急需一篇关于大学校园规划设计的论文,要中英文对照的,最好是中英版都有的。 我英语不好,急死了。。。

作者&投稿:严功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

童鞋你好! 这个估计需要自己搜索了! 当然了,如果果真找不到追问一下! 网上基本很难找到免费给你服务的! 我在这里给你点搜索国际上常用的外文数据库: ---------------------------------------------------------- ⑴ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2 ⑵Elsevier SDOL数据库 IEEE/IEE(IEL) ⑶EBSCOhost RSC英国皇家化学学会 ⑷ACM美国计算机学会 ASCE美国土木工程师学会 ⑸Springer电子期刊 WorldSciNet电子期刊全文库 ⑹Nature周刊 NetLibrary电子图书 ⑺ProQuest学位论文全文数据库 ⑻国道外文专题数据库 CALIS西文期刊目次数据库 ⑼推荐使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2 ----------------------------------------------------------- 中文翻译得自己做了,实在不成就谷歌翻译。 弄完之后,自己阅读几遍弄顺了就成啦! 学校以及老师都不会看这个东西的! 外文翻译不是论文的主要内容! 所以,很容易过去的! 祝你好运!

The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence对外星人的探索(搜寻外星人)
Through all of our history we have pondered the stars and muse whether humanity is unique or if,somewhere else in the dark of the night sky,there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do,fellow thinkers in the cosmos.在我们人类历史的长河中,我们观察过星球,思考过人类是不是唯一的,或者在黑暗夜空的某个地方,是否还有其他象我们一样观察和思考的人类,他们也是宇宙中的思想者.(在人类历史的进程中,我们始终在思考着星星,沉思冥想人类是否是独一无二的,在漆黑夜空的某个地方,是否存在其他像我们一样爱思索的生物,宇宙中跟我们相同的思考者.)Such beings might view themselves and the universe differently.这些人类可能以不同眼光看待他们自己和宇宙.(这些生物也许对自身以及对宇宙持有不同看法.)Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies.其他某个地方可能有完全不同的生物,技术和社会.(在别处可能存在着十分奇特的生物,技术和社会.)In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding,we are a little lonely;and we ponder the ultimate significance,if any,of our tiny but exquisite blue planet.在普通人理解不了的巨大而古老的宇宙环境中,我们有点孤独;我们思考我们这个小巧而精美的蓝色行星的终极意义,如果有这种意义的话.(处在这么一种超越人类想像的浩翰无垠和时代久远的宇宙空间里,我们略感寂寞,我们寻思着我们这颗小小的却又是精致的蔚蓝色行星可能有的终极含义.)The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species.探索外星人对人类来说是探索通常可以接受的宇宙演变.(搜寻外星人,就是搜寻可以被广为接受的人类生存的宇宙环境.)In the deepest sense,the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.在更深层意义上,对外星人的探索就是对我们自己的探索.(从根本上说,搜寻外星人就是搜寻人类自身.)
In the last few years----in one-millionth the lifetime of our species on this planet----we have achieved an extraordinary technological capability which enables us to seek out unimaginably distant civilizations even if they are no more advanced than we.在最近几年--我们人类在这个行星上的寿命的百万分之一的时间---我们实现了一种特别的技术能力,即使对远不如我们先进的不可想象的遥远的文明社会,也能搜寻到.(在过去的几年里---在本星球人类生活史的百万分之一的时间内---我们掌握了一种非同寻常的技能,它可以使我们找到苍茫宇宙间的文明世界,哪怕他们和我们一样尚处于不发达的状态.)That capability is called radio astronomy and involves single radio telescopes,collections or arrays of radio telescopes,sensitive radio detectors,advanced computers for processing received data,and the imagination and skill of dedicated scientists.那种能力叫做射电天文学,包括单个的射电望远镜,成套的或列阵的射电望远镜,高敏感的射电望远镜,用于处理接收到的数据的超级计算机,献身的科学家的想象力和技艺.(这种技能被称为射电天文学.它包括单架射电望远镜,射电望远镜组阵,灵敏的无线电探测器,对收集到的资料进行加工的先进的计算机,以及具有献身精神的科学家的想像力和技术.)Radio astronomy has in the last decade opened a new window on the physical universe.最近几十年,射电天文学在物质宇宙方面打开了一个新的窗口.(近十年来,射电天文学开辟了一个观察宇宙物质世界的新窗口.)It may also,if we are wise enough to make the effort,cast a profound light on the biological universe.如果我们足够聪明能完成这个成就,在生物宇宙方面也可能产生耀眼的光芒.(倘若我们的聪明才智发挥得当,或许还可以用它揭示出宇宙生物界的许多秘密.)
