
作者&投稿:依向 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1-4题 18分)
(1) ,刚起头儿,有的是工夫,有的是希望。(朱自清《春》)
(2) ,衣冠简朴古风存。(陆游《游山西村》)
(3)非独贤者有是心也,人皆有之, 。(孟子《鱼,我所欲也》)
(1)曹操《观沧海》一诗中,描写草木景色的句子是: , 。
, 。
(1) 给下面词语中加着重号的字注音,(2分)
①攒( )动 ②目不暇( )
① 应改为 ② 应改为
4、阅读下面文字,完成后面的问题。(共6分) ,
示例:营造绿色城市 呵护地球家园
候选人:孟母(孟子的母亲) 岳母(岳飞的母亲) 冰心


(5~23题 52分)
也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。” , •
四境之内莫不有求于王:由此观之,王之蔽甚矣。” ;’ ’
(1)邹忌修八尺有余 修:
(2)吾妻之美我者,私我也 私:
现在用来形容 。(2分)


11、文章第④段能否去掉?为什么? (3分)
12、文章第⑥段加着重号的词语有什么表达效果? (2分)

③“忍”是有大小之分的。韩信受胯下之辱是小忍,司马迁受宫刑后发愤著书是大忍。由此看来, 。难怪有位名人说
14、开头一段在全文中的作用是什么? (2分)


17、文章第④段论述的观点是什么? (2分)






第 三 部 分
(24题 50分)

2、 (1)树木丛生 百草丰茂 (2)山水之乐 得之心而寓之酒也
3、(1)①cuán ②xiá
4、(1)示例一:弘扬中华美德 感受母爱亲情
示例二:感受母爱 报答母恩
(2)示例一:孟母 孟母三迁的故事家喻户晓,孟子成为古代杰出的思想家与他母亲的教育是分不开的,孟母教子成功的例子可作为后人的典范。因此,我推举孟母作为母亲节的形象代言人。
示例二:岳母 岳母刺字,教育岳飞精忠报国的故事家喻户晓、代代相传,热爱国家、报效祖国在当今时代仍需要发扬光大。因此,我推举岳母作为母亲节的形象代言人。
示例三:冰心 她是一位著名的作家,她的作品主题之一就是歌颂伟大的母爱,她的作品深得孩子们的喜爱。因此,我推举冰心作为母亲节的形象代言人。
5、(1)长,这里指身高 (2)偏爱
7、门口和庭院里像市场一样(热闹) 交际来往的人很多

19、晋代陶侃在武昌(今鄂州)期间带领官吏和百姓广植柳树,人们为了缅怀(纪念)他, 把他所种的柳树称为陶公柳。
20、印证“陶公柳”“武昌柳”的名称由来已久;增加文章的文化内涵;赞美了 (“武昌柳”)的风姿,表达了对陶公的怀念之情。

31. We got to the cinema late because of the busy traffic.
A. large B. light C. heavy D. big
32. Look out, David! A car is coming.
A. Be careful B. Look outside C. Look around D. Look back
33. Do remember me to your family when you get back home. I miss your parents very much.
A. show welcome to B. say good-bye to
C. say hello to D. write to
34. The Smiths are watching the men's table tennis match after dinner.
A. Mr Smith B. The Smith C. Smiths D. The Smith family
35. I couldn't come up with a good excuse for being late.
A. think of B. put up C. get D. say
36. It is over ________ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.
A. three hours' drive B. three hour's drive
C. three hours' drives D. three hours drive
37. Write ________ and try not to make any mistakes.
A. as careful as possible B. as carefully as you can
C. most careful D. more careful
38. It's not always necessary to look up the words ________ the dictionary while
reading. Sometimes we need to guess.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
39. Oh, Danny. It's raining outside, You'd better ________ your raincoat.
A. put on B. put up C. dress D. to wear
40. We've got two TV sets, but ________ works well.
A. any B. both C. either D. neither
41. We have worked for three hours. Now let's stop ________ a rest.
A. had B. have C. to have D. having
42. Oh, this is really a big shop. Do you know when it ________?
A. built B. was built C. has built D. has been built
43. So ________ homework really makes the students feel tired.
A. much B. many C. little D. few
44. —Tell him about the news when he ________, John.
—Yes, I will.
A. comes B. will come C. would come D. is coming
45. I told you not to be late again, John, ________ I?
A. do B. did C. don't D. didn't
46. This is a big class, and ________of the students are girls.
A. two third B. second three C. two thirds D. two three
47. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get.
—We know, Miss Gao.
A. The better, the harder B. The harder, the better
C. The hard, the better D. The harder, the good
48. I tried to call you ________ I heard from him, but you were not in.
A. since B. while C. until D. as soon as
49. It _________ ten years since we last. ________ in Beijing.
A. was, met B. has been, met
C. was, meet D. is, meet
50. —Could you tell me ________ tomorrow morning?
—Well, it will start at 9:00 o'clock.
A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start
C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would start

