求taylor swift -better than revange 中文翻译

作者&投稿:鄂阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ LL revenge拼错了哦
better than revenge
Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did 现在,去站在一个没有人的角落,好好想一想你都做了些什么
The story starts when it was hot and it was summer end我们的故事开始于 在那年夏天结束的时候
I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him 曾经,我拥有一切,我拥有梦寐以求的他
she came along got him alone and lets hear the applause她就这样闯入了我们的世界,带走了他.让我们来听听那些响起的掌声吧
she took him faster than you can say sabotage 她带走他的速度比你说完“第三者破坏法”还快
I never saw it coming wouldnt have suspected it 我不曾怀疑,也不曾料想到事情会这样发生,
I underestimated just who I was dealing with 我实在是太低估了,她,这个我正在对付的人
she had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum 她应该知道她带来的伤痛,好像把我当成鼓一般的疯狂敲击
she underestimated just who she was stealing from她也低估了我,这个她正在从我这里偷取的人
shes not a saint and shes not what you think 她不是圣人,她不是你认为的那样完美
shes an actress whooaa 她只是一个演员
shes better known for the things that she does on the mattress whoa 她在“床垫上的那些事”让她变得有名
soon shes gonna find stealing other people toys on the playground wont make you many friends
she should keep in mind she should keep in mind 她应该记住,她应该牢牢的记住
theres nothing i do better than revenge 我不能做出任何比复仇更好的事情了
she lives her life like its a party and shes on the list她的生活好像派对不断,总能在宾客名单上看见她的名字
she looks at me like im a trend and shes so over it 她看着我,就好象我还被“那件事”影响着,而她已经彻底摆脱了一样
i think her ever present frown is a little troubling 我认为她一直紧皱着眉头会是一个小麻烦
she thinks im psycho cause ryhme her name with things 她认为我有心理问题,因为我喜欢把她的名字和一些东西押韵的并排在一起
but sophistication isnt what you wear or who you know 但是复杂巧妙的世故,并不得意于你的穿着,或你认识那些“人”
or pushing people down to get you where you want to go 也不是你把别人踩在脚底下只为让自己爬的更高
they didnt teach you that in prep school ,so its up to me难道他们在幼稚园的时候没有教导过你吗?所以,现在我来决定一切
but no amout of vintage dresses give you dignity 那些典雅的裙子并没有给你高贵的气质
shes not a saint and shes not what you think 她不是圣人,她不是你认为的那样完美
shes an actress whooaa 她只是一个演员
shes better known for the things that she does on the mattress whoa 她在“床垫上的那些事”让她变得有名
soon shes gonna find stealing other people toys on the playground wont make you many friends
she should keep in mind she should keep in mind 她应该记住,她应该牢牢的记住
theres nothing i do better than revenge 我不能做出任何比复仇更好的事情了
im just another thing for you to roll your eyes at,honey 亲爱的,我只是一件让你揉揉眼睛就过去的小事
you might get him but i havent you heard 你也许能够得到他,但是,你没有听说吗?
im just another thing for you to roll your eyes at,honey亲爱的,我只是一件让你揉揉眼睛就过去的小事
you might get him but i always get the last word你也许能够得到他,但是我会是那一个微笑到最后的那一个
shes not a saint and shes not what you think 她不是圣人,她不是你认为的那样完美
shes an actress whooaa 她只是一个演员
shes better known for the things that she does on the mattress whoa 她在“床垫上的那些事”让她变得有名
soon shes gonna find stealing other people toys on the playground wont make you many friends
she should keep in mind she should keep in mind 她应该记住,她应该牢牢的记住
theres nothing i do better than revenge 我不能做出任何比复仇更好的事情了
do you still feel like you know what youre doing?你还认为 你知道你所做的事情吗?
cause i dont think you do oh 我并不认为你知道
do you still feel like you know what youre doing?你还固执的认为,你知道你犯下的错误吗?
i dont think you do i dont you do 我不认为你知道,你真的不知道
lets hear the applause show me how much better you are 就让那些掌声来传达 ,你比以前过的有好多少
so you deserve some applause cause youre so much better 你确实应该得到一些掌声,因为你真的比以前好了很多
she took him faster then you could say sabatage她带走他的速度比你说完“第三者破坏法”还快

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咸巧诺百: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dqjsbuveppe1UcnLNv58bw提取码: ti1n 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 作品简介:泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员.

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