今天风很大 翻译

作者&投稿:产广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
今天雨很大 英语翻译~

The rain is heavy today
It's raining heavily today
There is a heavy rain today

您好,翻译为: It is warm and sunny today, but the wind is strong.

1 可以,windy是形容词,如果真要什么词来修饰的话,那可用冠词,例如:It' a windy today.今天是有大风的一天。
2 昨天的风可真大啊 。what strong wind yesterday.或者是 what a windy yesterday.
how strong the windit was yesterday .或者是 how windy it was yesterday。

1. It' windy today. 可以;windy 前面需要really,a little,quite,not a bit……

2,It' windy really(so) today
用感叹句 What a windy day it was yesterday !
How windy it was yesterday !

1, 用heavy修饰风大。
2. What a heavy windy yesterday!
How windy it was yesterday!

It's windy today就可以了
What a windy day yesterday!
How windy a day yesterday!

It's pretty windy today. so windy, very windy

What a windy day yesterday! How windy it was yesterday!

源城区13019547617: 今天风很大 翻译 -
重博牛磺: 1 可以,windy是形容词,如果真要什么词来修饰的话,那可用冠词,例如:It' a windy today.今天是有大风的一天. 2 昨天的风可真大啊 .what strong wind yesterday.或者是 what a windy yesterday.how strong the windit was yesterday .或者是 how windy it was yesterday.

源城区13019547617: 今天风很大.英语怎么说 -
重博牛磺: It's windy today.

源城区13019547617: 今天风好大,这句话怎么翻译呢? -
重博牛磺:[答案] The wind is so strong today!

源城区13019547617: 今天风好大,这句话怎么翻译呢? -
重博牛磺: The wind is so strong today!

源城区13019547617: 英语翻译,今天多云,风很大很冷. -
重博牛磺: 这样翻译比较符合英语表达,也比较自然: It's cloundy today, the wind is heavy and it's very cold outside.呵呵 ,祝你学习进步开心快乐.O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 请采纳

源城区13019547617: 今天风很大,我发现很多风筝在天上飞.求英语翻译. -
重博牛磺:[答案] Today the wind is blowing strongly. I find many kites flying in the sky.

源城区13019547617: It's is very windy now .( ) -
重博牛磺: A 现在风很大,要下雨了.表示“要,将要”可用be going to will,可以用will rain

源城区13019547617: 英语中常用什么来形容风大?我知道雨大是用heavily.帮帮忙啊 -
重博牛磺: It is windy today. 今天风大. The wind is so strong that they had to fight their way out. 风这么大,他们费了好大劲才冲出来. Destruction pursue the great. 树大招风. It's rather windy today. 今天风很大. There's much wind today. 今天风很大. 希望对你有点借鉴啦

源城区13019547617: 今天天气风很大用日语怎么说 -
重博牛磺: 今日の天気は风が强いです.

源城区13019547617: 风很大 怎么用英语说 -
重博牛磺: 风很大 rather windy; wind is too strong 风很大,杰克觉得很冷. It was windy and Jake felt cold.

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