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作者:(美)丹尼尔·J·布尔斯廷。原版名称《The Americans:The National Experience》。
一书由[英] 苏珊-玛丽·格兰特所著,新星出版社出版发行。

在两万多年前, 有一批来自亚洲的流浪者, 经由北美到中南美洲, 这些人就是印第安人的祖先. 当哥伦布发现新大陆时, 居住在美洲的印第安人, 约有2,000万, 其中有大约100万人住在现在的加拿大和美国中北部, 其余绝大部分住在现在的墨西哥和美国南部. 大约1万年前, 又有另一批亚洲人, 移居到北美北部, 这是后来的爱斯基摩人. 而最早到美洲的白种人大概是维京人, 他们是一群喜好冒险的捕渔人, 有人认为他们在1,000年前,曾到过北美东海岸. 殖民时期(1607~1753) 1607年, 一个约一百人的殖民团体, 在乞沙比克海滩建立了詹姆士镇, 这是英国在北美所建的第一个永久性殖民地. 在以后150年中, 陆续涌来了许多的殖民者, 定居于沿岸地区, 其中大部分来自英国, 也有一部分来自法国、德国、荷兰、爱尔兰和其他国家. 18世纪中叶, 13个英国殖民地逐渐形成, 他们在英国的最高主权下有各自的政府和议会. 这13个殖民区因气候和地理环境的差异, 造成了各地经济形态、政治制度与观念上的差别.
18世纪中叶, 英国在美洲的殖民地与英国之间, 已有了裂痕. 殖民地的扩张, 使他们产生某种自觉, 自觉到英国的迫害, 而萌生独立的念头. 1774年, 来自12州的代表, 聚集在费城, 召开所谓第一次大陆会议, 希望能寻出一条合理的途径, 与英国和平解决问题, 然而英王却坚持殖民地必须无条件臣服于英王, 并接受处分. 1775年, 在麻州点燃战火, 5月, 召开第二次大陆会议, 坚定了战争与独立的决心, 并发表有名的独立宣言, 提出充分的理由来打这场仗, 这也是最后致胜的要素. 1781年, 美军赢得了决定性的胜利, 1783年, 美英签定巴黎条约, 结束了独立战争.
革命的成功, 使美国人民有了以立法形式表达他们政治观念的机会. 1787年, 在费城举行联邦会议, 会中华盛顿被推为主席, 他们采取一项原则, 即中央的权力是一般性的, 但必须有审慎的规定和说明, 同时, 他们也接受一项事实, 那就是全国性政府必须有税收、铸造货币、调整商业、宣战及缔结条约的权力. 此外, 为了防止中央权力过大, 而采取孟德斯鸠的均权政治学说, 即政府中设置三个平等合作与制衡的部门, 即立法、行 政、司法三种权力相互调和, 制衡而不使任何一权占控制地位.
19世纪初期, 数以千计的人, 越过阿帕拉契山, 向西移动, 有些开拓者, 移居到美国的边界, 甚至深入属于墨西哥的领地、以及介于阿拉斯加与加利福尼亚的俄勒冈. 开拓者勇敢、勤奋地向西寻求更好的生活.
引起内战的原因, 不单是经济上、政治上、军事上的问题, 还包括了思想上的冲突. 内战暴露了美国的弱点. 对这个国家的存在, 作了一番考验. 经过了这次考验, 美国才步向一个中央集权化之现代国家的坦途. 南北之间, 为奴隶问题而起争执, 南方在全国政治上的主要方针, 就在保护和扩大"棉花与奴隶"制度所代表的利益;而北部各州, 主要是制造业、商业和 金融的中心, 这些生产无需依赖奴隶, 这种经济上和政治上的冲突都是由来已久的. 1860年代初期, 11个南方的州脱离联邦, 另组政府, 北方则表示, 为了统一将不惜付出任何代价. 1861年, 内战爆发了, 这场美国人面对面的流血战, 打了四年, 南方遭到严重的破坏, 而且留下深深的伤痕. 1865年, 北方战胜了, 这项胜利不但显示美国恢复统一, 而且, 从此全国各地不再施行奴隶制度.
19世纪初期, 美国开始工业化, 而内战之后, 则步入成熟阶段. 在从内战至第一次世界大战的不到50年时间内, 她从一个农村化的共和国变成了城市化的国家. 机器代替了手工,产品大量增加. 全国性的铁道网, 增进了货品流通. 应大众的需要, 许多新发明应市了. 银行业提供贷款, 促成工商业经营的扩大. 故从1890到1917年的近30年间被称为所谓"进步时期", 1914 年, 世界大战爆发, 1917年,美国终于被卷入大战漩涡中, 并且在世界上尝试扮演新的角色。在
经济大恐慌, 影响的不只是美国, 世界各国都受到它的打击, 经济大恐慌, 使上百万的工人失业, 大批的农人被迫放弃耕地, 工厂商店关门, 银行倒闭,一片萧条. 1932年, 罗斯福当选总统, 他主张政府应拿出行动来结束经济大恐慌, 新政府虽然解决了许多的困难, 但美国的经济还是要到二次大战, 才苏醒起来. 第二次世界大战之后, 美苏两国, 关系日趋恶化, 分别在军事、政治、经济、宣传各方面, 加紧准备, 一如战时, 这种状态, 被称为"冷战".
70年代中期, 经济一度复苏, 但到70年代未期, 又出现通货膨胀. 1976年, 美国建国200周年, 全国举行各项庆祝活动. 1981年4月12日, 美国成功地发射"哥伦比亚号"航天飞机, 将人类又带入另一个太空新纪元. 1985年, 里根连任总统, 在日新月异的人类发展史中,美国将展开新的一页.







