
作者&投稿:陆禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The Lonely Goatherd - Maria and the Children 孤独的牧羊人   MARIA (sings)   High on a hill was a lonely goatherd   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   Folks in a town that was quite remote heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   Above the stage, the children work the puppet strings. On stage, goats dance alongside the shepherd.   CHILDREN (singing)   O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay   O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay   MARIA (whispers) Marta! Marta!   Marta unrolls a new backdrop: a castle.   MARIA (whispers) Gretl! The prince!   Gretl shoves a prince puppet onstage.   MARIA (sings)   A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   Two bearded male puppets with backpacks walk on.   THE BOYS (singing)   Men on a road with a load to tote heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   A curtain rises to show: A beer hall. A puppet carrying many mugs of beer to two men sitting at a table with forks and knives at the ready. Marionette musicians play while marionette customers drink mugs of marionette beer.   THE CHILDREN (singing)   Men in the midst of a table d'hote heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   MARIA (sings)   Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   Marta blows the foam from a beer and splashes Maria who coughs. A girl puppet with blonde braids appears to join the shepherd.   MARIA (sings)   One little girl in a pale pink coat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   BRIGITTA (sings)   She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   The blonde girl's bosomy mother appears and pushes the girl to the shepherd.   MARIA (sings)   Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   What a duet for a girl and goatherd   MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   Mother and daughter dance with the shepherd. Three couples dance the polka as the band continues to play. Above them, Maria and the children manipulate the puppets with all the consummate skill of professional puppeteers like, oh, for example, Bill and Cora Baird. Max, the Baroness, and the Captain laugh with delight.   MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)   Ummm (ummm) ...   Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)   Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee)   Odl lay ee ...   Maria breaks out into a serious case of yodeling. She sighs, wipes her brow, and signals to Marta for the next backdrop. Onstage, a boy and girl goat replace the shepherd and his girlfriend.   BRIGITTA (sings)   One little girl in a pale pink coat heard   MARIA (sings)   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hoo hoo   BRIGITTA (sings)   She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd   LIESL (sings)   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   The girl goat's mother appears and bucks her daughter into the boy goat.   MARIA (sings)   Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hmm hmm   What a duet for a girl and goatherd   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   The two goats snuggle and that's all it takes for a baby goat to appear and dance with them. Apparently, the Austrian mountain goat is equipped with some very advanced biological mechanisms.   MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)   Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o ...   Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo   Soon the duet will become a trio   MARIA (sings)   Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo   MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)   Odl lay ee, odl lay ee (odl lay ee)   Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee),   Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)   Odl lay odl lay (odl lay odl lay),   Odl lay odl lee (odl lay odl lee)   Odl lay odl lee (odl lay odl lee)   Odl lay odl lay odl lay   THE CHILDREN   Whoo!

范晓萱 的 我爱洗澡


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浑源县19796079347: 女声歌路拉类路拉类路拉类. -
策郊氧氟: 范晓萱 的 我爱洗澡 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=%CE%D2%B0%AE%CF%B4%D4%E8

浑源县19796079347: 求大神告诉我一首慢镜头歌曲,.啊路,阿路,路啊拉,啦啦啦路,路啊拉,拉路,拉路,拉路拉拉,无论港台 -
策郊氧氟: 应该是:再见,警察-陈光荣 或者我爱洗澡 - 范晓萱

浑源县19796079347: 有一首歌差不多是背景音乐,是什么阿野路拉阿路拉啊路拉,就一直在唱,好像是耶稣之类看到圣光的背景音乐 -
策郊氧氟: 感谢主!你说的是赞美诗歌《哈利路亚》.收听地址:http://www.zanmeishi.com/song/1316.html 愿神祝福你,阿们!

浑源县19796079347: 求一首类DJ歌曲,歌词是拉拉拉拉拉拉拉拉拉.女声的,注意是9个拉 -
策郊氧氟: Loving you 里边有一段是拉拉拉...不过这个是十个拉,你听听看,就是中间有一段海豚音

浑源县19796079347: 有首歌是路拉拉类类路拉拉 -
策郊氧氟: 抱歉!本来可以帮你的,我手机上有这首歌,可是显示的歌名并不正确.

浑源县19796079347: 一首外文歌曲..女声的..属于慢摇那类.开始那段一直是啦啦啦..啦啦啦..拉啦啦啦啦啦啦...带点慢摇的感觉 -
策郊氧氟: Can' get you out of my head.对不对.有点老了.好象还有个女生唱过中文版的

浑源县19796079347: 找一首歌,女声唱,前面是“达拉拉 达拉滴达拉拉达拉滴”之后节奏很欢快,声音有些像王菲 -
策郊氧氟: 爱要坦荡荡···萧萧的···

浑源县19796079347: 求一粤语女声歌名,歌里有很多拉拉拉拉拉拉拉电台听到的. -
策郊氧氟: 冯曦——妤我在那一处患过伤风,09我在那一角落患过伤风(小说音乐)* 2004年青介 (wasabi)推出爱情小说集《只能谈情不能说爱》,一共收录了四个故事,《我在那一角落患过伤风》是第三个故事. 在小说出版的同时推出了与小说同名...

浑源县19796079347: 求一首歌 女声的 达拉达拉达啦啦啦,达拉达拉达啦啦啦啦啦啦 只记得这些了
策郊氧氟: 《爱要坦荡荡》~·~中国好声音丁丁唱了~~当然还有很多人也唱了~~

浑源县19796079347: 推荐好听的女声流行音乐.像说故事一样娓娓道来,旋律很有创意的.像孙燕姿遇见那样的. -
策郊氧氟: 1、爱囚 - 庄心妍2、半情歌 - 元若蓝3、猜不透 - 丁当4、步步皆殇 - HITA5、白头吟 - HITA6、不能跟情人说的话 - 范玮琪&刘若英7、春泥 - 张芸京8、给我一个理由忘记 - 黄丽玲9、和你一样 - 李宇春10、很爱很爱你 - 刘若英11、画心 - 张靓颖12...

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