use up和run out of的区别

作者&投稿:滕畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
use up 和run out 的区别~

停课不停学 run out of/run out/give out/use up做“耗尽,用完” 的区别用法

停课不停学 run out of/run out/give out/use up做“耗尽,用完” 的区别用法

(something) run out XX 用完了,指物。《例》The ink cartridge of the printer just ran out.
(somebody) run out of (something) 某人用光了某物。《例》The Korean team ran out of time at the end, losing a close game 98-100.
use up 两种表达方式都可以。
主动语态: sb + use up + sth Peter used up all his money.
被动语态: sth + be used up The funding was used up before they can finish the project.

停课不停学 run out of/run out/give out/use up做“耗尽,用完” 的区别用法

run out

1.=come to an end by using用完

*Their food was running
out fast so the climbers had to return.食品很快就要用完了,因此登山者只好返回。

*We'd just reached the
motorway when the petrol ran out.我们刚开到高速公路上,汽油就耗完了。

*My patience is running


*My employment contract
runs out at the end of this month.我的雇佣合同本月底期满。

*The lease for that
property will soon run out.那批房产的契约很快就要到期。

3.=convey out, usu. in a car 运送(通常指用汽车)

*I'll happily run you
out to see them.我很愿意用车送你去见他们。

run out of

1.=have no further supply of用完

*The car ran out of
petrol after ten miles.这辆小汽车跑了10英里就没油了。

*I have run out of money.我把钱用光了。

2.=force to leave 赶走

*If you refuse to leave
of your own free will, the boys will run you
out of town.如果你不肯自动离开的话,这些男孩会把你赶出城的。

use up

1.=consume completely;use until nothing is left用完;耗尽

*They have used up their

*Don't use up all the
soap.Leave me some to wash

2.=tire completely;make very tired;exhaust使精疲力尽

*He has used up all his

*After rowing the boat
across the lake,Robert was used up.罗伯特把船划到对岸之后,累得精疲力尽。

永春县19236836390: use up 和run out of的用法use up 和run out of是怎么区别的 -
墨往佩尔:[答案] run out of 后接用光的物品名词,主语则是 人或地区 be used up 意义与run out 相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物

永春县19236836390: use up和run out of的区别 -
墨往佩尔: (something) run out XX 用完了,指物.《例》The ink cartridge of the printer just ran out.(somebody) run out of (something) 某人用光了某物.《例》The Korean team ran out of time at the end, losing a close game 98-100.use up 两种表达方式都可...

永春县19236836390: run out of use up 区别 -
墨往佩尔:[答案] sb. run out of sth. sth. run out sth. be used up 简单的说就是run out没有被动而使用use up的时候要用被动

永春县19236836390: used up 与run out of 区别(说简单点,好记些) -
墨往佩尔: use up主语一般是人,run out of 则人或物皆可

永春县19236836390: use up 和run out of的用法 -
墨往佩尔: use up 只能用被动式,be used up什么东西被用光了! run out of 是谁用光了什么!

永春县19236836390: use up与run out of的区别? -
墨往佩尔: run out of 后接用光的物品名词,主语则是 人或地区 run out 一般以物做主语,表示该物以用光,以主动形式表示被动意义 sb. use up sth. be used up 意义与run out 相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物 例子:我们把钱用光了. We ran out of money. Our money ran out . We used up our money . Our money was used up .

永春县19236836390: use up和run out of的区别是什么 -
墨往佩尔: 没有区别 use up To consume completely:用光,用光,耗尽:used up all our money.用光了我们所有的钱.run out To become used up; be exhausted:用完;耗尽:Our supplies finally ran out.我们的供给终于耗尽了

永春县19236836390: use up ,run out of,give out,的区别?use up ,run out of,give out,的区别? -
墨往佩尔:[答案] run out of 后接用光的物品名词,主语则是 人或地区 run out 一般以物做主语,表示该物以用光,以主动形式表示被动意义 sb.use up used up 意义与run out 相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物 例子:我们把钱...

永春县19236836390: run out of= used up? -
墨往佩尔:[答案] 都是用光的意思,但是run out of只能用于主动,use up 只能用被动

永春县19236836390: run out of use up 区别
墨往佩尔: sb. run out of sth. sth. run out sth. be used up 简单的说就是run out没有被动而使用use up的时候要用被动

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