并非所有的美国文化都是源自其他国家,电影的诞生和发展便都是源自美国的。英国出生的美国摄影师Eadweard Muybridge拍下了人类史上第一部电影奔跑的马匹。自从那时开始,美国的电影产业便开始高速发展,加利福尼亚州的好莱坞成为人类电影发展的重镇,绝大多数电影技术的创新和发展都是源于好莱坞,好莱坞电影也成为美国文化的主要代表之一。在1920年代,美国每年平均产出高达800部正规电影,查理·卓别林的喜剧、依据小说飘改编的乱世佳人、和超人等电影流传至几乎每个大陆和国家,成为家喻户晓的美国象征。这些电影的出口也使美国获取了巨大的经济利润。除了电影之外,由迪士尼开创的卡通技术也是源自美国。
所谓的美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通常这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。许多欧洲移民都是抱持著美国梦的理想前往美国的。尽管有些人批评美国梦过度强调了物质财富在衡量胜利和快乐上扮演的角色,但许多美国人的确认为,这种获致成功的机会在世界上其他国家是找不到也并不存在的。因为与其他大多数国家不同的是,在美国拥有的经济自由相当多,政府扮演的角色相当有限,这使得美国的社会流动性极大,任何人都有可能透过自己的努力迈向巅峰。从美国独立直至19世纪末期,广大的土地都无人居住和拥有,任何有心人都可以加以占据并投资和开垦。而到了工业革命时期,美国庞大的自然资源和先进的工业技术则使得快速的社会流动变的可能,而且这种趋势仍在一天一天的增加中。

稍与人碰撞就说声“ Sorry”“Pardon”以示歉意
给别人添麻烦或要求别人让开时,常说“ Excuse me”
一般公共场所禁止吸烟。如果你想吸烟时,别忘了向周围的人问一声:“ May I smoke?”
不论在什么场合与人打招呼先说声“ Hi”或“Good Morning”

