
作者&投稿:臾王 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


这段话主要是对生活态度和美好情感的一种描述。第一段话:往事悄悄,何必计较,随风而来,任风而去,来也自然,去也自然,空缺只是生活中的一片虚设的空幻。这段话是对生活的态度。已经发生的事情,往日不可留,过去了就过去了,不要再去纠结那些逝去的日子,人要洒脱一点,要活在现在。人来人往,来去自由,不留一丝痕迹。你认为你生活中缺点什么,其实只是你自己的幻想。 第二段话: 误会,需要解释清楚。猜忌,请适可而止。相爱,是两个人的事。不要在战争与和平间,做无谓的僵持。指的是在处理感情的时候,别人对你有误会,请及时解释清楚,如果对别人有了猜忌和怀疑,请及时停止。爱与相处,是两个人才能决定的事情,一个人苦苦坚持有时候也是徒劳。对于感情,不要犹豫不决,要果断选择。

The use of research. Vinasse
Pick to
Wine culture in China has a long history, is an important part of Chinese civilization. Since modern times especially said later, winemaking business under the leadership of the party vigorous development. Alcohol yield climbed, alcohol products successive years, increasingly rich greatly satisfy the customers life requirement for the country's economic construction made a huge contribution.
However, wine industry is also high, high pollution, high in the industry. Food consumption is most populous country in the world, food security relationship with a country's stability and unity, but the people have drinking wine products demand. Facing this condition, reduce the energy consumption and reduce pollution, reduce use of grain, study the reuse of vinasse in other fields, and make it satisfy the people's consumption demand is particularly important.
This paper is based on some of the studies in the use of vinasse, try to pass the distiller's them, reduce the waste recycling reducing pollution, save the grain for the country's economic construction and environment construction do some the meager strength, benefit the people's livelihood.

reseach on recycle of vinasse
Culture of wine, as the key ingredient of Chinese civilization, enjoys a long history. Over the modern times, wine making industry has developed prosperously guided by the party. Wine products boost year by year and wine product enriches increasingly, which largely meets the living requirement of wide range of consumers and makes remarkable contribution to national economic construction.

Whereas, wine making is a industry with high consumption on energy and crops as well as serious pollution. The crop security concerns the stableness and unity of a country, while large amount of population have requirment on drinking wine. In this case, it is especially vital to lower consumption, polluation, crop-consumption, and make research on recycling of vinasse to satisfy the consumer demands in other fields.

This thesis aims to, through researching on usage of vinasse, recycle waste, lower pollution, save grain to make a slender power to national economic construction and environmental construction and benifit the people's livelihood

Key words: beer, white spirit, vinasse, comprehensive utilization

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