
作者&投稿:辕媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

May Day holiday is coming. My family are discussing what to do for it. We are planning to travel abroad . We want to go to Singapore because my dad has gone to Singapore for a meeting. He has been there twice.. It’s a nice and clean city . We will fly there next Monday. It will take us about two hours to go there by air. The weather there is very good all year round. We will visit many places of interest in Singapore . I think we will be happy
taking the whole trip.

If you have enough time,you can walk slowly____around the park.




The invitation will tell you how to reply and if the reply is- exerird_ before a certain date


visit, for , enough , finish , dirty(脏东西), sure , always ,hear ,bark(狗叫声) ,pass (pass by 意思是路过)


初一下册英语首字母填空,急求~~~ 本人急求初一首字母填空(苏教版的),最好有点难度,但是不能超范围!拜托啦,还有几天就期末考试了!(最好有答案)如果可以的话,再找一些有点难度的完形填空,阅读理解(不能超范... 本人急求初一首字母填空(苏教版的),最好有点难度,但是不能超范围!拜托啦,还有几天就期末考试...

200分 上海中考英语首字母填空的答题技巧
给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。常用的答题技巧如下:1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形...

根据不同区域有不同的考题类型,一般来说语法填空无论是选考还是学考都是形式固定的 根据首字母填空那是单词运用类别的题目,一般不和语法填空相比较。所有的英语语法填空大多考点固定,是对词性以及单词的词性转化的运用,十大词性考察冠词和介词副词以及时态和固定搭配词组句型等考察较多,有一部分是提供...

根据首字母填空,不要填完整的单词 因为首字母已经给出了 所以,只要填上除首字母以外的其他几个字就可以了。

注重上下文关系对解题显得更为重要。例如,在首字母填空练习中,了解句与句之间的联系,可以帮助正确选择单词,确保语境的一致性。具体示例:在首字母填空练习中,通过熟记短语和注重上下文,我们可以更好地理解和解答问题。例如,第一题中,通过“throw away”和“left behind”这样的短语,我们能够准确理解...

Edson Arantes do Nascimento was born in Brazil in 1940.He says he does not know why or even what the name means. But the name Pele soon became world famous. Many people believe that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time.He started playing for the local club when he ...

1. 首先要仔细审题,即在句子缺词的情况下,尽量弄懂句子的大意,根据句子的语境判断所缺的单词的词性或是变形等,然后再将该单词放入句子当中,看看是否能使句子完整,句意明确。2. 做题时要注意根据句子大意和所缺成分,判断所缺单词的此类,是名词、动词还是形容词、副词等。注意人称、时态和数等...

首字母填空方法:分三步走 1.通读短文,了解大意,顺手填写(忽略生词)2.边读,边翻译,边填 (找关键词,短语,句子,填写完注意单词的正确形式)(1) 依据习固定搭配填词:如W___his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much. 从句意我们就知道是“在他的帮助下”,...

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语的首字母填空1.The doctor suggested that the driver should be o__ - on at once.2.He is no l__ - what he used to be.3.As a tour guide,she has to be i__ - in ... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 1,operated 2,longer 3,interested 4,orientation 5,difference 6,organs 7,professional 8,file 9,audience 10,knowledge 11,费解啊 12,tools 13,so as 14,society

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语首字母填空练习题 1.One afternoon just before Christmas,an old kind man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy c in front of a beautiful shop ... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 一1 crying 2 asked 3 heard 4 out 5what 6 thanked 7 same 8 again 9 lost 10 give下班了明天继续发给你二1 rainny 2 school 3 walking 4 with 5 hold6 small 7 high 8 from 9thanked 10 together

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语中根据首字母填空这种题第一个字母还需要写吗? -
巨发安灭:[答案] 不需要写了,它有了

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语的首字母填空 -
巨发安灭: 1.starts 2.water 3.but 4.him 5.think 6.help 7.well

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语,首字母填空 -
巨发安灭: EnglishlanguagenotmuchinismostwellLet'sto

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语首字母填空,1.If our school team wins the last two matches ,we will be the t____.2.When I decided to go back home ,it got dark ,and what was w____,it ... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 1 top ,顶端 be the top 排名第一 2 worse,what was worse,更糟的是

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 急求一篇英语首字母填空的答案 第一个空!One cold midnight after the birthday party of Tom's,my husband Jack and I were driving home w____ - (1) ... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 1 好吧.when 2 may 3 around 4 5 done 6 had 7 else 8 realized 9 stupid? 10 ready 11拉啊..拦啊什么的 12later? 呜, 才发现是第一个空,

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语根据首字母填空1.The young persons were c____ - when the pop stars appeared on the stage.2.Tuesday is the t____ - day of the week.3.We were al e____... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 1.crying/crazy 2.third 3.excited 4.experience 5.difficult 6.knowledge 7.really 8.searching 9.appeared 10.character

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 根据首字母填空英语1、The Mars is p__ - .2、I've sent my mother a m__ - to tell her I'll be home late.3、The s__ - has reached Mars.4、I've d__ - a supper ... -
巨发安灭:[答案] 1.planet 行星 2.message 消息 3.spaceship 太空飞船 4.不确定 题目正确吗 我觉得只有 bought / sold可能(买进、卖出) 或要么少了介词 dined in 5.university 大学 6.composers 作曲家 7.century 世纪 8.Maybe 可能 9.center 中心 10.instruments 乐器 11....

肃南裕固族自治县15797292585: 英语题首字母填空1.The test is very important because it c___ - 30% to the final exam. -
巨发安灭:[答案] costs

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