The Americas original residents have lived for more than 15,,000 years on this land. Europe starts from 15 century's ends to colonize Americas. In 1607, the first English person colonized the area successfully in the Virginia state establishment. Receives in 20 years, some Holland colonizes the area also one after another to establish, including is located new Amsterdam (now New York) to colonize the area with the New Jersey state. In 17th century and 18th century, England gradually seizes the Dutch and other European colonizing area, and widely opens up wasteland in the American east bank colonizes, establishes many colonizes the area. Besides today Canada, England has altogether established 13 colonies in North America.
In 1760 ages and 1770 ages, between 13 Americas colony and England's tension finally initiated the revolutionary war, the colony representatives has signed "the US Declaration of Independence" in July 4, 1776. At the war of independence (in 1775 -1783 year) center, the George Washington leader 13 colonies compositions mainland regiment resisted the English armed force. The colony established the mainland regiment in 76 years congress, but has not been authorized them to levy the taxes and levies and the formulation federation law. In 1777, the independent colony official acceptance confederation rule, has founded a federation sovereign state, as well as exercises the authority federal state, and has authorized the American constitution. After experiences the difficult war of independence, the mainland regiment finally defeated the English armed force, England signs the Paris treaty in 1783, officially acknowledged American the independence.
From 1803 to 1848, US'S area which newly had been established nearly expands three times, the colonizing mind new republic "has been doomed expands to the entire mainland" the ideal, faces the broad 无际 wilderness development, even "buys in the Louis Xi'an natrium" before then already thorough interior. This kind of expansion when 1812 war has encountered the short obstruction, but very quickly continues along with the war victory to carry on. In 1848 US has won the beautiful ink war, strengthened colonizing to expand the national territory the ideal.
Along with the national unceasing expansion and the development, a new question also gradually reappears, north the palm controls the federal state in gathers in the slave question and the state power with the south State authority has the difference: North the state opposes the slave system the expansion; But south the state north opposed the state interferes its life style, because their cotton economical industry is overall relies on the slave system. In Abraham Lincoln after 1860 president-elect, the conflict thorough eruption, the South Carolina state became the first announcement to be separated from the federation the state, six south states also one after another separated, established the America association allied country in 1861 to resist the federal state. The American civil war obtained by the federation in 1865 successfully comes to an end, simultaneously ended the slave system, as well as the state whether was authorized to is separated from the federation the dispute. This civil war becomes the American history the main watershed, federal state's authority henceforth greatly is the increase.
The civil war period technical development, comes in addition from Europe's massive immigrations tide, has provided the massive labor forces for US'S emerging industry, before nobody development region founded many communities and the city, has accelerated US'S industrial development as well as steps to the international might advancement. In addition, US has carried on many imperialisms risk in the overseas, including the war victory has annexed Puerto Rico and the Philippines after America, causes US to become one of world main big powers.
The First World War erupted in 1914, US at first maintain neutrality; Because Germany starts the unlimited submarine war attacks and sinks the American ships which navigates in Atlantic, creates many American common people the innocent casualty, has enraged the American populace. Joins the allies in war final stage US to resist the ally. As a result of the historical reason, the American populace sympathize with regarding England and France, although has the part of German lineage and the Irish lineage opposition involvement. In order to protect the American investors and the federal state in Europe's massive investments also is one of principal factors which US enters a war. Entered a war in US after 1917, the war reversed immediately, causes the allies to win in 1918. Postwar, worried excessively is involved in the European business, the American Senate authorizes the allies to punish the ally by no means the Versailles treaty; On the contrary, US has adopted the isolated principle policy.
The war causes the European country vitality big wound, actually takes to US to bring the massive wealths and the prestige. In the nearly entire 1920 ages, the farm price unceasingly reduced, the industrial profit large growth, the American economy developed exceptionally prospers. This wave economy grows also prosperously adds fuel to the flames by the credit rise and the stock market, finally greatly is collapsed the stock market in 1929 the plate, following is the economy is greatly panic. In order to recover the economy, Franklin 德拉诺 the Roosevelt government implements the new deal, largely increases the government to the economy the intervention. However the new deal actually does not have completely to become effective, the American economy only then thoroughly recovers after Second World War. Sneak attacks Pearl harbor after Japan, US joins the counter- Fascist union to resist the axis powers. Receives the war becomes in the American history a price most soaring war rear area, however the front and was big the massive work opportunity which created, as well as the war industry industry impetus production recovers, causes the American economy completely to go out the greatly panic haze. The American women also therefore large-scale tread into the work duty field
After the war victory, American and Soviet Union's conflict gradually reappears, the American representative is the capitalism and the free democratic system, but Soviet Union represented the communism and the planned economy, Soviet Union's rising has created the cold war with the ideology conflict which 1940 ages last stages started. Both countries carry on a succession of client war in many areas and the country, including the Korean War, the Vietnamese war, has nearly triggered the nuclear war the Cuban missile crisis, as well as the Afghan war.
Because the vigilance to with in Soviet Union's outer space competition backwardness, the American government starts vigorously to raise mathematics and the science outstanding person talented person, in the American country aerospace bureau diligently under, the first success sent the person in 1969 to land on the Moon.
In the American home, the urbanized development gradually completes, the American society experienced section of times to continue the economical expansion. At the same time, the American society's racial discrimination phenomenon gradually receives takes, in particular in south. Started from 1950 ages, these discrimination received the civil rights movement challenge which Martin person and so on Luther gold led, finally finally abolished south various states racial segregation law.
After experienced 1970 ages petroleum crisis initiation the economic recession, the American economy started healthy recovering in 1980 ages. Soviet Union thoroughly collapsed in 1991, causes US to become in the world the only superpower. US still continues to dispatch troops to participate in the overseas the war, for example 1991 Persian Gulf war. In 1990 ages, did obeisance bestowing of the massive work opportunity and the technical transformation which the digitized revolution as well as Internet made, the American economy has launched the unprecedented prosperity growth, emerging silicon valley became the world information of industry the main item strategic place. Two world wars, not only has caused heavy losses to emerging great nation Germany and Japan, simultaneously also caused traditional great nation England and France has lost to the world pattern right to control. Then world, except US and Soviet Union, other industrialized country all scenery no longer. US accounted for the world total quantity in the postwar gross value of industrial output one above the half, and has established in the world scope take US dollar as the central international finance system, simultaneously, it also has accredited the army to the world 50 countries and the area.
Second World War becomes the American history new turning point. The unique comprehensive strength, after enable US to get rid of the First World War to attempt the awkwardness which the arrangement world order actually ended without any result, started according to be advantageous to own way leadership international order, and finally in 20th century later periods, became a superpower.
Reply:Continuously ♂ to old - application evil spirit master two levels 4-21 15:53

