
作者&投稿:播姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

追问: 只要是有关于未来的畅想,都可以,字数嘛,一百字左右。要快…… 回答: Ok。今天帮你搞掂! 追问: 难度别太大的哦。谢~ 回答: 放心喔!只得100字左右的作文写不得太深。差不多写完了。给多点点耐性。谢谢! 补充: IMAGINE THE FUTURE COMPOSITION I have a dream from last night. The dream was a increditable journey of electronic toilet experience. Don't worry I am not talk about the yackety-yack thing. I just want to distribution my amazing dream with anyone. In my dream, I was in a place which was I never been there before. I was looking for a toilet for sort my personal things out that time. When I was arrived to toilet, it not looks like our today used style. It looks like a big box, seems our the public telephone box. I was shocking in there. Suddenly one very soft male's voice talk to me. Ask me want to use a toilet or not? I answered the voice said yes. Then the voice guided me to press the green buttom and the door slowly to open. As the door open I can heard a very nice music and can smell a very fresh air from inside the box. In this time the voice started to talk to me again. He introducted himself who was this toilet's manager to help anyone to use this electronic toilet. He was a very good guider. When I went in this electronic toilet he was very quick and simple and clear to let me know how to use this toilet and the rule to used. I followed his guiding start my this special electronic toilet experience journey. Firstly when I got in the toilet, the toilet door will automatically closed and the toilet music started to run. While you start to use their service, the option panel will start work, people can use their interesting to choice what kind of the personal activity service during your toilet used time. There have games, maganine, TV, Radio...facility service were provided. Never let you feel boring while you were in there. Its a amazing new knowledge facility service. It lets you forgot where were you? Not feel you were in the toilet and was in somewhere else. When i was intoxicated with their success, the voice started to notice me that I only have 5 mins used time left. I have to start to finish all I have to do in the toilet. Finally after finish my last activity - wash my hand, the door slowly open again. at the same time I can heard the voice say good bye to me and some greetings. I was holding my exciting walk out this box - electronic toilet. I just feel this experience was amazing and a increditable. At this time I was woke up from my dream by my mum. She was woke me up for my school day. 附言:对不起!文章可能会长了点。你修改一下。 谢谢! 追问: Oh no太长了,我要内容精简的小短文就可以,拜托… 回答: 你给我你的期限?让我心有数帮你改快点。 追问: 高二的作文可水平就可以了,短短的。可不可以加你Q?以后遇到难题可以请教你了 回答: 答案 IMAGINE THE FUTURE COMPOSITION As our country's progress and social development. More and more new technologies and applications are showed on front of us. I can imagine how the future of China how is look like? The future of China is standing in the forefront of advanced countries in the world. At that time China is in the air transport development. It brings together the world's most advanced design technology, the suspension is based on the train increased its stability. Therefore, it is very easy to go anywhere while the people to get to where they want to go at the future. Take this train while to get to where you want to go is very quickly. It saves people’s time and destinations differences. This new technology has brought us to solve the problem of the use of space savings. China in that era, it does not only have this technology, and also have the air housing, air supermarket such and such there are many air traffic facilities. Prosperity of the motherland, we are proud of this charming! (中文翻译): 随着我们国家的进步,社会的发展。越来越多新型的技术和应用程现在我们的面前。我可以想像出中国未来的蓝图是怎么样的?未来中国是站在世界先进国家的前列。在那时候中国的交通是在空中发展。它集合了世界上最先进的设计技术,把悬浮火车在现在的基礎上提高了它的稳定性。所以以后人们想去那都很方便。乘搭这趟火车,一会儿就可以到达你想要去的地方。这种新的技术给我们带来解决节省空间使用的难题。在那个年代的中国,不但有这样技术,而且还有空中住房,空中超市,还有很多的空中交通设施。祖国的繁荣昌盛,我们为此娇傲! (附言:对不起!昨天不知怎的网落不稳一直不让我提交。搞了大半天都不成功。今天才可以。你看一下行不行。我是帮你重写了一编。字数在140左右。我想应该可以。我附了中文翻译解释 给你,让你容易看懂。谢谢!我已加你了。你核实。)

What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.
What our life will be like in the future?For example,in ten  years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future  life ?Will you share with me?

