
作者&投稿:威味 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Usually I do my homework immediately when I go home.After that,I will play games with my friends.On sunday,I will clean my bedroom by myself.Sometimes,I go shopping with my mother.In the evening,Ioften watch TV.That is about all.What about you?

你可以根据翻译选择你需要的句子How do you do. Be glad to receive your incoming letter very much. We return the person nothing to follow back to be raining , cold dodging here now. How about you? What be acting as now? In message, do you ask that arriving at my weekend is how to live with? Etc. I am one be fond of the network person , general meeting being at home playing with a computer. How about you? Will not be same as me. May be to have been accustomed to one people. Certainly , once in a while also, the meeting and the friend go out to stroll around the street , go to buy some self delighted thing. These year , one people have already been accustomed , have cried neither have person when also, one people, laughs at also once personal , happy one , have a hard time being also one people , there are wind having be embracing again me. Having spoken is to be complaining to you many , looking like that like this. Hope that you do not need anger! Also saying your weekend when sending a letter next time is how to live with. My English is not very good , asks you to give advices much! Hope the reply receiving you soon ! Your friend: Lihua 中文杰克: 你好啊。很高兴收到您的来电来函非常。 我的周末是如何生活的?等我是一个喜欢网络的人, 一般性会议呆在家里玩电脑。你呢?不会 一样吧。可能是已经习惯了一个人。当然,一旦有朋友邀请我,会和朋友出去走一走街头 ,去购买一些自我高兴的事情。这些年,一个人已经 习惯,有哭的时候也没有人也,一个人笑 也曾经在个人,幸福的,很难被人之一, 有风有被再次拥抱了我。在谈到要抱怨 给你很多,看起来就像是这样。希望你不需要愤怒! 也说你的周末发出的信时,下一次是如何生活。 我的英语不是很好,请你给意见了! 希望得到您的答复很快! 您的朋友:李华

How fine a weekend! I finished my homework fist.Then i helped my mother clean the house.My mother say i am a good child. In the afternoon i played badminton with my classmates.The game lasted half an hour.At last we won the game.Next i went home.I had dinner in the evening.I think the dinner is the best in the world.I went to bed at 10:00.I had great time at the weekend.

.I am a happy student of a primary school .I enjoy my life in order to be good with others.I am glad to tell you about my life.I live in a beautiful city and It's also my hometown.I am friendly to my classmates as well as my family.I don't fight with others anymore.And it's a good way to help you make a friend.On the other hand,all of my neighbers like to stay with me.We often help each other and study eachother.As we know,we should try to be friendly to others to enjoy our life.Is it right?

描写自己的作文篇1 每个人都有缺点,每个人都不是十全十美的,我们要不断地改掉缺点,才能更好的完善自己。 我有一些缺点需要改掉,比如,我写字不好看。 为了把字写好,我每天都坚持对着字帖练写字,这样能有效地提高书写能力,还要学会赏析书法,这样可以培养我的书写素质,还得把我的握笔姿势改正过来,这样才可以把字写...

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介绍自己小学生介绍自己的作文 | 2014-04-28 11:35高高的个子,圆圆的脸,浓浓的眉毛下长着一双圆溜溜的眼睛,一笑就露出了不整齐的牙齿,充满了对生活的热爱,这就是我――襄樊市第一实验小学的一名小男生路文辽。 你知道我的名字的来历吗?还是我来告诉你吧。路是我的姓,我爸爸说:“三国时有一员大将叫张辽字...


自我介绍的作文500字篇一:我叫--- 有时,我很喜欢安静的世界,自己安静地看看书、听听歌;有时,我很喜欢热闹的世界,和朋友们一起玩闹,一起谈天说地。 这就是我,有时安静有时活泼的我。 我很爱笑,也喜欢交朋友,我会幽默风趣地和朋友分享我的快乐。 这就是我,性格开朗、直率。、幽默的我 我喜欢运动,寒假...

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下面是描写我眼中的自己小学作文,欢迎阅读与参考。 我眼中的自己作文【一】 在同学们看来,也许我是一个有点吝啬的小气鬼,也许我也有点心高气傲,也许我只顾着毫无目的地追求着。也许,我真是这么一个人,无法改变。 人的一生总是有意义的。“活泼、乐观的小男孩,你的生活是公茫、幸运的。生活仅管如此,但也...

要想皆大欢喜,就要做最好的自己。 描写做最好的自己作文600字2 总有一段记忆,辗转于时间来回,留一曲花间醉,得一世繁华梦。 一题记 夏日的香气和热度翻拨起心中的弦,香樟树是流动的绿色,阳光在午后变得透明,浓郁的树荫依然抵挡不住投射到眼皮上的光斑。 是什么时候开始注意的呢?少年干净的衣裳,清澈的眸子,爽...

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底注宁诺: Today is Saturday.I think I can stay at home to watch TV or play computer games,but my mom ask me to do house work ,such as washing dishes,watering flowers,and drying the clothes. 30 minutes later,I finished all the house work,. It is ture that ...

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底注宁诺:[答案] I had my happiest weekend whith my family. It was a funny day.In the early morning,my father took us to the seaside by his car.We swam and went surfing.We had a great barbecue with some friends who we met there.I thought I had never enjoyed better ...

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底注宁诺:[答案] My Happy Weekend I was so busy and had to do so many things on last weekend.I finished my homework on Saturday ... Here is the translation of chinese: 中英文对照翻译如下: 我的开心周末 我在上个周末不得不做很多事而且很忙碌.我一在周六早...

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底注宁诺:[答案] How fine a weekend! I finished my homework fist.Then i helped my mother clean the house.My mother say i am a good child. In the afternoon i played badminton with my classmates.The game lasted half an hour.At last we won the game.Next i went home....

无极县15217698351: 求英语作文,我的周末生活 -
底注宁诺:[答案] I'm a student.My weekend life is happy.I and my family often go mountain climbing,enjoy the fresh mountain air.I sometimes go and friends go shopping together.I like my weekend life.Yesterday,I had a ...

无极县15217698351: 英语作文:我的有趣的周末 -
底注宁诺:[答案] My Interesing Weekend Last weekend I was so happy.And I think I had a wonderful weekend.I went to a park with my friends ,We took many photos and ate tasty food.Both of us were happy.

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