The culture and history of American
Pop culture.
When you think of American culture, what first comes to your mind? McDonald's? Coca Cola? Levi's? Disneyland? Michael Jordan? Julia Roberts? Many people imagine American culture is a collection of popular symbols like these. Actually, these symbols are only one small part of American culture- "pop culture."
What is pop culture? Well, pop is short for popular. The origins of pop culture can often be traced to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is also promoted by business and advertising. The most common examples of American pop culture appear among high school and college students. Trends set by famous personalities quickly become part of young people's lifestyles.
American pop culture has spread around the world. One major reason for its popularity is that English is a universal language. English is the language of diplomacy, international business and transportation. Since language and culture go together, learning English means becoming aware of English-speaking cultures. Also, America is a world leader in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culture communicated in those media is pop culture. Finally, pop culture is easy to package and to export. For that reason, it is easy to "sell" to the world.
Many people assume that American pop culture is what America is all about. Does pop culture reflect the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does represent a portion of American society-especially urban young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish and ever-changing. It is an artificial and superficial picture of America. If you want to learn about real American culture, you'll have to go a little farther than McDonald's

The culture and history of American
pop culture.
When you think of American culture, what first comes to your mind? McDonald's? Coca Cola? Levi's? Disneyland? Michael Jordan? Julia Roberts? Many people imagine American culture is a collection of popular symbols like these. Actually, these symbols are only one small part of American culture-"pop culture."
What is pop culture? Well, pop is short for popular. The origins of pop culture can often be traced to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is also promoted by business and advertising. The most common examples of American pop culture appear among high school and college students. Trends set by famous personalities quickly become part of young people's lifestyles.
American pop culture has spread around the world. One major reason for its popularity is that English is a universal language. English is the language of diplomacy, international business and transportation. Since language and culture go together, learning English means becoming aware of English-speaking cultures. Also, America is a world leader in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culture communicated in those media is pop culture. Finally, pop culture is easy to package and to export. For that reason, it is easy to "sell" to the world.
Many people assume that American pop culture is what America is all about. Does pop culture reflect the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does represent a portion of American society-especially urban young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish and ever-changing. It is an artificial and superficial picture of America. If you want to learn about real American culture, you'll have to go a little farther than McDonald's