There are two basic factors that will shape mankind's future, one of them being definite and the other deciding. Our evolution and species development will ultimately give our human race some parts of the future to be uncontrolled. How our mankind uses this advancement throughout time, will give our species a certain amount of controllable future, as well. We must come to terms that the way Man has shaped our present from the past, will now shape it for the future.


Our evolution and development gives us our definite future. We all change and progress throughout generations, little by little. There is no stopping the evolution process of any kind simply due to the fact that it's the instinct that provides this. Our future generations inevitably will become more advanced and progressed than we are now, thus changing our future dramatically whether we like it or not. For example, if any naturally occurring event took place on Earth 30,000 years from now, we would undoubtedly be more susceptible to handle that situation rather than today. We understand this because our minds would be much greater in power thousands of years from now. This "mind-progression" will result from the natural yet definite future process of evolution.

Time off really fast, a dazzling, six years of Yunyan the same time we should, as the past, I will be graduated. Primary life is and how is infatuated with Yiyibushe,Now we will have a Gebenqiancheng.I want to graduate, in this more than 2,000 days, we like a seedling beads, the teacher of irrigation.Seems to be in the classroom and our school Lang Lang's sound, there are wind around on the parade ground in our play sound, in-school circular, we have seen the laughter. In each foot down, we have left unforgettable memories.Now we will have graduated, the teacher's teaching, we Lang Lang's reading voice, the students have the laughter sound, are also around the ears, and I stayed the last few days, take a look at the lovely campus, take a look at teach us The division commander, to take a look at our students, and treasure the last few days with the days.The world not to leave the banquet, time gone forever, we will always remember the commander of education, for there are as a people.





畅想未来,我将带着母校给予我的知识和能力,踏上新的征程。我将把母校的精神和教诲带到我的工作中,用实际行动来回报母校的培育之恩。我将在未来的生活中不断努力,不断进步,以实现我的人生价值。 感恩母校,让我拥有了一个美好的校园生活;畅想未来,让我对未来充满期待和希望。我将永远怀念母校的教诲和培育,也将...

畅想未来作文1 看书,是一种良好的习惯。看书可以在家里看,也可以在教室里看,还可以在安静的图书馆里看。图书馆,是一个供人学习,休闲的地方,让我们一起大胆畅想,想一想未来图书馆长什么样吧。 未来的图书馆,可能让你大开眼界。它有许多不可思议的新奇之处。请容我慢慢道来。 未来的图书馆,犹如一片宽广的竹...

Everyone desires to uncover the mysteries of their future, yet it remains unseen. I aspire for a future that is bright and fulfilling. I envision myself as an exceptional lawyer, advocating for those in distress. Regardless of their social status, I am committed to offering assistan...

畅想未来作文1 在追逐太阳的一代,正在被阳光照亮,我的畅想正慢慢的迎来。二十一世纪的钟声正在敲响,我的人生正进一步实现,让我用自己的鲜血活力宣誓: 让我们追逐那无家的太阳,悄然而至,让那陌生的太阳重新升起,让我久违的梦变成现实。 多少的路程留下多少无私的哺育。 张开你的翅膀飞向天边。 让我迎接今天的挑战...

畅想未来作文1 未来的所有东西都很神奇,而且他们的功能,一个比一个得多。 未来的房屋,五颜六色、千奇百怪、各种各样,未来的房屋还功能很多,只要你一进门,就会感觉道一切都变了电视只要说一声开就会自动的开,坐在沙发上,沙发上就伸出两只手,给你按摩,特别舒服,只要你饿了,对机器人说,就气人就会得你端上香...

