英语改错题 亲们,帮忙啊。。。。

作者&投稿:豆琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Making mistakes are inevitable. As long as they correct their mistakes, we should open a gate to them.

some new books were given to them yesterday
How delicious the drink is/ what delicious drink it is
去掉although 或者去掉but
who was the inventor of the mobile phone? / who invented the mobile phone?


1. The house was built last year.
2. The Party was founded in 1921.
3. What happened to him.
4. There are twenty more trees to be planted.
5. The workers were made ten hours aday.是不是少打了什么,读不通顺啊
6. Our classroom must be kept clean and tidy.
7. Childre should be taken good care of.
8. The TV play has been on for ten minutes.
9. I have had the pen for two weeks.
10. His father died in a motor accident.这个不确定,没见过motor accident 这种说法,traffic accident 交通事故,或者 died from死于外部原因
11. This kind of books is sold well.
12. Some books were given to him
13. I was given two books by Tom.
14. Does your hometown grow cotton too?
15. English is used for business between different countries.
16. English is used by trvellers and business people all over the world.
17. English is used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries.
18. The medicine must be kept cool,clean and dry.
19. The computers were made by Chinese workers in 1979.
20. The letter is written by her.
21. We are taught English by Miss Li.
22. English is taught to us by Miss Li.
23. My letter is read to him by me.
24. Something was left for you by the postman.
25. Someone was heard to go upstairs last night.
26. Is Chinese only used in China?
27. What was it made of?
28. The heavy box can be carried by me.
29. The trees should be watered often.
30. These books must not be taken out of the room.

1 was built 2 was founded 3 what happened to him 4 to be planted 5 were made to work 6 must be kept 7 good care of 8 The tv has been on for 10 minutes.9 have had 10 has died 11 is sold 12 were given to him 13 I have been given two books by Tom.14Does your hometown grow cotton ,too?15 ENGLISH is used 16 is used 17is used 18 must be kept 19were made20 was written 21 we are taught 22 is taught to 23 by me 24 was left 25 was heard to go26 in China27What was it made of? 28 can be carried 29 should often be watered 30 not be taken

第一个改成was built
3 was 去掉
4 to be planted
剩下的一个比一个变态 我也不会

嘉定区18059879353: 英语改错题,务必帮帮忙! -
道贷西扶: (1)把simple改为simply(2)把letter改为letters(3)把much改为many(4)把learned look up改为learned to look up 我可是花了大量时间帮助你问我的老师啊~~~~

嘉定区18059879353: 求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下 It was time for ... -
道贷西扶:[答案] It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting 1:( 第二个was改为were ) at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny 2:( waiting 后加for ) to return back from work .It was late. The parents 3:(return 改为come ) are worried about her. At last Jenny ...

嘉定区18059879353: 英语短文改错……大家帮帮忙吧  As the economy of China has been developed very fast,more               1._______ - and more and families are ... -
道贷西扶:[答案] As the economy of China has been developed very fast,more 1.__去掉been______ and more families are now rich enough to have their own cars.Cars do bendfit the families as well the society in many ways.2._well之后加上as_______ With a car,it is ...

嘉定区18059879353: 英语,短文改错,各位英语大能帮帮忙啊 -
道贷西扶: 第一行 but改成and 第二行 his改成my 第三行 what删掉 第四行 the删掉 第五行 On改成In 第七行 sport改成sports 第七行 happy改成happily 第七行 went改成go 第八行having前面加After 第八行 while前面加a

嘉定区18059879353: 英语短文改错,求帮帮忙 -
道贷西扶: interesting改interestedme改myselfthat改whatthousands改thousandwhile改whenin改withcheck改checkinglosing改lostwas去掉take改taking

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道贷西扶:[答案] 1)I have three pieces of paper. 1)Please fold the paper( in )half.

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道贷西扶:[答案] I appreciate your help very( well).On the first day of camp,you came up to (myself) while I was sitting alone.After that,you always gave me (specially )attention and inspire me to john in activities.(...

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道贷西扶: 翻译: 1.Do you know which country this is? 你知道这是哪个国家吗? 2.Do you ... 改错: 1.Do you know which country this is? 宾语从句使用陈述语序 2. Do you ...

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