经历1970年代石油危机引发的经济衰退后,美国经济于1980年代开始茁壮的复苏。苏联在1991年彻底垮台,使美国成为世界上唯一的超级大国。美国依然继续派兵参与海外的战争,例如1991年的波斯湾战争。在1990年代,拜数字化革命以及因特网制造的大量工作机会和技术变革之赐,美国经济展开了史无前例的繁荣成长,新兴的硅谷成为世界资讯产业的龙头重镇。 两次世界大战,不仅重创了新兴大国德国和日本,同时也使传统大国英国和法国失去了对世界格局的支配权。当时的世界,除了美国和苏联,其他工业化国家都风光不再。美国在战后的工业总产值占到了世界总量的一半以上,并且在全世界范围内建立了以美元为中心的国际金融体系,同时,它还向世界50个国家和地区派驻了军队。



美国烹饪吸收了美国原住民的烹饪法和食材,例如火鸡、马铃薯、玉米、南瓜,都成了美国文化不可或缺的一部分。而苹果派、比萨饼、汉堡包原先都是来自或改良自欧洲,现在则是美国速食文化的象征。墨西哥卷(Burritos)和炸玉米饼(tacos)则源自墨西哥。由非裔美国人在身为奴隶时从非洲引入的“心灵食物”(Soul food)也成了大众的家常菜之一。目前许多在全球大受欢迎的食物要不是源于美国、便是由美国加以改良并推广的。
The Americas original residents have lived for more than 15,,000 years on this land. Europe starts from 15 century's ends to colonize Americas. In 1607, the first English person colonized the area successfully in the Virginia state establishment. Receives in 20 years, some Holland colonizes the area also one after another to establish, including is located new Amsterdam (now New York) to colonize the area with the New Jersey state. In 17th century and 18th century, England gradually seizes the Dutch and other European colonizing area, and widely opens up wasteland in the American east bank colonizes, establishes many colonizes the area. Besides today Canada, England has altogether established 13 colonies in North America.
In 1760 ages and 1770 ages, between 13 Americas colony and England's tension finally initiated the revolutionary war, the colony representatives has signed "the US Declaration of Independence" in July 4, 1776. At the war of independence (in 1775 -1783 year) center, the George Washington leader 13 colonies compositions mainland regiment resisted the English armed force. The colony established the mainland regiment in 76 years congress, but has not been authorized them to levy the taxes and levies and the formulation federation law. In 1777, the independent colony official acceptance confederation rule, has founded a federation sovereign state, as well as exercises the authority federal state, and has authorized the American constitution. After experiences the difficult war of independence, the mainland regiment finally defeated the English armed force, England signs the Paris treaty in 1783, officially acknowledged American the independence.
From 1803 to 1848, US'S area which newly had been established nearly expands three times, the colonizing mind new republic "has been doomed expands to the entire mainland" the ideal, faces the broad 无际 wilderness development, even "buys in the Louis Xi'an natrium" before then already thorough interior. This kind of expansion when 1812 war has encountered the short obstruction, but very quickly continues along with the war victory to carry on. In 1848 US has won the beautiful ink war, strengthened colonizing to expand the national territory the ideal.
Along with the national unceasing expansion and the development, a new question also gradually reappears, north the palm controls the federal state in gathers in the slave question and the state power with the south State authority has the difference: North the state opposes the slave system the expansion; But south the state north opposed the state interferes its life style, because their cotton economical industry is overall relies on the slave system. In Abraham Lincoln after 1860 president-elect, the conflict thorough eruption, the South Carolina state became the first announcement to be separated from the federation the state, six south states also one after another separated, established the America association allied country in 1861 to resist the federal state. The American civil war obtained by the federation in 1865 successfully comes to an end, simultaneously ended the slave system, as well as the state whether was authorized to is separated from the federation the dispute. This civil war becomes the American history the main watershed, federal state's authority henceforth greatly is the increase.
The civil war period technical development, comes in addition from Europe's massive immigrations tide, has provided the massive labor forces for US'S emerging industry, before nobody development region founded many communities and the city, has accelerated US'S industrial development as well as steps to the international might advancement. In addition, US has carried on many imperialisms risk in the overseas, including the war victory has annexed Puerto Rico and the Philippines after America, causes US to become one of world main big powers.