Some scientists working on the question of extraterrestrial intelligence,myself among them,have attempted to estimate the number of advanced technical civilizations----defined operationally as societies capable of radio astronomy----in the Milky Way Galaxy.一些研究外星人问题的科学家,也包括我自己,试图估算银河系中有多少个先进技术文明社会,为方便操作,把这种社会定义为能拥有射电天文学的社会.(许多从事外星人研究的科学家,包括本人在内,均在努力估算银河系中有多少个先进的技术文明社会---为方便起见,我们给这种文明社会下的定义是:掌握了射电天文学的社会.)Such estimates are litter better than guesses.这种估算比猜测好不了多少.(这类估算无异于猜测.)They require assigning numerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars;他们要求给数量精确赋值,如星球的数目和年龄;(它要求将许多情况用具体的数字表达出来,诸如恒星的数目和年龄.)the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life,which we know less well;对行星系统的丰富性和生命起源的可能性,我们知道的很少;(行星系究竟多达多少和生命起源的可能性---这些我们知之甚少.)and the probability of the evolution of intelligent life and the lifetime of technical civilizations,about which we know very little indeed.事实上对于有智慧生命的进化的可能性和技术文明社会的寿命,我们几乎不知道.(以及有智慧的生命进化的可能性和技术文明社会有多长的生命期---对此,我们更是近乎一无所知.)
When we do the arithmetic,the sorts of numbers we come up with are,characteristically,around a million technical civilizations.当我们做这些算术的时候,特别地说,我们遇到的这种数字是大约一百万技术文明社会.(计算结果,我们得出的具有典型意义的数字是有大约一百万个技术文明社会.)A million civilizations is a breathtakingly large number,and it is exhilarating to imagine the diversity,lifestyles and commerce of those million worlds.一百万文明社会是一个相当大的数字,想象一下那一百万世界的多样性,生活方式和商业,多么愉快.(这可是个大得令人咋舌的数目.想像一下这百万个世界的千姿百态,各种生活方式和商业往来,真令人兴奋不已.)But the Milky Way Galaxy contains some 250 billion stars,and even with a million civilizations,less than one star in 200000 would have a planet inhabited by an advanced civilization.但是银河系包括大约2500亿颗星星,其中甚至有一百万个文明社会,在二十万颗星星中不到一颗星星拥有居住有先进文明社会的行星.(然而,银河系中大约有二千五百亿颗恒星,即便有百万个文明世界,平均每二十万颗恒星中,也仅有不到一颗恒星,其周围的一颗行星上存在着先进的文明社会.)Since we have little idea which stars are likely candidates,we will have to examine a very large number of them.因为我们不知道哪些星星上可能有居住有先进文明社会的行星,我们必须探测相当多的星星.(由于不知道哪些星球上存在这种可能性,我们不得不进行大量的观察.)Such considerations suggest that the quest for extraterrestrial intelligence may require a significant effort.这种考虑揭示了,对外星人的探索可能要付出巨大的努力.(这表明,搜寻外星人需要作出巨大的努力.)
Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects ,there is no firm evidence for past visitations of the Earth by other civilizations. 尽管有关于古代天文学家的声明和未经确认的飞碟,但对地球以前被其他文明社会的人光顾过没有清晰的证据.(尽管有人声称见过古代的太空人和来历不明的飞行物体,但并无确切证据证实别的文明世界的来客曾经访问过地球.)We are restricted to remote signaling and , of the long-distance techniques available to our technology,radio is by far the best.我们的技术受远程信号和长距离技巧所限,到目前为止无线电是最好的. (我们目前只限于远距离信号的使用,而在我们的技术所能掌握的长距离通讯手段中,无线电是最佳的一种.)Radio telescopes are relatively inexpensive;radio signals travel at the speed of light,faster than which nothing can go;无线电天文望远镜相对便宜,无线电信号以光速传输,比任何速度都快;(相对来说,射电望远镜并不贵;无线电能以光速发送,其他任何东西都无法做到比它更快;)and the use of radio for communication is not a short-sighted or anthropocentric activity.无线电用于通信的使用不是目光短浅的或以人类为中心的行为.(采用无线电作通讯工具不是短视的或以人类为宇宙中心的行为.) Radio represents a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum and any technical civilization anywhere in the Galaxy will have discovered radio early----just as in the last few centuries we have explored the entire electromagnetic spectrum from short gamma rays to very long radio waves.无线电表现了大部分电磁光谱,银河系中某个地方的某个技术文明社会早期发现了无线电波,正像最近几个世纪我们探测了整个电磁光谱,从很短的伽玛射线到很长的无线电波.(无线电包括了大部分电磁波谱,所以银河系中任何地方的技术文明社会,该早已发现了无线电技术了---如同我们在近几个世纪中,对包括短的伽玛射线到长的无线电波在内的整个电磁波谱进行过探测一样.)Advanced civilizations might very well use some other means of communication with their peers.先进的文明社会很可能使用一些其他的通信方式和同伴交流.(先进的文明世界相互间很可能采用别的方法进行通迅联系.)But if they wish to communicate with backward or emerging civilizations,there are only a few obvious methods,the chief of which is radio.但是如果他们希望和落后的或正在形成的文明社会沟通的话,仅有一些显而易见的方式,主要是无线电通信.(可是如果他们想和其他落后的或发展中的文明社会联络的话,就只有几种显而易见的办法,而其中最主要的就是无线电.)