When learning new vocabulary, don't just memorize(记住) a list of words. Instead, try to 51 five sentences using each new word. Then use the new word as often as you can 52 day you learn it. This 53 you will remember new words much longer.
Practising sounds, you know, is, 54 —the "th" sound for example. Choose words that begin 55 "th" and repeat them over and over again 56 you are comfortable with them. Let's try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick...
Read, read, read—in, English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary 57 improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be 58 to choose topics (话题) or books you are interested in.
When someone is talking in English, 59 the main point. If you hear a word you don't understand, ignore(忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will 60 everything else the person is saying.
Always remember—Practice makes perfect.
51. A. say B. make C. remember D. speak
52. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some
53. A. day B. time C. way D. word
54. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy
55. A. with B. from C. at D. in
56. A. when B. after C. until D. since
57. A. but B. so C. or D. and
58. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary
59. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear
60. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch
Hours and Admission
Monday-Thursday; 10:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.
The Museum Shop is open during regular (正常的) museum hours.
Admission (费用) to the shop is always free.
The Museum Library is open Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. ~5:00 p.m.
The Skyliner Restaurant is open during regular museum hours Monday through
Saturday, and from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Adults(成年人) : $7. 00
The aged and students with ID: $6. 00
Children ages 2 to 17 - $5.00
Children younger than 2: free
Strong Museum members: free
Strong Museum offers a 50% discount(打折)to groups of 20 or more.
61. Strong Museum usually opens ________.
A. Monday through Thursday
B. every day except Wednesday
C. from Monday to Friday
D. every day of the week
62. You can have dinner in Strong Museum ________ on Fridays.
A. from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
B. from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
C. from 11:30. a.m. to5:00 p.m.
D. at any time of the day
63. If you are a group of 30 students with ID visiting Strong Museum, how much should you pay for the admission?
A. $105. B. $90. C. $210. D. $180.
64. According to the advertisement (广告) above, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Children to Strong Museum are free.
B. An adult visiting Strong Museum should pay $7.00.
C. The museum is open all the year round.
D. The aged people are free to Strong Museum.
65. Which is the best that can be used in the advertisement for Strong Museum?
A. Strong Museum—an Exciting Place for Adults
B. Strong Museum—Children\'s World for Fun
C. Welcome to Strong Museum for a Long Holiday
D. Strong Museum—the Best Place to Spend Your Day

To: Aggie@yahoo.com From: Joe@heinfo.net
Subject: Help! Date: 21/06/2005 10:02 AM
Dear Aunt Aggie,
I'm having a problem with my classmate, Rena, at school. The other day I wrote an email to another classmate, Beth, in which I said some things about Rena that perhaps weren't very nice. Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she accidentally forwarded(无意间转发) the message to Rena! Now Rena is really angry with me and won't talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She's said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel bad, because I never would have said those things to Rena's face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解) me? What should I do? Joe
To: joe@heinfo.net From: Aggie@yahoo.com
Subject: Some advice Date: 22/06/2005 10:45 AM

Dear Joe,
This problem is more common than you might think! Email is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you don't know where your message might end up! First of all, you should say sorry right away to Rena. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but that's up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show that you're truly sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying:" If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And good luck! Aggie

66. What is Joe's problem in the first email?
A. Joe made Rena unhappy and he felt very sad.
B. Joe's classmate, Rena, sent Beth an email and made her unhappy.
C. Joe received a wrong email from Rena and became angry.
D. Joe's friend, Beth, is unhappy because Joe sent her an angry email.
67. After Rena's feelings got hurt, what did Joe do?
A. He emailed her and said sorry.
B. He asked Beth what he should do.
C. He emailed Aunt Aggie for help.
D. He said sorry to Rena face to face,
68. What does the underlined (画线的) sentence mean in the second email? It means "________".
A. because you don't know who the email is for
B. because you can never know who will get your email at last
C. because you don't know where your email was written
D. because you never know where the message is from
69. What advice did Aggie give Joe?
A. Joe, Beth and Rena should have a talk together.
B. Joe should wait for some time before saying sorry to Rena.
C. Joe should ask Beth to explain (解释) that to Rena.
D. Joe Should say sorry to Rena and then send her some flowers.
70. From the emails, we know that ________.
A. Joe, Rena and Beth study at different schools
B. Beth didn't forward the message to Rena
C. Joe has said sorry to Rena many times already
D. Rena hasn't forgiven Joe yet


Babies sleep for up to eighteen hours a day. Sleep. No one can live without it. 71 Research (研究) by the National Sleep Foundation in Washington says that we all need eight hours' sleep every night. Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than six and a half hours a night are more often ill than people who sleep for eight hours. 72 "Workaholics" (工作狂) who sleep for less than five hours often die young, and do less well at work.

