出现。他吸了马洛伊的血,治愈了伤愈,带着马洛伊驾车驶向远方。一个新的吸血鬼故事,又将从此开始……

  A night in San Francisco, during our time: A young journalist follows a man through the streets and they end up in an anonymous room. When the journalist starts to interview the man, the stranger tells him that he is a vampire, being over 200 years old. The journalist doesn't believe him, but after the man proves it's true, he tells his story: His name is Louis and in 18th century New Orleans he was 24, by this time owner of an estate and a widower already. One night, when he once again was destroying himself by drinking and other things, he was found by Lestat, a vampire, who bit him. But even after becoming a vampire, life wasn't fun for Louis until one night he met a little girl, Claudia, who should change his existance forever.
  (USA - 1994): 17th century New Orleans: The relationship between an ancient vampire (Tom Cruise) and his bloodsucking protegé (Brad Pitt) is tested to destruction by a young girl (Kirsten Dunst) who challenges their established dynamic, leading to betrayal and murder.
  A doom-laden meditation on life and death and the nature of grief, based on Anne Rice's bestselling novel (written as a response to the death of her beloved daughter), and featuring two of contemporary Hollywood's most recognizable stars (both astonishingly beautiful here) as vampire and willing victim, remaining eternally young as the world evolves around them. Cruise plays a seasoned killer who revels in bloodthirsty excess, while Pitt is a conscientious objector who balks at the prospect of drinking human blood, until Cruise creates a 'companion' for Pitt in the shape of a little girl (Dunst) who refuses to grow old gracefully, with tragic consequences.
  Scored with melancholy grace by composer Elliot Goldenthal, and beautifully designed and photographed (by Dante Ferretti and Philippe Rousselot, respectively), the film is epic in concept and execution, spanning the social upheavals of 17th and 18th century America and the horrors of 19th century Europe, where a nest of ancient vampires (led by scene-stealer Antonio Banderas and a miscast Stephen Rea) wreak terrible revenge on those who transgress against vampire lore. But, for all its spectacle, director Neil Jordan (THE COMPANY OF WOLVES) - working from a script credited to Rice herself - maintains a leisurely pace and never loses sight of the characters. The movie contains some beautiful, transcendent passages, including a breathtaking transition from 19th century Europe to modern day America via the introduction of motion pictures (everything from SUNRISE: A SONG OF TWO HUMANS to GONE WITH THE WIND and SUPERMAN!), and an incredibly moving sequence in which a once-proud vampire is discovered in exile, laid low by his own vanity.
  The film's delicate tone is upset by a trick ending which comes completely out of left-field, though Jordan has denied any suggestion of studio interference. And, as with the novel, the homoerotic undercurrent is mere window-dressing, an unconsummated tease which the filmmakers (and Rice herself) refuse to explore in any detail, lest it frighten the mainstream crowd. Sadly, the movie is dedicated to the memory of River Phoenix - originally cast as the interviewer who provides one half of the film's title - who died of a drugs overdose during pre-production; his role was taken by Christian Slater. Followed by QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (2002).

In a darkened room a young man sits telling the macabre and eerie story of his life - the story of a vampire, gifted with eternal life, cursed with an exquisite craving for human blood. Anne Rice's compulsively readable novel is arguably the most celebrated work of vampire fiction since Bram Stoker's Dracula was published in 1897. As the Washington Post said on its first publication, it is a 'thrilling, strikingly original work of the imagination. sometimes horrible, sometimes beautiful, always unforgettable.


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龙海市17274617884: 求五月天的《夜访吸血鬼》英文歌词 -
里楠新青: 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire曲:冠佑 词:阿信Music by Guanyou, Lyrics by AshinI'm consumed with sadness but shed no tears,extremely exhausted but I can't sleepJust every day and night, then further days and nights,endless ...

龙海市17274617884: 求一部关于吸血鬼的电影. -
里楠新青: 中文片名:《夜访吸血鬼》 外文片名: Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 更多外文片名: Interview with the Vampire .....(USA) (short title)演员: 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .....Lestat de Lioncourt 布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt .....Louis ...

龙海市17274617884: 求 夜访吸血鬼 百度云免费在线观看资源 -
里楠新青: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ClpoOlXPI_sV2DvJsgQZAA提取码: g1b4 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦《夜访吸血鬼》是由尼尔·乔丹执导,汤姆·克鲁斯、布拉德·皮特、克尔斯滕·邓斯特主演的奇幻片,于1994年11月11日在美国上映. 如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问

龙海市17274617884: 求夜访吸血鬼高清百度云资源(°ー°〃) 表示看完了真心被莱斯特美到,想存个度盘…… -
里楠新青: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ma4-BF6U9eNRZix-0G3TJA提取码: s662 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 《夜访吸血鬼》是由尼尔·乔丹执导,汤姆·克鲁斯、布拉德·皮特、克尔斯滕·邓斯特主演的奇幻片,于1994年11月11日在美国上映. 该片改编自同名小说,讲述了庄园主路易斯在丧妻失女后痛不欲生,遇到了吸血鬼莱斯塔特,对方一心要把路易斯教导成吸血鬼的故事. 如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问

龙海市17274617884: 经典美国神怪电影 -
里楠新青: 1.中文名称:夜访吸血鬼 英文名称:Interview With the Vampire 发行时间:1994 地区:美国 语言:英语2.中文名称:贝奥武夫 英文名称:Beowulf 发行时间:2008 地区:美国 语言:英语3.中

龙海市17274617884: 求一部电影的名字——有关于吸血鬼 -
里楠新青: 《夜访吸血鬼》 剧情简介 18世纪的路易斯安娜州,丧失妻女痛不欲生的庄园主路易(布拉德·皮特 饰)遇上了吸血鬼莱斯塔特(汤姆·克鲁斯 饰),被其施法变成...

龙海市17274617884: 一个月亮加一个麦克风加一个吸血鬼是什么电影 -
里楠新青: 夜访吸血鬼《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire)是一部奇幻,恐怖,惊悚,剧情,爱情类型电影,电影是安妮·赖斯小说《吸血鬼编年史》的第一部《夜访吸血鬼》改编而成,由尼尔·乔丹执导,汤姆·克鲁斯,布拉德·皮特,斯蒂芬·瑞等人主演.影片讲述了一个失去妻女的人在变成吸血鬼后历经沧桑的故事,电影于1994年11月11日上映.

龙海市17274617884: <夜访吸血鬼>主演是谁?
里楠新青: 片名:吸血迷情(夜访吸血鬼) 原名:Interview with the Vampire 制片:戴维格芬 斯蒂芬伍利 编剧:安妮赖特 导演:尼尔乔丹 主演:布拉德皮特 克里斯琴斯莱特 汤姆克鲁斯 斯蒂芬雷亚 安东尼奥班德拉斯 柯尔斯顿邓斯特 出品:华纳 上映日期:1994年 本片获1995年美国奥斯卡最佳美工导、最佳原作音乐两项提名

龙海市17274617884: 网上哪儿能看<夜访吸血鬼>?电影或小说都行 -
里楠新青: 夜访吸血鬼 安妮.赖斯 在线阅读http://woyouxian.com/b07/b0719/interview_vampire_cnindex.html

龙海市17274617884: 寻一部吸血鬼电影 -
里楠新青: 夜访吸血鬼 演员 Actor: 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .....Lestat de Lioncourt 布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt .....Louis de Pointe du Lac 克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst .....Claudia 剧情简介 故事发生在18世纪的路易斯安娜州. 庄园主人路易在丧妻失女后...

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