1. 功能分区:随着高等教育理念的变化,学校规模的发严格强调高校内各大功能分区,事实上已不能满足对学生、老师的使用要求。而要使各功能区域之间相互交融、渗透,就必须运用“以人为本”的理念。

2. 校园特色:在新校区规划中传承大学文化、地域特色造反映各自学校人文精神和特色的校园环境。

3. 生态环境:随着校园的大规模建设,规划设计中应结自然和充分利用自然条件,保护和构建校园的生态系统。创造生态化、园林化的校园环境。

4. 可持续发展:校园规划应充分考虑到未来的发展,使规划结构多样、协调、富有弹性,适应未来变化,满足可持续发展。在校园整体设计中还应:




























Is unceasingly thorough along with the reform and open policy, ourcountry higher education enterprise also obtained the unprecedenteddevelopment. Large quantities of new schools, new school areas inunceasing establishment. The campus construction is not certainly complex, but here is breedinglarge number of students' hope and the dream. This kind forgives thecampus atmosphere the plan, a more ideal procedure is may introducethe city layout method the campus design. In this process, by no meansis with emphasis the plan and the design concrete shape construction,but is an entire set of game rule, here contains to spatial and themonomer construction control essential factor, as well as carries outthe method, advocated the public participation, establishes themechanism which a set may unceasingly consummate. Uses in particularthe main body crowd teachers and students opinion must receive takes.The old school area conformity, should enable the building to obtainin function insufficiency makes up, inside and outside the conformityconstruction the space, and causes the different age the buildingvivid fusion again same place. Also eliminates the function and theform, should the spirit and the cultural connotation, thereforeproposed university campus plan design overall view. First, university campus plan design idea 1. functions districts: Along with the higher education ideachange, the school scale sends strictly emphasized in the universitieseach big function district, has not been able to satisfy in fact tothe student, teacher's operation requirements. But must cause betweenvarious functions region mutually to blend, the seepage, must utilize"humanist" idea. 2. campuses characteristics: Inherits the university culture, theregion characteristic in the new school area plan makes reflectsrespective school humanities spirit and the characteristic campusenvironment. 3. ecological environments: Along with the campus large-scaleconstruction, in the plan design should tie the nature and the fulluse natural condition, protects and constructs the campus theecosystem. Creation ecology, botanical garden campus environment. 4. sustainable development: The campus plan should fully consider thefuture the development, will diversely cause the plan structurediversely, to be coordinated, the rich elasticity, the adaption futurechanges, satisfies the sustainable development. In the campus overalldesign also should: 1) constructs between the monomer to be supposed theintercoordination, mutually to converse and the organic connection,forms the path to set up the surface and exterior spatial overallcontinuity; 2) embarks from the campus overall style, the building or thelandscape should have the organic order and become in system whole anunit; 3) exterior spatial and the building space design is cannot bedivided, the plan construction landscape design, should become in thecampus construction development an important work. Second, campus overall design view universal principle The universal principle is abstract the university campus is amulti-purpose suitable scale person occupies the environmentalresearch. (1) macroscopic level - builds take the overall spatial environment asthe object designer needs to use the spatial environment take thewhole to build as the design object and the ultimate objective, heshould pay attention to the campus area the entire life space, thehumanities environment. 1st, defined overall design important starting point In each garden area overall design, must analyze the base, theteaching idea and so on, allocates the design to cut into the spot.The defined overall design important starting point is advantageous tograsps importantly in the design is contradictory, the prominent mainbody characteristic is clear about the host from the relations, andproposes each essential factor relation intrinsic logic and the way,thus is clear about each design essential factor to be supposed tofollow with the prominent key rule guarantee whole unificationdirection. 2nd, mutually restricts circulation thought process The campus overall design thought process are many to thecirculation comprehensive process, namely embarks the considerationplan from the architectural design, from exterior spatial structureconsideration plan, in turn considers the building again from the planrequest, the landscape and exterior space. In the overall design thesefour parts, should be mutually restrict, all must give dual attentionto other design stages in each design stage. (2) center view level - optimization community constructs exteriorspace In the campus overall design, should peripheral enable thecommunity building exterior space if to achieve the integrity effect.Optimizes exterior spatial the form: 1st, exterior spatial main body in the community architectural design,will have often to construct takes the supporting role, will takeexterior space the main body, according to the building and the chartbottom relations, emphatically will analyze the shape and the relationwhich exterior space will encircle gathers, as well as continuity. 