
作者&投稿:长沙力 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 第一阶段

1860年共和党人A.林肯当选为总统,美国民主党遭到惨败,这就成为南方奴隶主脱离联邦和发动叛乱的信号。南部蓄奴州南卡罗来纳首先脱离联邦,接着佐治亚、亚拉巴马、佛罗里达、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克萨斯诸州相继脱离, 并于1861年2月宣布成立“南部同盟”,另立以J.戴维斯为总统的政府。1861年4月12日叛乱政府军开始炮轰在南卡罗来纳的联邦萨姆特要塞,14日被攻陷。林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发 。不久,弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳、田纳西、阿肯色4州退出联邦参加南部联盟。

战争初期北方实力大大超过南方,北方有2234 万人口,南方只有910万,而且其中有380多万是黑奴。北方有发达的工业,四通八达的铁路网和丰富的粮食,而南方几乎没有工业,铁路也很少。但南方有充分的军事准备,拥有装备及训练都较精良的军队。而且,内战前夕J.布坎南总统曾设法把大量武器和金钱输送到南方去。林肯政府在内战初期进行战争的目的是恢复南北的统一,担心触动奴隶制度会把一些边境奴隶州推向南方叛乱者一方,从而失掉边境诸州这个重要的战略地区。由于北方政府不肯宣布解放奴隶。因此,在内战第一阶段,北方在军事上连遭失败。在1861年7月马纳萨斯和1862年夏的半岛战役中,北军损失惨重。北军虽然在西线取得一系列辉煌战果,从南军手中夺取了几个重要战略据点,但是这些战果都被东线的惨败所抵消。





1863年,北方在军事上出现转机。同年7月1日葛底斯堡大捷,歼灭南军2.8万人 ,成为内战的转折点。战场上的主动权转到北方军队手中。1864年,北方最高统帅采用新的战略方针:在东,西两线同时展开强大攻势。在东线以消耗敌人的力量为主要目标;在西线用强大兵力深入敌方腹地,切断“南部同盟”的东北部与西南部的联系。1864年9月,W.T.谢尔曼将军麾下的北军一举攻下亚特兰大,两个月后开始著名的“向海洋进军”,在进军中彻底摧毁了敌人的各种军事设施,使南方经济陷于瘫痪。在东线,格兰特将军统率北军把敌军驱逼到叛乱“首都”里士满附近。1865年初,奴隶纷纷逃亡,种植场经济濒于瓦解。北方海军实行的海上封锁,几乎断绝了南方与欧洲的贸易。同时,在南方内部也出现反对派,许多小农加入联邦派从事反战活动。南方逃兵与日俱增。粮食及日用品匮乏。1865年4月9日,R.E.李的部队陷入北方军队的重围之中,被迫向格兰特请降。美国内战终止。美国恢复统一
First stage

In 1860 Republican party person A.Lincoln wins an election for the president, the American democracy party encounters fiasco, this signal which become southern slave lord's escaping from federal and launching an insurrection.Southern Xu Nu state South Carolina escapes from federal first, immediately after the Zuo cure second, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana with get gram the state with various Sa Si escapes from one after another, and declare to establish "southern allies" in February, 1861, another sign with the J.Davis is the president's government.The federal Sa revolted a government a soldier to start bombard with artillery in South Carolina on April 12, 1861 Mu especially fortress, the 14th is offend to sink.The Lincoln government releases to send punitive expedition to make on April 15 and the civil war break out.Soon, Fu Ji the Ni be second and North Carolina, Tennessee, 4 states in Arkansas withdraw federal to attend a southern alliance.

The war early northern real strenght consumedly exceeds south, there are 2234 in north, south only have 9,100,000, and have among them 380 have another ten thousand is a Negro slave.North have flourishing of industry, leading everywhere railway network with abundant of food, and south almost have no industry, railroad also few.But the south contain full military preparation, own a material and train all more excellent troops.And, civil war night before last J.The cloth axed a south president to once try to transport a great deal of weapon and the money to the south.The Lincoln government carried on a warlike purpose in the early years in the civil war is recover south north of unify, worried that the touch slave's system will push some frontier slave's states toward the southern insurrection a square, lose the frontier various state this important strategic region thus.Because the northern government be not willing to declare a liberation a slave.Therefore, at the civil war first stage, the north militarily connects to encounter failure.In July, 1861 Ma3 Na4 Sa4 Si and the summer of 1862's peninsula battle, north the soldier loss be miserably heavy.Although the north soldier obtains a series of and glorious results in battle in the west line, seized a few important and strategic bases from the south soldier hand,these results in battles be all offset by the fiasco of east line.

Frequently fail on the northern military of under the circumstance, the discard of radical party and society power doctrine of Republican party inner part puts forward relieving a slave with armed black of assertion.Lincoln also is aware of a necessity of relieve the slave.

Second stage

On September 22, 1862, Lincoln announces to prepare sex of 《the liberation denounce 》.Declare:If the southern insurrection doesn't let go of weapon before January 1, 1863, revolt various state of the slave will have acquired a freedom since that day.After news spreads to south, the thousands slave absconds to north.The British working class also launched support north of sport, forced a British government to give up original of interference plan.