It also says that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is untrue. "People have no idea how important sleep is to their lives," Dr. Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says. " 73 ".

"But not too much of it,” says Professor Jim Home. "Sleep is like food and drink," he believes: " 74 "Professor Home studied a group of people who could spend as many hours as they wanted in bed; after ten hours they didn't find it any easier to get up in the morning. And people who sleep for more than nine hours a night die younger than people who usually sleep for seven or eight.

A. But how much do we really need?
B. You would always like to have a little bit more, but that doesn't mean you need it.
C. Good health needs good sleep.
D. Going without sleep also increases the chance of illness.
75. What's the best title for this passage?
A. Children and Sleep
B. The Secrets of Sleep
C. Sleep and Work
D. Are You Having Enough Sleep?


Information Sheet Time now: 6:00 a. m. Weather information:
snow has been falling since (76)______________.
Suggested (建议的) ways of transportation(交通):
Affection ( 影响 ) to the schools:
Some schools in the countryside (78)______________.
More information about the weather:
Snow will last for (79)____________.
Time for the next news: (80)____________.

81. Every teacher _______(希望) the students to study hard to make progress.
82. Keep ________ (微笑) and have a happier, healthier and better life.
83. There are so many new words in the ________ (二十九) lesson. It's hard to understand.
84. Science is one of my favorite _______(科目). What about you?
85. Where is Jim? I'm afraid he has ________ (忘记) we'll have a meeting this afternoon.
X.书面表达。(共计1 5分)
在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。字数要求在80~100词之间。文中不得出现真实的人名、地名
提示: ①What does your school look like?
②What fun do you have at school?
③Why do you like your school?

Proud of My School

l. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. C 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. A
40. D 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. B 50. A
51. B 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. A 63. B 64. B 65. D 66. A 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. D 71. A 72. D 73. C 74. C 75. B
76. yesterday afternoon
77. Take/take a/the bus or take a/the train或 By/by bus or by train
78. (are)closed 或 are not open
79. at least/more than/about two/2 days
80. (At/at)8:00/8/Eight/eight(o'clock)
81. wishes/expects
82. smiling 83. twenty-ninth
84. subjects 85. forgotten.
One possible version.-
Proud of My School
My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are 2 000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere.
We have lots of fun at school. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. They are very interesting.
I love my school because it's like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.
1. I can't believe this shirt cost ninety dollars.
2. My best friend, Paul, is from Australia.
3. Do you think you can come this Sunday afternoon?
4.1 hope Dad will like this white shirt we bought him.
5. You may fail this exam if you don't spend some time preparing for it.
6. My mom asked me to buy her a bag of salt, but I forgot all about it.
7. What can I do for you?
8. What a nice dress you're wearing, Jackie!
9. I'm sorry, but would you mind if I open the window?
10. What seems to be the trouble?
11. Excuse me. Where's the ladies' room?
12. John asked me to give this message to you.
13. W: Oh, it's too hot today.
M: Yes, the radio says it's 38 ℃.
Q: What is the temperature today?
14. W: This is a picture of mine with my brother and sister.
M: Is your brother older than your sister?
W: Yes, much older He's 26.
M: And how old is your sister?
W: She's 17.
M: That's a big difference.
Q: What is the age difference between her brother and sister?
15. M: What are you doing in Tokyo?
W: I'm visiting my parents.
M: Really!
Q: What is the woman doing now?
16. M: How much did you pay for it?
W: 200 dollars.
M: 200 dollars for a CD like that? I can't believe it!
W: What do you mean?
M: It's not worth it.
Q: What does the man think of the CD?
17. M: I never quite like bananas. What about you, Mary?
W: Me? I do. But not pears. I hate pears. We eat lots of grapes every year. That's my favorite.
M: I know. Your family has a grape yard.
Q: What does Mary like to eat best?
18. M: I'm looking for Janet.
W: Oh, there she is. She's wearing a long dress. And she's got glasses.
M: Does she have long hair?
W: No, it's not really long.
M: Thanks a lot.
Q: Which one of the following is Janet?
19. W: Hello. This is Nancy's house. But Nancy's not home.
M: Oh, I see. Can I leave a message, please?
W: Yes, I'm ready.
M: Thanks. This is Brian calling. Brian Kennedy.
W. Is that B-R-I-A-N K-E-N-N-E-D-Y?
M: Yes, and my number is 271-8914.
W: 271-8914. OK. And will you call again later?
M: Yes, I will.
Question No. 19: Who called Nancy?
Question No. 20: What is the man's telephone number?
Question No. 21: What do we know about the man?
20. W: Excuse me. Are you looking for something?
M: Yes, I'm looking for a book named Walt Disney.
W: You can ask the woman with long hair over there. She will help you.
M: I did, but I couldn't find it.
W: The book must have been borrowed by someone else.
M: When will it be back? I need it right away.
W: Want to read it again? Do you think it is so interesting?
M: No, but when I was taking it home the other day, I met a classmate on the bus, and I wrote her telephone number on a piece of paper and put it in the book- When I returned it yesterday, I forgot all about it. I need to call her now.
W: Oh, I see.
Question No. 22: What book is the man looking for?
Question No. 23: Why is the man looking for the book?
Question No. 24: What's happened to the book?
Question No. 25: Where are the two speakers?