2nd, exterior space is pleasant unifies person's activity and exteriorspace, emphasized exterior spatial the participation, shouldartificial plans some function spaces according to the garden areastyle and the life atmosphere, both has the influence to people's lifestyle, and is beneficial to enhances exterior spatial the status,causes inside and outside space to unify contributes together to theoverall environment. 3rd, the microscopic level - heavy construction ash space andconstructs the space "The ash space" on the one hand refers to the color, on theother hand refers is situated between inside and outside the roomexcessively the space, its existence has actually cancelled in theconstruction in the certain degree the exterior boundary, causes twoto become an organic whole. Spatial linking up creates inside andoutside the consistent construction with the design unification,eliminated inside and outside the spatial barrier, for person onenatural organic whole feeling. Says regarding the whole design, the transition space considerationand the design reveals is extremely prominent, through ash space tobuilding empty processing, if with the association porch, theplatform, sets up the surface the hole, outside staircase, increasespace and level and so on footbridge So-called "constructs" the space to be opposite to theconstruction space says, defines as in outside the architecturaldesign project description request necessity function space, forbuilds up the space which the place feeling forms, like wallextending, stands leans on, frame, symbol, tower and so on. Constructsthe space for the non- construction space, although cannot have thedirect function, but they frequently for construction extending, thepart which as well as inside and outside the room blends, has thevital significance to person's consciousness experience continuity andthe place feeling formation. Third, the campus overall design compatibility constructs theconstruction principle (1) campus function time 1st, holds the cultural atmosphere, also must move towards theopening. On the one hand, the rear service market socializationmanagement brings the question for the campus construction, on theother hand, the campus culture, the sports resources are open to thesociety, to plans the layout and the traffic control influence. 2nd, the knowledge economy caused the talented person knowledge therequest to have the new transformation. One is the lifelong educatesinto the society again the request, the adult education institutearises at the historic moment as the university attached function, twois producing study grinds the integration, the scientific researchachievement serves the society. 3rd, "altogether constructs, the adjustment, the merge, the union" thenew time education reform caret shaped policy, its goal lies in theresources superiority supplementary and the multi-disciplinarysynthesis provides the good opportunity for the university to thehigher level development. Thus the campus design will have thenecessity to strengthen the teaching central area the centralizedlayout, will reform each will be the seal independent environmentarrangement, favor resources sharing and the discipline exchange maythe individual be independent, roughly will concentrate the layoutpattern will highly effective achieve highly effective, the convenientintelligence teaching environment. 4th, the higher education connotation unidirectionally instills intoby the traditional teacher to the student to take the student as themain body, transforms take person's development and the quality raiseas the central open style education, this tendency request strengthensin the campus design emphasized "humanist" the thought, emphasized thewalk space, human's criterion, as well as the person and the nature,the person and person's exchange, not merely emphasized the mainteaching space, the entire campus student lives the space all to besupposed to take a whole receives takes. (2) campus center overall cohesive force formation Early modern campus its main characteristic is thearchitectural complex revolves a central square to form the orderlyspool thread relations square 柱廊 to be all around connected, thelibrary or other leading constructions are located a spool thread end. 1st, the central square and the square 尽端 sign leadershipconstructs into the campus host square, the large-scale contact publicspace, and strengthened the campus characteristic morning thecognition, because a body or whole relative disperser, in disorder,therefore center feels in one's heart the formation is advantageous tothe overall feeling formation.


