
作者&投稿:韦琦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

应该把herself 改成 she。因为它要作句子的主语,应该使用代词的主格形式。整句话的意思是:除了她之外,没有人懂得俄语。(只有她懂得俄语)

1.I forgot the word for 'cheese'in italian.

2.Suan likes chocolate very much.

3、明确应使用的表达方式:表示某人死亡:sb be dead(表示某人死亡——状态)
sb die(表示某人死亡——动作)
4、结合本句话,应该是His father has been dead for three years.
你所说的“has been died”和“was died for three years”都不对。
die是动词,dead是形容词,所以die可以跟在人称和名词后面表示动作,比如His father died three years ago.如果想用这个die来形容一种状态,只能是His father is dying(die的现在进行时),意思是他的父亲要死了。而dead是形容词,是形容死亡状态,可以用来形容一段时间或一种状态,但要与be连用。比如《300斯巴达勇士》里面,在海边,波斯使者的右臂被斯巴达人砍掉了,还逞强,说:“在明天日出之前,you are a dead man(在明天日出之前,你就是死人了)”。或者说“他已经死了——He is dead.”
5、总结,die是动词,如果要用来形容状态的话,只能是变成动名词形式dying,意思是正在死亡,濒死状态。dead是形容词,但使用时必须是sb be dead,形容状态,可以与一段时间连用,表示已经是死亡状态有一段时间了。所以这也是不可能用die的原因,你不可能说“他父亲濒死状态已经3年了”


句子的原型应该是:His father was died three years ago.
若变为完成时态,那就是说原型句子里的was要变为been,也就是说将be动词变为been,也就是变为has been died.

而且His father was died for three years也不对,因为 for 。。。只能用于完成时态。你若想变句子的话,只能变为:His father was died three years ago.

如:for 3 years, since last year......
还有,我觉得这句句子应该改成“His father has been dead for 3 years.”
dead 是形容词,跟在be动词后面。
如果改成“His father has been died for three years.”
和“His father was died for three years。”就是被动语态了。

die是个瞬间动词 不能说谁谁谁正在死或者一个动作死了几年了 句子中有for提示做完成时 那么我们要找一个可以表示状态的词代替表示动作的词 答案应该是has been dead的吧? dead表示状态 been其实就是be的done形式啊。

die 是瞬间动作,不能延续 (for 3 years)
dead 表示状态,可以保持,但dead是形容词,做谓语时,要加be

His father was died for three years 是错的,原因如上

1.whatever( 改为whichever根据句意要用无论哪一个,所以要用这个词。) team wins on saturday will go through to the national championships 2.the reason why they were always poor was whether(改为that因为reason做主语它的表语从句一定用that来引导。) they paid little attention to education...

1. 前面有 all,表示某种强调的意思,which 改 that ;2. that 改 which,非限定性定语从句只能用 which 引导;3.who 改 whom,因为作介词 of 的宾语;4.说的是地方,用 where ,不用 which ——表示事物;5. who interested him 改为 whom he interested,他对演员们感兴趣,而不是演员对...

常见SAT语法句子改错题错误1、代词指代错误:代词的性、数、格;比较特别考点是one 和you 不能相互指代。例:Even with(A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding(B)of mathematics if one expects(C) to solve complex problems correctly. No error(E)分析:本题第一个代词是you,所...

以下是一道可能的河南专升本英语改错题的格式,仅供参考:在每句话下方给出的空格处填上适当的词,共10个空,每个空1分,共计10分。Directions: The following paragraph contains 10 errors. One word is missing from each error. Write the corrections in the blank spaces provided below.Example:...

1. to put up → to be put up 宾语the new classroom building和宾补动词put up之间为被动关系,所以用其被动结构。want sth to be done意思是“想要某事被做”。2. to come → come 定语从句you saw come in with a big traveling-bag中,(被省略的)关系代词whom代替先行词the stranger,...

1. were 应该改为 was(money是不可数名词)2. were -- have been were 是过去时态,指发生在过去,这显然是不对的,因为现在还有一些词正被纳入英语中。3. opened -- open opened 是过去分词,而open是形容词,在此表示状态。4. burned -- burning burned 是过去分词,表示被动或者完成,burning...

