
作者&投稿:圣浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我在英语学习中遇到了很多困难的英文:I have met many difficulties in learning English.
一、met 读法 英 [met] 美 [mɛt]
v.相遇( meet的过去式和过去分词 );相识;开会;接触(某物)
glad to meet you 见到你很高兴
meet for 为…而聚在一起
sports meet 运动会
meet demand 满足要求
meet up 偶然遇到
二、learn 读法 英 [lɜːn] 美 [lɝn]

vt. 学习;得知;认识到
vi. 学习;获悉
learn how to learn 学习如何学习
learn by heart 记住;默记;背诵
learn a lesson 受到教训
motivation to learn 学习的动机

1、meet的基本意思是“遇见,碰见”,指来自不同方向的人或物汇集到一起; 也可指为了某人或某事的到来而做好欢迎准备,即“迎接”; 还可指通过某人或某事把两个原本不相识的人联系到一起,即“结识”。引申可指“集会”“答复”“满足”“面临”等。

我个人观点是应该的 英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。

My personal point of view is that English is the main international language in the world today. It is also the most widely used language in the world.
With the continuous expansion of China's opening to the outside world, the continuous progress of science and technology, the continuous improvement of the international status, the urgent need to create a large number of
To master a foreign language professionals to accelerate the process of China's "four modernizations", make our country develop bigger more active role in international affairs. Therefore,
To learn English well is of great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance for the realization of the above objectives.
We need to learn other people's advanced technology.
In recent decades, China has indeed changed dramatically, all aspects of development are very fast. But, no doubt, we still lag behind the western advanced countries in many aspects of technology. To develop, to progress, in a relatively short period of time to master a variety of technologies, we can not rely on their own research, we must learn from other advanced technology. And the necessary prerequisite for learning is to master the world's common language, our tools - english. Computer program development for example: Although the current computer operating system already has the Chinese version, but to carry out the application development, the program is written in english. Most of the information is written in English. Although India in many aspects of development than China, but India's software development industry is much more developed than china. This gap, one of the important reasons is that the general level of English application programmers in India than the Chinese programmers.
To cooperate with all the countries in the world need English
We learn other people's advanced technology, experience at the same time, also need to start a variety of technical and economic cooperation with the countries of the world. If you don't understand English, can not communicate with partners, also mention cooperation. For example, a company has developed a world-class products, if you can open the international market, the future will be a bright. But it happens that the company staff do not understand English, can not be a good communication with foreign customers, the product can not be the excellent performance of the show, it will be a heavy loss.

您好,可以用it来回答。例如,What is that on.the desk?
答语:It is a baseball.

hat用英语音标:[hæt]。词义:1、常指带檐的,帽子。to put on\/take off a hat 戴 \/ 脱帽子。2、(双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色)。I'm telling you this with my lawyer's hat on, you understand.你要明白,我是以律师的身份告诉你这事。3、毫不犹豫地;非常乐意地。


中文:帽子hat英[h?t]美[h?t]n.帽子vt.给……戴上帽子vi.供应帽子;制造帽子n.(Hat)人名;(中)核(广东话·威妥玛)[过去式hatted过去分词hatted现在分词hatting]hat中文意思 1、hat的意思:n.(常指带檐的)帽子;(双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色);vi.给…戴上帽子;为…提供帽子供应...

hat 英 [hæt] 美 [hæt]n.帽子; (帽子所表示的)职位,职务 vt.给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子 vi.供应帽子; 制造帽子 网络 乙酰化酶; 有边帽; 草帽 第三人称单数: hats 复数: hats 现在分词: hatting 过去式: hatted 过去分词: hatted ...

读音:英 [hæt] 美 [hæt]n.(常指带檐的)帽子;(双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色)vi.给…戴上帽子;为…提供帽子供应帽子;制造帽子 示例:You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour 如果你选个中性颜色的帽子,戴的时间会更多一些...

hat的翻译:帽子。读音:英[hæt]、美[hæt]。释义:n. 帽子。vt. 给……戴上帽子。vi. 供应帽子;制造帽子。n. (Hat)(中)(广东话·威妥玛)核(人名)。变形:过去式hatted、过去分词hatted、现在分词hatting、第三人称单数hats、复数hats。hat造句如下:1、I wear a ...

hat的意思 1. 作为名词的“hat”:指的是一种通常戴在头部的服饰,用以保护头部免受风雨侵袭或阳光照射,也可以作为装饰或时尚配饰。在正式的场合中,帽子的样式、颜色和材质可能都有一定的礼仪规范。比如,“礼帽”在英文中也用“hat”表示。此外,“hat”在某些语境下,可能还具有特殊的象征意义,如...

"hat"是英语中的名词,意为帽子。它也可以用作动词,指戴上或戴着帽子。此外,"hat"还可以指代深色毛比丝等的装饰性椭圆形围绕在英国法官(lawyers and judges)头上帽檐之上的款式。


hat的意思是帽子。详细解释:1. hat的基本含义 hat是一个常见的英语词汇,其基本含义为“帽子”。这个词在日常生活中广泛使用,用来描述一种戴在头部的服饰。2. hat的不同类型 hat这个词泛指的是各类帽子,根据其用途和设计的不同,可以分为多种类型。例如,棒球帽、礼帽、草帽、军帽等。每种类型的...

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历詹尤卓: What的用法总结 What主要用于引导名词性从句,其用法总结为七种: 1.What+主语+及物动词 例句1:What he says is reasonable. 解析:What he says是主语从句,what 在主语从句中作宾语. 例句2:It is none of your business what other people ...

班玛县15395508575: what's that怎么读应该把/s/和/ð/音都很快地读出来还是省略其中一个音呢?如果省略要省哪个?美式英语里面X - X -
历詹尤卓:[答案] 美式里不省略,因为t's已经是缩写了,如果还是硬要把s和后面的th连起来发音,就听不清楚了.

班玛县15395508575: ①当你想要问远处的某个物品的英文名称时要用句型_____ - . -
历詹尤卓:[选项] A. What's this in English? B. What's that in English? C. What is that English? D. It's in English.

班玛县15395508575: What's sb, like/How's sb. like/WHAT does sb look like的区别 -
历詹尤卓: 你是说要比较三者不同吗?(我当你是的啦) 举例说明:What is he like?(他是怎么样的一个人?) How is sb like 很少这种说法;只有是how is sb(某人身体怎样) What does he look like?(他长的怎么样) 可见:第一个注重讲人品;第二个不常见;第三个注重讲人的样貌;how is sb着重讲人的处境,身体等;

班玛县15395508575: 英语提问dessert 和 refreshment 有何区别what's the rush 翻译成怎么了?和 what's up 有什么区别啊 -
历詹尤卓:[答案] 这两个词不难区分: 一般地,dessert是餐后的甜点,甜品的意思.比如水果啊,布丁啊之类的;有促进消化的韵味. 而Refreshments are drinks and small amounts of food that are provided,for example,during a meeting or a trip.茶点,电影院里卖的提神...

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历詹尤卓:[答案] what就是“什么”的意思 is是第三人称单数的“是” 合起来就是“什么是”的意思

班玛县15395508575: - Why don't you get yourself a job? - That's()sai... - 上学吧
历詹尤卓:[答案] What is

班玛县15395508575: 男生 英文 慢歌 歌词好像有it's ok it'ok no matter wh -
历詹尤卓: No Matter What Boyzone No matter what they tell us No matter what they do No matter what they teach us What we believe it's true No matter what they call us However they attack No matter where they take us We'll find our own way back I can't deny ...

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