The First World War erupted in 1914, US at first maintain neutrality; Because Germany starts the unlimited submarine war attacks and sinks the American ships which navigates in Atlantic, creates many American common people the innocent casualty, has enraged the American populace. Joins the allies in war final stage US to resist the ally. As a result of the historical reason, the American populace sympathize with regarding England and France, although has the part of German lineage and the Irish lineage opposition involvement. In order to protect the American investors and the federal state in Europe's massive investments also is one of principal factors which US enters a war. Entered a war in US after 1917, the war reversed immediately, causes the allies to win in 1918. Postwar, worried excessively is involved in the European business, the American Senate authorizes the allies to punish the ally by no means the Versailles treaty; On the contrary, US has adopted the isolated principle policy.
The war causes the European country vitality big wound, actually takes to US to bring the massive wealths and the prestige. In the nearly entire 1920 ages, the farm price unceasingly reduced, the industrial profit large growth, the American economy developed exceptionally prospers. This wave economy grows also prosperously adds fuel to the flames by the credit rise and the stock market, finally greatly is collapsed the stock market in 1929 the plate, following is the economy is greatly panic. In order to recover the economy, Franklin 德拉诺 the Roosevelt government implements the new deal, largely increases the government to the economy the intervention. However the new deal actually does not have completely to become effective, the American economy only then thoroughly recovers after Second World War. Sneak attacks Pearl harbor after Japan, US joins the counter- Fascist union to resist the axis powers. Receives the war becomes in the American history a price most soaring war rear area, however the front and was big the massive work opportunity which created, as well as the war industry industry impetus production recovers, causes the American economy completely to go out the greatly panic haze. The American women also therefore large-scale tread into the work duty field
After the war victory, American and Soviet Union's conflict gradually reappears, the American representative is the capitalism and the free democratic system, but Soviet Union represented the communism and the planned economy, Soviet Union's rising has created the cold war with the ideology conflict which 1940 ages last stages started. Both countries carry on a succession of client war in many areas and the country, including the Korean War, the Vietnamese war, has nearly triggered the nuclear war the Cuban missile crisis, as well as the Afghan war.
Because the vigilance to with in Soviet Union's outer space competition backwardness, the American government starts vigorously to raise mathematics and the science outstanding person talented person, in the American country aerospace bureau diligently under, the first success sent the person in 1969 to land on the Moon.
In the American home, the urbanized development gradually completes, the American society experienced section of times to continue the economical expansion. At the same time, the American society's racial discrimination phenomenon gradually receives takes, in particular in south. Started from 1950 ages, these discrimination received the civil rights movement challenge which Martin person and so on Luther gold led, finally finally abolished south various states racial segregation law.
After experienced 1970 ages petroleum crisis initiation the economic recession, the American economy started healthy recovering in 1980 ages. Soviet Union thoroughly collapsed in 1991, causes US to become in the world the only superpower. US still continues to dispatch troops to participate in the overseas the war, for example 1991 Persian Gulf war. In 1990 ages, did obeisance bestowing of the massive work opportunity and the technical transformation which the digitized revolution as well as Internet made, the American economy has launched the unprecedented prosperity growth, emerging silicon valley became the world information of industry the main item strategic place. Two world wars, not only has caused heavy losses to emerging great nation Germany and Japan, simultaneously also caused traditional great nation England and France has lost to the world pattern right to control. Then world, except US and Soviet Union, other industrialized country all scenery no longer. US accounted for the world total quantity in the postwar gross value of industrial output one above the half, and has established in the world scope take US dollar as the central international finance system, simultaneously, it also has accredited the army to the world 50 countries and the area.
Second World War becomes the American history new turning point. The unique comprehensive strength, after enable US to get rid of the First World War to attempt the awkwardness which the arrangement world order actually ended without any result, started according to be advantageous to own way leadership international order, and finally in 20th century later periods, became a superpower.
Reply:Continuously ♂ to old - application evil spirit master two levels 4-21 15:53