Gasby【to jump(B)】into the pool【with(C)】all his clothes【on(D)】?B。改为jumping 因为hear about 后面要求接动名词作宾语,不可以接不定式。你听说过Gasby(人名)穿着衣服跳进水池子里去了吗?你的问题很多是阅读题中的原句。我想你在读文章时多留心会有助于做改错题的。加油!!!

C.改为intensity 因为intense是形容词,应该用名词形式。意识thematic是形容词要修饰名词,二是可以看出四个by短语构成排比句式,其他的都是名词形式diction, action, repetition.翻译:民谣的特点是:使用非正式的用语,主要依赖于行动和对话的叙事风格,话题的激烈,和反复的强调。3.The manufacture of 【...

2.People【who lose weight(A)】with the help of behavioral techniques like 【weighing themselves regularly(B)】 and keeping records of 【what do they eat(C)】seem to need the same techniques to keep 【the weight off(D)】.人们减肥借助于行为技术比如定期秤体重和做饮食记录似乎需要...

1.I used【to go down(A)】to the bank of the stream and【chose(B)】little【flattened(C)】stones to throw across the water, which moved【as swiftly(D)】as swallows.B 改为choose 因为and连接前面的go是动词原形,并列谓语动词时态要一致。我过去常常沿着小溪的岸边漫步,选那些光滑的...

九寨沟县18674697177: 问个英语语法改错题His father has died for three years.为什么要把has died改成has been died?been有什么作用?现在完成时的构成里是have(has)+过去分词 ... -
资佩垴安:[答案] 1、首先明确这句话的意思:他的父亲去世三年了. 2、明确这句话的时态:描述的是一段时间,用完成时.死亡是3年前发生的事情,现在来描述,所以用现在完成时. 3、明确应使用的表达方式:表示某人死亡:sb be dead(表示某人死亡——状态) ...

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资佩垴安:[答案] 1 other-another 因为后加单数one2 the same with吧3 not to(tell sb not to do sth)4 exercise5Everyone keep our classroom clean6 for去掉改 at7 前后累赘了 去掉on foot8 the other9 if it is fine主将从现...

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资佩垴安:[答案] I don't know how to do it. I don't know what to do. do是及物动词,需要有宾语.

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资佩垴安:[答案] 1 a large amount of 修饰不可数名词; 2相同 3 second to none=the best 加the 表顺序,无此意 4 plenty of 修饰可数和不可数,too much不合题意 5d 他只花费了我所用时间的三分之一就完成了它; 6c固定用法 7b 固定用法

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资佩垴安:[答案] 1. There are strange similarities in the life 76. in 改为between of John F. Kennedy and the life of Abraham Lincoln. For 77. 正确 example, Kennedy became a president in 1960,while Lincoln 78.a改为the elected in 1860.This was exactly one hundred ...

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资佩垴安:[答案] against 是介词,不是动词.be against 后面可以接doing但是不加it. 如果D后面改成didn't就对了. 因为做prep. 所以前面时一定要有个动词的,如be,play,offend等. 学习词法的最好办法是看例句,可以百度词典,牛津朗文都可以.放到句子中学词汇.

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资佩垴安: 未改之前是两句话,中间应该加连接词.要说别扭,这句话更别扭:The disputing parties may also jointly choose from among the members of the Maritime Arbitration Commission a sole arbitrator to form by himself a Tribunal to act singly.这是国务...

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资佩垴安:[答案] broke spoke risen sits

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资佩垴安: 63. B know → knowing动词做句子主语时,用其动名词形式64. D served → servingserve as中的serve是不及物动词,不能用被动语态65. A That → What主语从句中的谓语动词need缺少宾语66. D succeed → success此题的to是介词,所以加名词...

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资佩垴安:[答案] 这个应该是我们正在学的虚拟语气,因为是对过去的虚拟,不可能实现 主句用would/could/minght + have done,从句用had done

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