
作者&投稿:舒皇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1. B. small enough
Computers that once took up entire rooms are now SMALL ENOUGH to be put on desktops and into watches.

2. C. difficulties expressing
Sometimes students may have DIFFICULTIES EXPRESSING themselves. Let's see what we can do to help them.

3. B. as many books as
We have a big library in our school. There are more than twice AS MANY BOOKS AS five years ago.

4. A. stood
I carefully poured the liquid into the water, my classmates STOOD anxiously beside me to see what would happen.
我仔细地将液体倒入水中, 我的同学急切地站在我旁边看什么将会发生。

第二个是have difficulty to do sth
第三个是as as的用法
第四个是从句~因为句子的主句是I 谓语是pour 中间用逗号隔开,而一个句子只能有一个主句 所以后面的句子应该作状语成分 只能用分词

1.Computers that once took up entire rooms are now _____to e put on desktops ang into watches.
A as small as B small enough C smaller than D so small
B enough 修饰形容词要后置
as small as 不能接不定式
2.-Sometimes students may have ____ themselves.
-Let's see what we can do to help them.
A difficulty expressing B difficulty to express C difficulties expressing D difficulties express
A 固定句型 have trouble/ difficulty in doing sth
3.We have a big library in our school.There are more than twice___ five years ago.
A books than B as many books as C many more books than D many books as
B as many/ much as 和。。。一样多
4.I carefully poured the liquid into the water, my classmates____anxiously beside me to see what would happen.
A stood B standing C to stand D were standing

1. B 从前的电脑大得占据整个房间,现在的小得可以放在
2 C 学生有时表达有困难。学生很多,困难不止一个。
3 B 新图书馆的书比五年前多了两倍都不止。
4 A 简单过去。

2.have difficulty (in) doing sth

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1. Yes, commander.2. Yes, Sir!3. All good(Everything is fine)!4. Underground car park, the car went down(there)!5. Car park at the back, the car went up(there)!6. Relieve(Change shift)7. Sir, please turn around the car and then park inside.8. Copy that(...

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化德县18540924734: 英语语法高手请进!有几个英语语法题请帮帮我!1、同意转换:both he and she are worker._ _ he - _ she is - _ worker.(每空一词)2、How many countries... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] Not only he but also she is living as worker. are 看前面country用复数 As soon as 她一来我就告诉你 No matter who

化德县18540924734: 一些简单的英语语法题,没有人帮我讲,求高手帮助.最好写出答案和方法.感激不尽.(真的简单!)一、将下列句子疑问句并着肯定以及否定回达1.A nurse ... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] 1.Dose a nurse care for patients in a hospital? Yes,she does. No she doesn't2.Do you work at Thomas Cook Travel? Yes,I do. No,I don't3.Do Tom and Lily take people on tuors to countries in South Ame...

化德县18540924734: 几道英语语法题.请各位高手帮忙解释一下为什么用括号里的东西而不是用我在后面中括号里问的,1.Is that house (what you are looking for)[为什么不用that?]... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] 1.Is that house (what you are looking for)[为什么不用that?]你可能是认为是that is house变来的疑问句,如果是这样,that you are looking for就是个定语从句.事实上却不对,因为house前没有限定词(a,the one's等)...

化德县18540924734: 请英语语法高手帮我解决一下这几道题.感激不尽啊.Which of the following is correct?A.Five clocks alarms were ringing in my ears.B.Five clocks' alarms were ... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] B D B C (fireman and firefighter are both right, but fireman is generally used) B (B and D are both right, but B is generally used)

化德县18540924734: 几个高中英语语法题目,有耐心的高手来.几个时态的题目.1----I didn't expect that the project would be so complex and time - consuming .-----Neither did I , By ... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] 1.A 【“by + 将来的一个时间点”作状语,句子用将来完成时.】 2.B 【句子当中有强调结构 it is/was ...that.其中,it's = it is,所以that 后面的谓语动词需要现在时态,而A是一般过去时.】 3.B 【倒装结构.主语是dozens of old coins,可数名词复数,而...

化德县18540924734: 【急!】请教几道英语语法题.. -
桓胆艾达: 1. The research requires more money than_____.B. has been put in 答案是B,这里的than 是关系代词 引导的是定语从句 并且在定从中 作主语 2.A. Would you be surprised 答案是A.这是错综 虚拟语气 主句与现在情况相反 从句与过去情况相反 ...

化德县18540924734: 急!!!!!!!!几个英语语法问题.
桓胆艾达: 您好,很准确的说前两个可以,后两个不可以.you不能再后面加who,那样会变成语法错误,可以在其他方面就可以:You are a boy who is very friendly.you是第二人称不是形容词的修饰词,形容词只能修饰名词.满意速速采纳,谢谢!

化德县18540924734: 高手帮忙解释一个语法问题-------------在线等当no表示“not at all”之意时,可以作为副词放在比较级词语前面.这时,“no + 比较级”的意思并非“最---不过”... -
桓胆艾达:[答案] “no + 比较级”的意思是 根本不 . no + 比较级+than ...意思是 比起.根本不. 至于其他 说法 只是 翻译问题 只要与上面的基本意思 不冲突 就是对的

化德县18540924734: 帮忙指导一下有关语法的习题,我语法不太好,谢谢 -
桓胆艾达: 1.b(表示经常性的状态用一般现在时)2.d(表示过去的情况用一般过去时)3.c4.b(学科名词作主语用单数)5.b(seem 看起来似乎...... ,是系动词,后接形容词或不定式.b

化德县18540924734: 几个高中英语语法题目,有耐心的高手来. -
桓胆艾达: 1. A 【“by + 将来的一个时间点”作状语,句子用将来完成时.】2. B 【句子当中有强调结构 it is/was ...that....其中,it's = it is,所以that 后面的谓语动词需要现在时态,而A是一般过去时.】3. B 【倒装结构.主语是dozens of old coins,可数名词复数,而主句的时态是一般过去时arrived,所以从句也要一般过去时.】

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