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才会发现前面的路其实并没有想象中那么坎坷。我很庆幸自己争取了这么一次机会,从那以后我胆子大了很多,也越来越应对自如了。我积极参加学校、学院组织的各项活动,也取得了一些成绩。2003年11月参加“太阳雨”杯征文比赛,获得三等奖。2004年5月参加第五届“信得杯”大学生科技文化艺术节系列 ...

其实,这个季节最为绚烂多姿,也最接近人生现实。因为这个季节,我们有退缩,也有拼搏;有相聚,也有分离;有忘却,也有一生一世忘却不了的记忆。这,就是我们的大学生活,多情,神秘,美丽而又纯洁!4 冬天的校园,总让人油然而生敬意之感。十年寒窗,十年磨剑。这是每一个有志青年必经的考验。真正的...

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求一篇英语作文,关于大学校园运动的 150词

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祁阳县13553741605: 急用毕业论文校园网规划与设计 -
蔺单二乙: 浏阳市第一中学校园网设计与实现 http://ww2.tabobo.cn/soft/20/233/2007/011325910605.html 摘 要 随着信息时代的来临,信息网络在我国正处于飞速发展的阶段.学校作为教育的前沿重地,为我国未来信息化人才提供重要的学习环境.因此,...

祁阳县13553741605: 求论文一篇,关于校园环境的分析,加上其作用的.1000字左右 -
蔺单二乙:[答案] 校园环境美化与人文和谐统一 摘要:校园环境绿化、美化是高等学 校教育的一项系统工程,它不仅能改造 学校的环境,给人以美的享受,同时也 是学生的第二课堂.它通过绿色的清 馨、鲜花的芬芳、潺潺流水的奔放这些 典雅文明的校园环境,赋予...

祁阳县13553741605: 球关于校园网设计与开发方面的毕业论文
蔺单二乙: 校园网设计规划(论文) 第一章:校园网实现的目的和设计的原则 第二章:校园网硬件设备准备 第三章:系统总体设计方案 第四章:布线的实施 第五章:网络管理系统设计(主干网及各子网的设计) 第六章:安全性设置 第七章:小结 进入20...

祁阳县13553741605: 《校园网的规划与设计》 -
蔺单二乙: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3c6e1c64783e0912a2162a42.html

祁阳县13553741605: 校园网规划与设计 毕业论文 -
蔺单二乙: 去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:建筑文本 校园网规划与设计 二零一一年六月一日 摘要20世纪后期互联网在我国取得了快速的发展,通过网络办公和网络交易的更为广泛,涉及到企业,单位,学校,军事等各个领域,教育发展也逐...

祁阳县13553741605: 建设和谐校园,大学生应该怎么做.求论文,2000字,急求~~ -
蔺单二乙: 校园是我们学生每天停留时间最多的地方,我们在这里像海绵一样吸取着知识的养分;老师像园丁一样辛勤地耕耘着.无论是学生还是老师,都希望在一个和谐的氛围内学习和教授知识.因此,构建和谐校园需要建立和谐的师生关系.老师给了...

祁阳县13553741605: 《我的大学生涯规划》议论文1500字 -
蔺单二乙: 所谓职业规划,是职业生涯规划的简称,就是对职业生涯乃至人生进行持续的系统的计划的过程,在对个人和内外环境因素进行分析的基础上,确定一个人的事业发展目标,并选择实现这一事业目标的职业或岗位,编制相应的工作、教育和培训...

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