21. OK, my twin brother. Well, my twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four minutes younger than me. We were both born on the 5th of January, and I think that we look alike very much. Daniel is a lot taller than me and he has very dark hair, but we have the same eyes and nose and smile. We weren't always in the same classes at school because my parents wanted us to be a bit more different. We used to be dressed the same way, but different in color, me in red and him in blue, and we used to have a birthday cake that was always half was red and half was blue, but I guess we are quite different. He's really, really active, and just very different from me. At school I was always in the top classes getting A's and he was always failing the exams. He did a lot of sports but I didn't, so people say we are very different.
Question No. 26: When is their birthday?
Question No. 27: What is the difference between the twins' looks? Question No. 28: Why weren't they always in the same classes? Question No. 29: How were they dressed when young?
Question No. 30: How is the speaker different from her brother?

22. This is Radio Oxton. It's six o'clock in the morning, and here is the local news. The bad weather has again brought lots of trouble in the local areas. The heavy snow which has been failing since yesterday afternoon has caused great difficulty to many. So please advise people not to drive to town. If you must go to town, take a bus or take a train.

As the result of the bad weather, some schools in the countryside are closed. The students and teachers have not been able to get to school. In the city itself, however, schools open as usual. It's going to snow all day today, and for at least two days. Bad news for many, although I guess kids would be happy.
Well, that's the news at six o'clock. The next news will be in two hours' time at 8. And now let's have some light music


(1-4题 15分)
1. 用古诗文原句填空。(每空1分,共2分)
① ,风正一帆悬。(王湾《次北固山下》)
②录毕,走送之, 。(宋濂《送东阳马生序》)
2. 根据要求在下列横线上写出相应的内容。(每空1分,共4分)
① 李白在《行路难》中,用宗悫这一历史人物的典故,表达自己理想和信念的诗句是:
, 。
② 请你从积累的古诗中,写出一个含有“草”字的万丈诗句:
, 。

③ 请你谈谈观看这个专题栏目后的感受。(2分)

①这部名著是法国著名作家 的作品。它继续了贝多芬、 、

(5-25题 55分)

  31. We got to the cinema late because of the busy traffic.
  A. large B. light C. heavy D. big
  32. Look out, David! A car is coming.
  A. Be careful B. Look outside C. Look around D. Look back
  33. Do remember me to your family when you get back home. I miss your parents very much.
  A. show welcome to B. say good-bye to
  C. say hello to D. write to
  34. The Smiths are watching the men's table tennis match after dinner.
  A. Mr Smith B. The Smith C. Smiths D. The Smith family
  35. I couldn't come up with a good excuse for being late.
  A. think of B. put up C. get D. say
  36. It is over ________ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.
  A. three hours' drive B. three hour's drive
  C. three hours' drives D. three hours drive
  37. Write ________ and try not to make any mistakes.
  A. as careful as possible B. as carefully as you can
  C. most careful D. more careful
  38. It's not always necessary to look up the words ________ the dictionary while
  reading. Sometimes we need to guess.
  A. on B. in C. at D. from
  39. Oh, Danny. It's raining outside, You'd better ________ your raincoat.
  A. put on B. put up C. dress D. to wear
  40. We've got two TV sets, but ________ works well.
  A. any B. both C. either D. neither
  41. We have worked for three hours. Now let's stop ________ a rest.
  A. had B. have C. to have D. having
  42. Oh, this is really a big shop. Do you know when it ________?
  A. built B. was built C. has built D. has been built
  43. So ________ homework really makes the students feel tired.
  A. much B. many C. little D. few
  44. —Tell him about the news when he ________, John.
  —Yes, I will.
  A. comes B. will come C. would come D. is coming
  45. I told you not to be late again, John, ________ I?
  A. do B. did C. don't D. didn't
  46. This is a big class, and ________of the students are girls.
  A. two third B. second three C. two thirds D. two three
  47. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get.
  —We know, Miss Gao.
  A. The better, the harder B. The harder, the better
  C. The hard, the better D. The harder, the good
  48. I tried to call you ________ I heard from him, but you were not in.
  A. since B. while C. until D. as soon as
  49. It _________ ten years since we last. ________ in Beijing.
  A. was, met B. has been, met
  C. was, meet D. is, meet
  50. —Could you tell me ________ tomorrow morning?
  —Well, it will start at 9:00 o'clock.
  A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start
  C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would start