Lincoln's government still practices a series of revolution measure and policy:The policy practiced armed black for 1862~1863 years.Therefore, the thousands black registers to attend northern troops, mainly is a south to flee from home a slave among them;Promulgate May in 1862 of 《house ground method 》provision:Everything is loyal to federal adult, as long as consign the registration fees of USD 10, can receive 64.74 hectare lands in the west, can become the proprietor of this land after the land ascend cultivate for 5 years.Lincoln's government scathing suppression counterrevolution member, clean the southern agent in the troops.Start execution conscripting a method in 1863 to replace a mercenary system, thus, the troops strengthenned north.In the meantime, Lincoln adjusted a military leadership organization, the execution unifies conductor, the ordination includes an outstanding military then can of the U.S. space orchid commands for the whole army especially.

In 1863, the north militarily appears a turning point.At the same year July 1 Ge bottom Si fortress overwhelming victory, annihilate south soldier 2.8 myriad peoples, the turn which becomes civil war order.The active power of battlefield turns to a northern troops hand.In 1864, the northern General adopts new strategic policy:At the east, west two lines launch strong offensive in the meantime.Take consuming the enemy's strength as a main target at the east line;Use the thorough enemy interior region of the strong forces in the west line, cut off the northeast of"southern allies" and the contact of the southwest.In September, 1864, the W.T. thanks the north soldier of the Er Man general troops to with one action capture Atlanta, start "to the ocean military advance" of Zhao after two months, thoroughly destroyed the enemy's various military installation in the military advance and make south economic to sink in paralyze.At the east line, space orchid especially the general command a north soldier to get rid of enemy's soldier to force to revolt a private in"capital city" a full neighborhood.1865 beginning of years, the slave flees from home in succession and plant a field economy to be on the brink of to break up.The sea that the northern navy practice blockade and almost ruptured south and the trade of Europe.Also appear opposition faction in the southern inner part in the meantime, many small agricultures join a federal parties to be engaged in an anti- war activity.The southern deserter increase with each passing day.Food and daily necessity are short of.On April 9, 1865, the R.E. Lee's troops sinks into the several depths besieged of northern troops, compelled to space orchid especially please decline.The American civil war terminate.The American instauration unify



The first stage in 1860 the Republicans A. Lincoln was elected president, the Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat for the United States, This has become a Southern slave owner from the union and started a rebellion signal. Slavery southern states South Carolina to secede from the union first, followed by Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, states of Louisiana and Texas were out, and in February 1861 announced the establishment of a "southern alliance," J. Davis to naming of the presidential administration. April 12, 1861 began bombarding rebel forces in the South Carolina Federation of Fort Sumter, on the 14th overrun. Lincoln government on April 15 issued a wave of orders, civil war broke out. Shortly, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas seceded from the union and four states in southern Union. The start of the war more than the North strength of the South, the North had 22.34 million population, only 9.1 million South. of which 380 million is black slaves. Northern has developed the industry, good rail network, and abundant food, and the South almost no industry, is very small. However, the South is full of military preparations, with equipment and training are more sophisticated army. Moreover, the eve of the civil war President J. Buchanan has managed to bring a large number of arms and money to transfer to the south. Lincoln in the early years of civil war aim of the war is to restore the unity of the North and the South, worried that the slave system will touch on some of the border slave states into the side of the rebels in the South, thus losing the border states of the strategically important regions. Because the government refused to North announced the liberation of slaves. Therefore, in the first phase of the civil war, the North suffered a military defeat. In July 1861 Manassas and 1862 summer campaign on the Korean peninsula, North army suffered heavy losses. Although North Army in the west have made a series of brilliant performances, from the hands of the Yugoslav Army to seize several important strategic stronghold. However, these results were in line offset by Waterloo. In the north military failed repeatedly circumstances, within the Republican Party and the radical faction of the community waste chauvinists liberating slaves and the idea of armed blacks. Lincoln also aware of the need to liberate slaves.

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林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发 。不久,弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳、田纳西、阿肯色4州退出联邦参加南部联盟。战争初期北方实力大大超过南方,北方有2234 万人口,南方只有910万,而且其中有380多万是黑奴。北方有发达的工业,四通八达的铁路网和丰富的粮食,而南方几乎没有工业,铁路也很少。但南方有...

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江启福乃: 翻译如下In April, 1861 ~ in April, 1865, south US and north between carried onwar. Also calls US the civil war. North the leader war is bourgeoisie.In the south, persisted the war only plants the field slave-owner,they carry on the war the goal are ...

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江启福乃: My name is XXX, from Liaoning XX, English name is XX, graduated in 2011 from XX The Academy management professional, respectively in Beijing XX Hotel and Beijing XX hotel internship, in housekeeping and front office work, the porter let ...

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江启福乃: My name is Shaly,22 year old this year,I graduate from the Guangdong University of Finance,I am from Shenyang,live in Guangzhou now.你这样的也能大学毕业看...

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