1.畅想未来 我站在阳台上,遥望着远方的景观,一座座大楼在我眼前显得那么雄伟,那么壮丽,使我情不自禁地生出了许许多多的遐想,我们的祖国在飞速地变化,在不久的将来,必将成为屹立世界东方的一个现代化的富强国家┅┅遐想中,我不由自主地想到二十年后的祖国该是什么样的呢?我们的生活又会发生...


畅想未来作文1 现在的地球真是多灾多难啊,一会儿这里地震一会那里地震,这实在让人无法想像我们的明天。2008年5月12日四川地震,2010年4月14日青海地震,这一次又一次的地震使我们中华儿女的心一次又一次颤抖,在这一次又一次的地震中使灾区人民的意志力一次又一次变得坚强。 所以我认为地震带给我们的不光是灾难更是一...

时间:05-25 栏目:话题作文 篇一:畅想未来 现在是2052年,我们已经掌握了许多高科技,可以去外星玩,去外星工作,甚至可以住在外星。现在,我们可以尽情的开发金星。我们可以盖房子,盖学校,可以开采土地,种出来的蔬菜都是有机的,都是绿色食品。不会有地震、海啸等灾害,人们可以安全、放心的生活。我...

畅想未来的作文 (一)每个人都有自己心目中的未来之城,我也不例外。未来的绿色环保公交车不用汽油,也不用柴油,而是靠太阳能驱动的。车顶上都是太阳能蓄电池板,可以收集太阳光的能量。而且这车“喝”上了一种特制的药水,使车排出来的不是废气,而是五彩缤纷的鲜花,喇叭声也变成了优美的音乐,...

法库县13040373788: 英语作文《我的未来》词数100左右 -
谢昭抗感:[答案] Everyone wants to know their future,but nobody knows it.I hope my future will like that.I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future.I help many people who is in difficulty.I will help the peop...

法库县13040373788: 关于 我的未来 的英语作文100字!关于我的未来,比如将来的职业,生活等等.至少100字!最好有中文翻译! -
谢昭抗感:[答案] I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly ...

法库县13040373788: 英语作文 畅想未来生活 享受人生快乐 快, -
谢昭抗感:[答案] (Life In The Future) Now, people are getting richer and richer. Let's think, what will the life be like in the future? In the future, we won't have to change many clothes every day. We will wear a kind of special clothes. We can be warm when we feel cold and ...

法库县13040373788: 一篇关于'畅想未来'的英语作文 -
谢昭抗感:[答案] A twinkling of an eye, by 2030. At that moment, the school is not an ordinary school, like the son? ?Please listen to me slowly introduced! The future of the school is a school network, each classroom is 150 square meters, the size of each class desktop...

法库县13040373788: 以畅想未来为主题的英语作文,50词以上 -
谢昭抗感: Time off really fast, a dazzling, six years of Yunyan the same time we should, as the past, I will be graduated. Primary life is and how is infatuated with Yiyibushe,Now we will have a Gebenqiancheng.I want to graduate, in this more than 2,000 days, we ...

法库县13040373788: 关于畅想未来的英语作文如题,一篇英语作文,好的追加40分~,觉得不够可以在加 -
谢昭抗感:[答案] Years the footsteps of great haste,no time to last year,waved and went to the front of the New Year.New Year always gives a lot of vision,too many of the Imagination. I do not want north wind Yanqu the past,do not want to cover all the winter snows.Over ...

法库县13040373788: 是以《畅想自己未来的学习,生活,工作》为话题的英语作文,要求100字左右哦 -
谢昭抗感:[答案] Now, people are getting richer and richer. Let's think, what will the life be like in the future? In the future, we won't have to change many clothes every day. We will wear a kind of special clothes. We can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel...

法库县13040373788: 英语作文《我的未来》词数100左右 -
谢昭抗感: Everyone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I...

法库县13040373788: 有关未来的英语作文用100个词写出十年后你将会是在做什么? -
谢昭抗感:[答案] I will become more and more richer after ten years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won't go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer.And I ...

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