  When learning new vocabulary, don't just memorize(记住) a list of words. Instead, try to 51 five sentences using each new word. Then use the new word as often as you can 52 day you learn it. This 53 you will remember new words much longer.
  Practising sounds, you know, is, 54 —the "th" sound for example. Choose words that begin 55 "th" and repeat them over and over again 56 you are comfortable with them. Let's try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick...
  Read, read, read—in, English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary 57 improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be 58 to choose topics (话题) or books you are interested in.
  When someone is talking in English, 59 the main point. If you hear a word you don't understand, ignore(忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will 60 everything else the person is saying.
  Always remember—Practice makes perfect.
  51. A. say B. make C. remember D. speak
  52. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some
  53. A. day B. time C. way D. word
  54. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy
  55. A. with B. from C. at D. in
  56. A. when B. after C. until D. since
  57. A. but B. so C. or D. and
  58. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary
  59. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear
  60. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch
  Hours and Admission
  Monday-Thursday; 10:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
  Friday: 10:00 a.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.
  Saturday: 10:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m.
  Sunday: 11:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
  Closed on Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.
  The Museum Shop is open during regular (正常的) museum hours.
  Admission (费用) to the shop is always free.
  The Museum Library is open Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. ~5:00 p.m.
  The Skyliner Restaurant is open during regular museum hours Monday through
  Saturday, and from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.

  Adults(成年人) : $7. 00
  The aged and students with ID: $6. 00
  Children ages 2 to 17 - $5.00
  Children younger than 2: free
  Strong Museum members: free
  Strong Museum offers a 50% discount(打折)to groups of 20 or more.
  61. Strong Museum usually opens ________.
  A. Monday through Thursday
  B. every day except Wednesday
  C. from Monday to Friday
  D. every day of the week
  62. You can have dinner in Strong Museum ________ on Fridays.
  A. from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  B. from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  C. from 11:30. a.m. to5:00 p.m.
  D. at any time of the day
  63. If you are a group of 30 students with ID visiting Strong Museum, how much should you pay for the admission?
  A. $105. B. $90. C. $210. D. $180.
  64. According to the advertisement (广告) above, which of the following is TRUE?
  A. Children to Strong Museum are free.
  B. An adult visiting Strong Museum should pay $7.00.
  C. The museum is open all the year round.
  D. The aged people are free to Strong Museum.
  65. Which is the best that can be used in the advertisement for Strong Museum?
  A. Strong Museum—an Exciting Place for Adults
  B. Strong Museum—Children\'s World for Fun
  C. Welcome to Strong Museum for a Long Holiday
  D. Strong Museum—the Best Place to Spend Your Day

  To: Aggie@yahoo.com From: Joe@heinfo.net
  Subject: Help! Date: 21/06/2005 10:02 AM
  Dear Aunt Aggie,
  I'm having a problem with my classmate, Rena, at school. The other day I wrote an email to another classmate, Beth, in which I said some things about Rena that perhaps weren't very nice. Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she accidentally forwarded(无意间转发) the message to Rena! Now Rena is really angry with me and won't talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She's said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel bad, because I never would have said those things to Rena's face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解) me? What should I do? Joe
  To: joe@heinfo.net From: Aggie@yahoo.com
  Subject: Some advice Date: 22/06/2005 10:45 AM

  Dear Joe,
  This problem is more common than you might think! Email is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you don't know where your message might end up! First of all, you should say sorry right away to Rena. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but that's up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show that you're truly sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying:" If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And good luck! Aggie

