
作者&投稿:肥迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有什么需要帮忙的吗的英文:What can I do for you;我能帮到你什么吗的英文:Can I help you anything
Can 读法 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]

1、v. 开罐
2、aux. 能,可以
3、n. 罐头,开罐器
1、as you can see 正如你所看到的;你是知道的
2、oil can 油壶;加油器
3、can not help 禁不住,忍不住;情不自禁
4、yes we can 是的,我们可以(奥巴马竞选口号)
5、gas can 汽油桶,汽油罐;煤气罐

tin 读法 英 [tɪn] 美 [tɪn]

1、n. 锡;罐头,罐;马口铁
2、adj. 锡制的
3、vt. 涂锡于;给…包马口铁
1、tin plate 马口铁;镀锡铁皮
2、tin coating 镀锡层
3、tin foil n. 保鲜纸,锡纸
4、tin alloy 锡合金
5、tin box 铁盒;锡盒;马口铁罐


正确的应该是:How long will they be staying?
特殊疑问句的句式是 特殊疑问词(what/how/why/where/how long/hou much/等等)+助动词(do/does/did/will/shall/would/should/)或者be动词(am/is/are及其各种形式)+主语+其他成分
in this time 在这段时间/在这期间
句子翻译一下就是 那就是他们在这段时间要做的。
区别先是看意思,who和whom是“谁” whose是“谁的”
whose book is this?
who are you?
who和whom的区别我也说不太清楚 你可以百度一下who和whom的区别 应该有讲的比较清楚的
应该是没有as usually这个词组
as usual的意思是“像往常一样”
最大的区别就是意思不同吧 可以区分的
这道题选 as uaual


记得采纳 谢谢!

最标准的回答:May I help you?或what can I do for you?

What's the matter( with you )?
Do you need any help?

What's up ? What's it ? What's the matter?

What is the matter?
What is the matter with you?
What is wrong?
What is wrong with you?

1.What's the matter?
2.What's the matter with you?
3.What's wrong?
4.What's wrong with you?

What's the matter?What's on?Do you have something to tell me?( 主要用于熟人之间)Can I help you?What can I do for you?(主要用于商业之间)

回答:You look very tired today, what's wrong with you?

What's the matter?

要我帮忙吗;请问买什么(商场用语);需要帮忙吗 例句:Tech Support: Hello, tech support, may I help you?技术支持:你好,这里是技术部,你有什么困难吗?2、what's up 怎么了,发生什么啦?;近来如何?"What's up?"也常被用来问人家有什么事,比如别人登门拜访,你就可以用,意为“有何...

what's matter with you ?what's wrong with you?what's up?

Can I help you?(好像一般用在商店里)What can I do for you?What's the matter?Anything I can do for you?(比较口语化吧)

Do you have something to do?

The simplest expression is " Yes?" ,I think.

有什么事?What's the matter?干吗?What are you doing?

问题一:有事吗?用英语怎么说 Something wrong 望采纳,谢谢 问题二:有事吗?英语翻译 要看你说的有事吗是什么语境的,有以下一些可能:1. 别人喊你一声,你问他有是么?可以说: Yes?(比较正式的回答,一般带警觉性), what's up(对待兄弟或者关系好的人)2. 你想问别人有没有事情要做,可以...

和平县13489898164: 懂英语的进!“请问你有什么事吗?”用英语怎么说 -
钦清塔定:[答案] 你有什么事吗?用在哪里的?如果场景是你坐在办公室内,突然外面进来了个人来办事,这个时候你会问他,你有什么事吗?对应的英文可以是这样说:what can i do for you,sir?或者是how can I help you?如果场景是你走在路上...

和平县13489898164: 你有什么事吗?用英语怎么说?请帮一下忙,谢谢了!! -
钦清塔定: 最标准的回答:May I help you?或what can I do for you?

和平县13489898164: '有什么事吗?'用英文怎么说 -
钦清塔定: -What's the matter?-He is looking for you of something.-Yes?Thank you to tell me!

和平县13489898164: 发生了什么事?用英语怎么说? -
钦清塔定: 1、英语表达: What is going on? what happened? what's the matter? what's up? 2、what happened(发生了什么事),动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时. 3、词汇: 发生occur; occurrence; happen; germination; arises 什么事what; What's ...

和平县13489898164: 会英文的进,帮个忙用英文怎么说?1、有什么事?2、无聊3、天气不错4、你家有宠物吗5、不说了,再见6、平方 -
钦清塔定:[答案] 1.表问候:what's up? 表关心:what's wrong?或what's the matter? 2.单个单词:【dull】或【boring】(形容事物,一般不用于形容自己的感受与心情.例句,the TV programme is boring.)【bored】(一般用于形容自己的心情,例如i feel bored.) 作...

和平县13489898164: 你怎么了用英语怎么写? -
钦清塔定: "你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you. "你怎么了"用英语还可以表达为: 1、What is wrong with you; 2、Is that what you got; 3、What happened to you; 4、What's the matter with you. 在“What's wrong with you”中:“What's ...

和平县13489898164: 请问如何英文说“请问您找谁?”(打电话或者当面的时候问的)“请问您有什么事吗?”和“请问您找他有什么事吗?”分别用英文怎么说 -
钦清塔定:[答案] 比较礼貌的应该是先自报某公司或自己是谁;Hello.This is xxx Company.Can i help you?喂,我是某某公司,有事吗?家庭 Hello ,this is XXX's home / This is XXX (主人名字)Who in particular would you like to talk t...

和平县13489898164: 用英语说“请问有什么可以帮到您呢?” 有多少种表达方法?分别是什么? -
钦清塔定: 还有一种,may i lend a hand to you?或do you need a hand? 不过不常用. lend a hand to sb指帮助某人,同时borrow a hand from sb找某人帮忙.希望帮到你!

和平县13489898164: What's your matter?这个说法对吗?如可以什么意思呢?如不可以为什么?
钦清塔定: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:What's your matter?不可以 翻译:你有什么事?:不可以 正确例句: What's the matter with your bike? 你的自行车出了什么问题? Well, what's the matter with your feet? Can't you dance? 好吧,你的脚怎么啦?你不会跳舞吗? Tom, what's the matter with your brother? 汤姆,你弟弟怎么了? 永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

和平县13489898164: 请问接起电话问"你好,请问您有什么事情?"用英语怎么说? -
钦清塔定:[答案] Hello!What can I help you?

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