The culture and history of American
Pop culture.
When you think of American culture, what first comes to your mind? McDonald's? Coca Cola? Levi's? Disneyland? Michael Jordan? Julia Roberts? Many people imagine American culture is a collection of popular symbols like these. Actually, these symbols are only one small part of American culture- "pop culture."
What is pop culture? Well, pop is short for popular. The origins of pop culture can often be traced to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is also promoted by business and advertising. The most common examples of American pop culture appear among high school and college students. Trends set by famous personalities quickly become part of young people's lifestyles.
American pop culture has spread around the world. One major reason for its popularity is that English is a universal language. English is the language of diplomacy, international business and transportation. Since language and culture go together, learning English means becoming aware of English-speaking cultures. Also, America is a world leader in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culture communicated in those media is pop culture. Finally, pop culture is easy to package and to export. For that reason, it is easy to "sell" to the world.
Many people assume that American pop culture is what America is all about. Does pop culture reflect the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does represent a portion of American society-especially urban young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish and ever-changing. It is an artificial and superficial picture of America. If you want to learn about real American culture, you'll have to go a little farther than McDonald's


如果知道详细的可以看下历史书,这个一句两句也说不表,讲下大概吧 最开始的时候美国是欧洲殖民地,当时主要是土著印地安人住在那里,后来由于欧洲工业革命和殖民需要,以及航海发现,大量的欧洲人开始往这里移民,并且统治着,主要是由当时号称日不落帝国英国,还有欧洲军事强国法国,还有西班牙,葡萄牙,一些...

3. 1861年至1865年的美国南北战争是为了维护和巩固国家统一的重要事件。这场战争巩固了联邦政府的权威并废除了奴隶制。4. 经济方面,美国在18世纪晚期至19世纪中期完成了工业革命,这极大地促进了资本主义经济的飞速增长。5. 在科技和文化领域,许多重要的发展和成就涌现。例如,富尔顿发明了汽船,而现实...


美国国旗别称“星条旗”(The Stars and Stripes)、“古老的光荣”(Old Glory)[10]。旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为19:10。旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内共有9排50颗白色五角星,以一排6颗、一排5颗交错。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹。50颗星代表美国50个州,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地...

[美]吉尔伯特·C·菲特等,(司徒淳等译):《美国经济史》,沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1981年版。资中筠主编:《冷眼向洋:百年风云启示录》,北京,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2000年版 杨生茂、陆镜生著:《美国史新编(1492—1989)》,北京,中国人民大学出版社,1990年版。庄锡昌:《二十世纪的美国文化...


由于供不应求,牛仔裤还曾是美国与前苏联及第三界国家黑市交易的大宗物品,可见其流传之广。 50年代,影视传播业的崛起塑造了美国人心目中的反传统英雄形象,牛仔文化伴随着好莱坞的辉煌时代进军全世界,如电影《无端的反抗》、《天伦梦觉》等,片中男主角占士甸身穿牛仔裤在银幕登场,被舆论誉?quot;全界世少女的梦中情...


想了解美国加洲历史文化特产  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 蓝洁瑛生前发生了什么?无泪之源 2010-05-12 · TA获得超过1189个赞 知道答主 回答量:149 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:104万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 加利福尼亚州 (California) 是美国西部太平洋沿岸的一个州。北接俄勒冈州,东...


周村区19133221630: 我想了解美国历史、社会和文化 英语翻译 -
于忽熊胆: I want to know about American history, society and culture.

周村区19133221630: 我有一个愿望期待去美国旅游度假了解美国的历史文化用英语怎么说. -
于忽熊胆: 中文:我有一个愿望.期待去美国旅游度假,了解美国的历史文化.英语:I have a wish.I want to take a trip in the USA ,to see the history and culture of America.

周村区19133221630: 美国历史简评(请用英语) -
于忽熊胆: How long is the history of the United States? National Flag: Stars and Stripes. Wang was a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10. The main by the 13 red and white...

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于忽熊胆: I have a certain understanding of American culture.

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于忽熊胆: 美国:移民之国A look at the history of the United States indicates that this country has often been called "a melting pot", where various immigrant and ethnic groups have learned to work together to build a unique nation. Even those "original" ...

周村区19133221630: 介绍美国的文化 -
于忽熊胆: 了解文化差异,生活习惯,口语特点,美国历史(总统史···),政治

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于忽熊胆: 纵观美国的历史,一波又一波的移民潮构成了其最显著的特点之一,它不仅以此为开端,而且仍以此而延续.伴随着移民的潮涌,众多不同种族和民族的文化与传统逐渐在这片广袤的新大陆上重生.世界上没有哪个国家具有如此多样性的人口结...

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于忽熊胆: 亲,建议你使用American People和American Pageant这两本.这两本是美国高中生准备美国历史ap考试(相当于大学预科)的常用教材,政治经济文化面面俱到.特别是American People...

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