  66. What is Joe's problem in the first email?
  A. Joe made Rena unhappy and he felt very sad.
  B. Joe's classmate, Rena, sent Beth an email and made her unhappy.
  C. Joe received a wrong email from Rena and became angry.
  D. Joe's friend, Beth, is unhappy because Joe sent her an angry email.
  67. After Rena's feelings got hurt, what did Joe do?
  A. He emailed her and said sorry.
  B. He asked Beth what he should do.
  C. He emailed Aunt Aggie for help.
  D. He said sorry to Rena face to face,
  68. What does the underlined (画线的) sentence mean in the second email? It means "________".
  A. because you don't know who the email is for
  B. because you can never know who will get your email at last
  C. because you don't know where your email was written
  D. because you never know where the message is from
  69. What advice did Aggie give Joe?
  A. Joe, Beth and Rena should have a talk together.
  B. Joe should wait for some time before saying sorry to Rena.
  C. Joe should ask Beth to explain (解释) that to Rena.
  D. Joe Should say sorry to Rena and then send her some flowers.
  70. From the emails, we know that ________.
  A. Joe, Rena and Beth study at different schools
  B. Beth didn't forward the message to Rena
  C. Joe has said sorry to Rena many times already
  D. Rena hasn't forgiven Joe yet


  Babies sleep for up to eighteen hours a day. Sleep. No one can live without it. 71 Research (研究) by the National Sleep Foundation in Washington says that we all need eight hours' sleep every night. Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than six and a half hours a night are more often ill than people who sleep for eight hours. 72 "Workaholics" (工作狂) who sleep for less than five hours often die young, and do less well at work.

  It also says that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is untrue. "People have no idea how important sleep is to their lives," Dr. Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says. " 73 ".

  "But not too much of it,” says Professor Jim Home. "Sleep is like food and drink," he believes: " 74 "Professor Home studied a group of people who could spend as many hours as they wanted in bed; after ten hours they didn't find it any easier to get up in the morning. And people who sleep for more than nine hours a night die younger than people who usually sleep for seven or eight.

  A. But how much do we really need?
  B. You would always like to have a little bit more, but that doesn't mean you need it.
  C. Good health needs good sleep.
  D. Going without sleep also increases the chance of illness.
  75. What's the best title for this passage?
  A. Children and Sleep
  B. The Secrets of Sleep
  C. Sleep and Work
  D. Are You Having Enough Sleep?


  Information Sheet Time now: 6:00 a. m. Weather information:
  snow has been falling since (76)______________.
  Suggested (建议的) ways of transportation(交通):
  Affection ( 影响 ) to the schools:
  Some schools in the countryside (78)______________.
  More information about the weather:
  Snow will last for (79)____________.
  Time for the next news: (80)____________.

  81. Every teacher _______(希望) the students to study hard to make progress.
  82. Keep ________ (微笑) and have a happier, healthier and better life.
  83. There are so many new words in the ________ (二十九) lesson. It's hard to understand.
  84. Science is one of my favorite _______(科目). What about you?
  85. Where is Jim? I'm afraid he has ________ (忘记) we'll have a meeting this afternoon.
  X.书面表达。(共计1 5分)
  在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。字数要求在80~100词之间。文中不得出现真实的人名、地名
  提示: ①What does your school look like?
  ②What fun do you have at school?
  ③Why do you like your school?

