
作者&投稿:贾庞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

v. (尤指在餐馆)用午餐;
例句:I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour.
其他:第三人称单数:lunches 复数:lunches 现在分词:lunching 过去式:lunched 过去分词:lunched


chair [tʃeə]
kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn
teacher ['tiːtʃə]



以我看来,还是che比较正确,因为它的音标是由qi和e 组合读出来的,e音标中读着鹅,所以就好似che 了!




teach sb doing sth和teach sb to do sth有什么区别
teach sb doing sth和teach sb to do sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1、teach sb doing sth:教某人做某事。2、teach sb to do sth:教某人去做某事。二、用法不同 1、teach sb doing sth:teach的基本意思是以训练或授课的方式“传授知识或技能”。可引申指“...

英语作文:My English teacher(内容不少于5句,带翻译)
My English teacher我的英语老师 My English teacher is Miss Qian,She was very cheerful, kindly, but kind of some severe.Her class is very interesting.She has a pair of looks delicate features.a small mouth, a big eyes,and a Kindly face.Because of her various excellent aspects,...

求六年级【英语】作文《My teacher》不少于10句话
My Teacher 我的老师 My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the ...

《勇敢的心2》小teacher老师是晨阳饰演的。晨阳 (原名陈阳),中国内地女演员、主持人,出生于北京市,毕业于中国传媒大学。大学期间曾主演电视剧《海的誓言》,饰演薜婧。2016年,和王自健、修睿、王鸥一起主演电影《发条城市》,饰演一个努力打拼的小演员Lisa;同年在著名导演陈薪伊执导的经典话剧《霓虹...

英语作文:My English teacher(内容不少于5句,带翻译)?
一、写作思路 题目为命题作文,我的英语老师。一般同学都会写女老师,所以我建议出其不意,写一个男老师,会容易拿高分,因为有创新。开头介绍英语老师的名字,中间重点描述老师的外貌和性格特点,结尾表达对老师的感情。格式按照三段式或者四段式写都可以。二、双语范文参考(9句话)My English Teacher ...

(到)《廉颇蔺相如列传》 2.“在……方面”“从……中” ①荆国有余地而不足于民。 ②于人为可讥,而在己为悔。(《游褒禅山记》) 3.由于 ①...《劝学》) ④臣无祖母,无以至今日,祖母无臣,无以终余年(《陈情表》) 其余的虚词可参照 http:\/\/www.teachercn.com\/zxyw\/teacher\/kdfd\/179361121328664....

英语作文。根据提示,写一篇以 My Teacher 为题的作文 不少于五句话 要...
My teacher My teacher is a yang lady.She is really pretty with small eyes.Her hair is so long like a roll of black tussah cloth.She is good at English and always help us studying English.We always told jokes with her.You see,she is so active like us.We all love her ...

急!帮我写一篇以My teacher为题的英语作文,要写老师的外貌、性格以及爱...
My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Wu .Her English name is Lannie .She is a beautiful lady.She is very humorous.But sometimes she is very strict with us.But all classmates love and respect her very much.After class she often helps us learn patiently.She often reads ...

英语作文:My English teacher(内容不少于5句,带翻译)
My English Teacher 我的英语老师I began to like English when I entered the senior high school.I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced...

英语作文:My English teacher(内容不少于5句,带翻译)
My English Teacher 我的英语老师I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and whose name is ZhangYan shu --- a name I will keep in my...

东台市19397278403: teacher的ch音标怎么写 -

东台市19397278403: 英语发音里的Ch的发音例如Teacher的Ch发音,是不是和拼音里的Ch发音一样,要是不一样,那么怎么不一样 -
屈景德瑞:[答案] 大体上是一样的 但英语中的ch是/t/和/∫/的结合 先发/t/,再发/∫/,因还是ch,但舌尖从硬腭到上颚有个拖动的过程,这样发就更准了

东台市19397278403: teachers office中ch的音标发音 -
屈景德瑞: 英文原文: teachers office 英式音标: [ˈtɪtʃəs] [ˈɒfɪs] 美式音标: [ˈtɪtʃɚs] [ˈɔfɪs]

东台市19397278403: 一、单词辨音:一( )1.much(ch)2.school(ch)3.French(ch)4.teacher(ch)( )1.spare(ar)2.share(ar)3.fare(ar) 4.are(ar)( )1.thank(a)2.watch(a)3.can(a)4.Paris(a)( )... -
屈景德瑞:[答案] ( 2 )1.much(ch)2.school(ch)3.French(ch)4.teacher(ch) 2里面ch发k( 4 )1.spare(ar)2.share(ar)3.fare(ar) 4.are(ar) 4里are 发a:( 2 )1.thank(a)2.watch(a)3.can(a)4.Paris(a) 2里发ɔ( 4 )1.easy(ea)2.least(...

东台市19397278403: 1 watch的ch teacher的ch Chinese的ch shirt的ch 哪个读音与其他三个不同? -
屈景德瑞: watch [wɔtʃ, wɔ:tʃ]/teacher/Chinese -------tʃ shirt [ʃə:t] 另外,shirt是sh,不是ch

东台市19397278403: teacher和chicken中的ch发音一样吗 -
屈景德瑞: 一样的为你答题,麻烦采纳!

东台市19397278403: chair kitchen teacher中ch的发音一样嘛 -
屈景德瑞: chair [tʃeə] kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn teacher ['tiːtʃə] 一样

东台市19397278403: teach的第三人称单数 -
屈景德瑞: teach 第三人称单数是teaches,一般以x、ch、sh 等结尾的动词,第三人称单数加es. 单词解析:teach 读音:英 [tiːtʃ] 美 [tiːtʃ] 释义:vt. 教;教导;教授;教训 vi. 给予指导 双语例句: I taught her to ride a bicycle. 我教她骑自行车. ...

东台市19397278403: t__ch - - ( ) 填空 ( )中填英语的中文意思 -
屈景德瑞: 这个词语是:teacher. teacher是一个英语单词,本义词为teach,中文释义为教师、老师,为一般名词,放在Be动词后.

东台市19397278403: china.chair.teacher中ch读音是否相同 -
屈景德瑞: 都一样 . ----------------------------------- 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

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