
作者&投稿:竹胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 B
2 A
3 B
4 Have , cleaned
did , clean


supposed plan的话应该加ing

Suddenly,I h(eard ) someone crying.
There were many parents in the h(all ) before the parent meeting.
I didn't like the party because it was t(oo ) crowded.

The old woman often walks her dog after dinner.(改为同义句)
The old woman often takes a dog with her dog after dinner.

Suddenly,I h(eard ) someone crying.
There were many parents in the h(all ) before the parent meeting.
I didn't like the party because it was t(oo ) crowded.

The old woman often walks her dog after dinner.(改为同义句)
the old woman walks her dog after dinner very oftenly.

The old woman often takes her dog for a walk after dinner.

The dog often walked by the old women after dinner.

The old woman often has a walk with her dog after dinner.

第一题,toward前面可以用attitude不能用sight,sight有看法的意思··但是不是这样用的 第二题,feel是系动词,因此后面直接加形容词而不是加副词 第三题,还可以用在虚拟语气的时候,另外一个就是你说的,过去的过去··的时候用

--I’d like some more cheese.--Sorry,there's ___ left A.some B.none C.a little D.few 题意为想要更多的奶酪,但回答是对不起,已经没有了。A不符合题意,C是有一些没有了,D是只用完了一点,其意为还剩很多,也与题意不符,所以选D。对不起,已经没有奶酪了。He___football regul...

1、Each of us()an English book.A.have B.has C.to have D.to has 选B!c\\d可以首先排除,因为选c\/d的话整个句子就没有谓语了!如果选a的话,也就是说前面主语是复数,整个句子只能理解为我们只有一本英语书,显然是违背句子大意的!所以选b是对的!2、()month of the year is ...

为你解答。(A)The girl is good-looking but (a little bit ) thin.这个女孩长得很好看,就是瘦了点。解释:a little bit,表示有轻微的程度,一点点。(D)The man is not very tall. He is of medium (height).这人不太高。他是中等身材。解释:medium是形容词,修饰名词height(...

1.因为,你可以把 who 看成 I 呀,呵呵,这样的话,I 后面当然是 am 喽 2.你可以看楼上的朋友的,比较好 3.是的,改成陈述句,(你看一下楼上的)如果是 Is this the book _ 这样的话,改为陈述句就变成 this is the book _这样你就可以看语境选 that \/which \/the one that了 4....


1.put up 举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举 2.put off 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻 3.put on 穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命 4.put down 放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, ...

The lost and found, a bunch of keys, in English, pen Pal, between the dresser and a bookcase, doing sports, to watch on TV... , some tomatoes, a few photos.This is my family photo, he have a lot of sports collections, it in the lost and found counter, show it to ...

几个英语小问题,希望得到解答,有可能比较长,希望有耐心看完。1、关于stare的一些短语请列举并加以例句。2、为什么在thefilmis___foradultsonly中选的是intended而不是permitted3、... 几个英语小问题,希望得到解答,有可能比较长,希望有耐心看完。1、关于stare的一些短语请列举并加以例句。2、为什么在the film is...

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:11. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ___.A. finished what I was doing B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finish what I did 12. You won’t know whether the coat fits you until you ___ ...

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题1.It is nine twenty now.(对画线部分提问,画线部分为:nine twenty)2.Today is july 16,2004.(对画线部分提问,画线部分为:july 16,2004)3.... -
甫货舒肝:[答案] 1.What time is it? 2.What day is it today? 3.He does not (doesnt) watch the morning news on TV. 4.I want to sleep a little longer on Sunday monrning.(B) 5.What an interesting time to stay with you (C) 6 Who makes dinner for you.(B) 7.What time is it now?

下陆区18049794867: 请教大家几道英语练习题,答对的我会追加!一、改错:1.He can't wait opening the box.__________________2.Tomorrow will be October 23th.__________... -
甫货舒肝:[答案] wait for opening 23rd 去掉in likes an take--bring want to help have--be at the same you'll be tired bank price the 1990s none--no ...

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题(不难) -
甫货舒肝: 1.Beijing is famous for the Great Wall.It is worth visiting2..I didn't go there,and Sam didn't go,either3.Would you like a bottle of orange juice? Yes,I'd like to4.He...

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题目 -
甫货舒肝: 1、用either...or2、don't fast3、able to4\ much is 因为是问数量,不用看milk就行了,不要被glasses迷惑

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题一、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.1.We have many clubs: volleyball,basketball and - ____(many).二、选择填空1.We have no ... -
甫货舒肝:[答案] 一:many more 二:1A 2,D 3,B 4,D 1固定搭配for breakfast,for lunch ,for supper 2chicken的意思是鸡肉时,是不可数 当意思是鸡的时候,是可数的. 3running是ing形式作形容词怎么的一个明星 4 does是表示强调的,加强语气

下陆区18049794867: 几道英语题请教一下 -
甫货舒肝: 你要掌握这个固定句型就会了.it takes/took sb some time to do sth .1、I spend twenty minents watching TV every day. = It(takes me)twenty minents (to watch) TV every day. 2、I...

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道很简单的英语题!选择题The boy is ten years old.He( )take care of himself.A.cans B.is C.o D.can刚才不小心点错了、 还有几道题目翻译词组把它带... -
甫货舒肝:[答案] D take it home some cars at the door take it to school lie on the bed

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道简单英语题 -
甫货舒肝: 1.B 这形容的是事实,是一种状态,一般现在时态.2.B on weekdays 固定搭配.4.B in English 是固定搭配,后面有个language,需要有冠词修饰.

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题单项选择.( ) 1. The panda is - ____. A. swimming B. swim C. swiming( ) 2. Come and have a look -- the ants. A. for B. at C. to( ) 3. She is ... -
甫货舒肝:[答案] 5ABCAA 10BBBCB

下陆区18049794867: 请教几道英语题1.AsyourspokenEnglishgets
甫货舒肝: 1 As your spoken English gets better,____your written English. 这题目的关键在于对as的理解,做随着解释:随着你英语口语的提高,你的书面语也会提高的.很明显是对...

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