  Proud of My School

  l. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. C
  31. C 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. A
  40. D 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. B 50. A
  51. B 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. A 63. B 64. B 65. D 66. A 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. D 71. A 72. D 73. C 74. C 75. B
  76. yesterday afternoon
  77. Take/take a/the bus or take a/the train或 By/by bus or by train
  78. (are)closed 或 are not open
  79. at least/more than/about two/2 days
  80. (At/at)8:00/8/Eight/eight(o'clock)
  81. wishes/expects
  82. smiling 83. twenty-ninth
  84. subjects 85. forgotten.
  One possible version.-
  Proud of My School
  My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are 2 000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere.
  We have lots of fun at school. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. They are very interesting.
  I love my school because it's like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.
  1. I can't believe this shirt cost ninety dollars.
  2. My best friend, Paul, is from Australia.
  3. Do you think you can come this Sunday afternoon?
  4.1 hope Dad will like this white shirt we bought him.
  5. You may fail this exam if you don't spend some time preparing for it.
  6. My mom asked me to buy her a bag of salt, but I forgot all about it.
  7. What can I do for you?
  8. What a nice dress you're wearing, Jackie!
  9. I'm sorry, but would you mind if I open the window?
  10. What seems to be the trouble?
  11. Excuse me. Where's the ladies' room?
  12. John asked me to give this message to you.
  13. W: Oh, it's too hot today.
  M: Yes, the radio says it's 38 ℃.
  Q: What is the temperature today?
  14. W: This is a picture of mine with my brother and sister.
  M: Is your brother older than your sister?
  W: Yes, much older He's 26.
  M: And how old is your sister?
  W: She's 17.
  M: That's a big difference.
  Q: What is the age difference between her brother and sister?
  15. M: What are you doing in Tokyo?
  W: I'm visiting my parents.
  M: Really!
  Q: What is the woman doing now?
  16. M: How much did you pay for it?
  W: 200 dollars.
  M: 200 dollars for a CD like that? I can't believe it!
  W: What do you mean?
  M: It's not worth it.
  Q: What does the man think of the CD?
  17. M: I never quite like bananas. What about you, Mary?
  W: Me? I do. But not pears. I hate pears. We eat lots of grapes every year. That's my favorite.
  M: I know. Your family has a grape yard.
  Q: What does Mary like to eat best?
  18. M: I'm looking for Janet.
  W: Oh, there she is. She's wearing a long dress. And she's got glasses.
  M: Does she have long hair?
  W: No, it's not really long.
  M: Thanks a lot.
  Q: Which one of the following is Janet?
  19. W: Hello. This is Nancy's house. But Nancy's not home.
  M: Oh, I see. Can I leave a message, please?
  W: Yes, I'm ready.
  M: Thanks. This is Brian calling. Brian Kennedy.
  W. Is that B-R-I-A-N K-E-N-N-E-D-Y?
  M: Yes, and my number is 271-8914.
  W: 271-8914. OK. And will you call again later?
  M: Yes, I will.
  Question No. 19: Who called Nancy?
  Question No. 20: What is the man's telephone number?
  Question No. 21: What do we know about the man?
  20. W: Excuse me. Are you looking for something?
  M: Yes, I'm looking for a book named Walt Disney.
  W: You can ask the woman with long hair over there. She will help you.
  M: I did, but I couldn't find it.
  W: The book must have been borrowed by someone else.
  M: When will it be back? I need it right away.
  W: Want to read it again? Do you think it is so interesting?
  M: No, but when I was taking it home the other day, I met a classmate on the bus, and I wrote her telephone number on a piece of paper and put it in the book- When I returned it yesterday, I forgot all about it. I need to call her now.
  W: Oh, I see.
  Question No. 22: What book is the man looking for?
  Question No. 23: Why is the man looking for the book?
  Question No. 24: What's happened to the book?
  Question No. 25: Where are the two speakers?

  21. OK, my twin brother. Well, my twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four minutes younger than me. We were both born on the 5th of January, and I think that we look alike very much. Daniel is a lot taller than me and he has very dark hair, but we have the same eyes and nose and smile. We weren't always in the same classes at school because my parents wanted us to be a bit more different. We used to be dressed the same way, but different in color, me in red and him in blue, and we used to have a birthday cake that was always half was red and half was blue, but I guess we are quite different. He's really, really active, and just very different from me. At school I was always in the top classes getting A's and he was always failing the exams. He did a lot of sports but I didn't, so people say we are very different.
  Question No. 26: When is their birthday?
  Question No. 27: What is the difference between the twins' looks? Question No. 28: Why weren't they always in the same classes? Question No. 29: How were they dressed when young?
  Question No. 30: How is the speaker different from her brother?

  22. This is Radio Oxton. It's six o'clock in the morning, and here is the local news. The bad weather has again brought lots of trouble in the local areas. The heavy snow which has been failing since yesterday afternoon has caused great difficulty to many. So please advise people not to drive to town. If you must go to town, take a bus or take a train.

  As the result of the bad weather, some schools in the countryside are closed. The students and teachers have not been able to get to school. In the city itself, however, schools open as usual. It's going to snow all day today, and for at least two days. Bad news for many, although I guess kids would be happy.
  Well, that's the news at six o'clock. The next news will be in two hours' time at 8. And now let's have some light music


  (1-4题 15分)
  1. 用古诗文原句填空。(每空1分,共2分)
  ① ,风正一帆悬。(王湾《次北固山下》)
  ②录毕,走送之, 。(宋濂《送东阳马生序》)
  2. 根据要求在下列横线上写出相应的内容。(每空1分,共4分)
  ① 李白在《行路难》中,用宗悫这一历史人物的典故,表达自己理想和信念的诗句是:
  , 。
  ② 请你从积累的古诗中,写出一个含有“草”字的万丈诗句:
  , 。

  ③ 请你谈谈观看这个专题栏目后的感受。(2分)

  ①这部名著是法国著名作家 的作品。它继续了贝多芬、 、

  (5-25题 55分)

河北省石家庄市 2007年43中 中考录取分数线
石家庄市第四中学: 529 分 石家庄市第五中学: 506 分 石家庄市第六中学: 526 分 石家庄市第九中学: 528 分 石家庄市第十五中学: 554 分 石家庄市第十七中学: 558 分 石家庄市第十八中学: 488 分 石家庄市第二十二中学:521 分 石家庄市第二十四中学:568 分 石家庄市第二十七中学:546 分...

6�1 07年高考河北省的本二线是多少啊?
不知道是不是你要的 河北平山中学2007年高考本二线上部分学生情况(文史)姓名 科类 2007年高考成绩及上线等次 原初中毕业学校 成绩 上线等次 邢丽涛 文史 592 本一 回舍镇中 樊文丽 文史 591 本一 南甸中学 齐光慧 文史 582 本一 古月中学 樊彦刚 文史 577 本一 回舍中学 任勃 文史 574 本一 ...

理:语文150 数学150 英语150 理综(物理 化学 生物)300 文:语文150 数学150 英语150 文综(地理 政治 历史)300

2007年河北省高考录取控制分数线:文科: 理科:本一 566分 本一 587分 本二 538分 本二 549分 本三 475分 本三 459分 专科 335分 专科 275分



关于举办2007年河北省毕业生就业市场暨全省人才交流会的 通 知 由河北省人事厅主办、河北省人才市场承办的“2007年河北省毕业生就业市场暨全省人才交流会”将于3月1日至2日在石家庄市东开发区卓达会展中心北广场举办。现将有关事宜通知如下:一、活动时间、地点 时间:2007年3月1至2日(农历正月十二...

2007年河北省公务员考试报名、考试时间 3月2号现场报名 3月3日-3月7日网上报名 3月1日公布最新考试简章以及职位表 考试时间2007年3月31日 http:\/\/www.hebpta.com.cn\/#

2007年河北省中考满分作文 [原版试题]阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇文章。孔子的学生曾子说:我每天多次地反省自己。一位智者说:如果每个人都能把反省提前几十年,便有50%的人可能让自己成为一名了不起的人。他们的话都道出了反省对于成长的意义。请你以“反省”为话题,写一篇文章。要求:①所写...

出生日期 [公历] 2007 年 11 月 30 日 7 时 40 分 [农历] 二○○七年十月廿一日 辰(丁亥年 辛亥月 戊辰日 丙辰时) 当月节气 立冬(11月8日3:28) 小雪 (11月23日0:51) 此命盘的主人是黄龙,出生于红猪年。日干代表命主,所以属土 年(祖先) 月 (父母) 日 (自己) 时 (子孙) ...

北碚区13127967029: 哪里有2007年河北省数学中考试题
犹空复方: file://F:\2007年河北省中考试题及答案(汇总)_新浪教育_新浪网.mht

北碚区13127967029: 07年河北省中考数学试题
犹空复方: 是不是这个 http://edu.sina.com.cn/zhongkao/2007-08-09/152796745.shtml

北碚区13127967029: 2007年河北中考题哪里找?
犹空复方:http://hi.baidu.com/aplyh/blog/item/11a8f81f4b3b610b304e15e8.htmlhttp://zhidao.baidu.com/question/27760496.html http://xkcwx.com/Article/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=115050http://3fpc.com.cn/Sleep/Helper/200435/11798332.html http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/25208362.html应该差不多了吧

北碚区13127967029: 2007年河北省中考真题——数学
犹空复方: 啊啊,我也要.. 有没有既不需要注册,也不需要花钱,最好还是word的试题? 雯,我倒是找到天利网站的 http://zt.tl100.com/2007s/zkzthb/可惜是扫描的

北碚区13127967029: 2007年河北省中考物理试卷及答案

北碚区13127967029: 河北中考试卷(初中)

北碚区13127967029: 求2007年的河北的数学,语文,英语试卷,不要下载
犹空复方: 英语http://www.jysls.com/viewthread.php?tid=201970 不好意思 数学和语文我没有

北碚区13127967029: 谁能告诉我河北省06 07年的中考试题数学北师大版的
犹空复方:http://edu.sina.com.cn/shiti/2006/0704/1643014.html 我 赵晴

北碚区13127967029: 07年河北数学中考一模试题
犹空复方: http://bbs.fhsx.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=13702去这里看看 都是河北具体地方是一模试题~

北碚区13127967029: 2007年河北省化学中考试卷及答案
犹空复方: 东西大多 你自己去下吧http://www.weifengweb.com/2007zhongkao/2007zhongkaoprorince.asp?ID=378

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