
作者&投稿:钮茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from become the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision, exchanges and melted into whole mankind's civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of educated medium west food culture of difference, but this kind of difference come from medium the west different mode of thinking with conducting philosophy.
This text introduced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea, food object, food method, food ownership and property etc. carry on the comparison of the culture.

在中国,大家团团围坐,共享一席。筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛。人们相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德,符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响。 而西式饮宴上,食品和酒尽管非常重要,但实际上那是作为陪衬。宴会的核心在于交谊,通过与邻座客人之间的交谈,达到交谊的目的。中式宴会和西式宴会交谊的目的都很明显,只不过中式宴会更多地体现在全席的交谊。
而西式餐饮的主要特点是:一是生,如牛排带血丝;二是冷,如凡是饮料都加冰块;三是甜,无甜不餐,无餐不甜。此外西式餐饮不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化。 同时,还重视各类营养成分的搭配组合;选料精细,用料广泛;讲究调味,调味品种多;注重色泽;器皿讲究。

As is well known to us all,China is one of four ancient and civilizational countries in the world. In fact ,It has a more long history than we have ever known. Because of this, many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in different places in china . In china ,It's easier for you to find a person than you can in any countries.that is,China has the largest number of population on the Earth,which,however,also puts great burden on our country.
There are fifty-six peoples in our country.We get along well with each other and often disasters can draw us more together. besides, chinese food is very famous for its good tast and nutrition. many people in other countries are fond of it and try their best to cook it.Every year,plenty of foreigners from different countries come china to have a sightseeing.here you can look around lots of places of interest.
I really hope our country will become more and more flourishing and pople will live a happier and happier life. I'm a chinese man and I am proud of being born in china.

Ladies and Gentlemen,I'm form China.I'm Chinese.I'm proud of my country, and I'm proud of being Chinese.China has changed tremendously in the past twenty years.China has become a member of the world community.China is changing evry day.Chinese people are embracing changes.Chin...

介绍一下中国的地理形态 (中英文)
Staircase Terrain 中国的辽阔大地像是一个硕大的四级台阶,由西向东,一阶一阶逐级下降。最高的台阶是青藏高原,平均海拔4000米左右,是著名的"世界屋脊"。上面分布着昆仑山、冈底斯山和喜马拉雅山等雄伟的高山冰川。China's surface slopes down from west to east like a four-step staircase. The ...

我要写一篇关于环游中国的英语作文!!! 题目是travel around China 对不...
Famous places around China 中国著名的地方 The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world .It's over 2,000 years old and more then 4,500 miles long.中国的长城是世界上最伟大的奇迹。这是2000年以上,超过4500英里长。Bing Ma Yong or the museum of Terra C...

Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist s...


The Imperial Palace - - - Beijing Imperial Palace, also names Forbidden City. It is situated in Beijing town center, for bright, the clear two generation of imperial palaces, Imperial Palace is bright, the clear two dynasty biggest imperial family handles the government affairs and ...

咸丰十年(1860年),英法联军疯狂抢劫并焚烧了园内大部分建筑,除宝云阁(俗称“铜亭”)智慧海、多宝 琉璃塔幸存外,珍宝被洗劫一空,建筑夷为一片废墟。光绪十四年(1888年)慈待太后挪用海军经费3000万两白银,在清漪园的废墟上兴建起颐和园。光绪二十六年(1900年)颐和园又遭八国联军的野蛮破坏,...

1、刘胡兰 (1932年-1947年1月12日),原名刘富兰。山西省文水县云周西村人。1945年进中共妇女干部训练班,1946年被分配到云周西村做妇女工作,并成为中共候补党员。1946年12月21日,刘胡兰参与暗杀云周西村村长石佩怀的行动。当时的山西省国民政府主席阎锡山派军于1947年1月12日将刘胡兰逮捕,因为拒绝...

董存瑞 黄继光

谁能帮我写一篇有关于中国历史上女英雄的传记啊 600字以上
第一个向皇位叫板的女人—吕雉 在中国上古时代,处于权力顶峰的国王、君主、皇帝军政府,是男人的专利,女性可望而不可及。经过楚汉相争战火洗礼的吕雉,巾帼不让须眉,在历史上第一个站出来向皇位男性传统格局叫板,勇于在男人垄断的政权世界里角逐争锋,斩韩信,剁彭越,临朝称制,开外戚专权先河,变刘家...

友好区18280954973: 一篇关于介绍中国的英语作文,从发展,气候,文化,食物,人们的友好这几个角度来写,约120字 -
华玲斯林: As is well known to us all,China is one of four ancient and civilizational countries in the world. In fact ,It has a more long history than we have ever known. Because of this, many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in ...

友好区18280954973: 要参加英语演讲.我需要一篇用英文介绍中国介绍的范文,100字左右. -
华玲斯林:[答案] China is an ancient vicissitudes of life,there is a country's long history.In the past five thousand years,China has been using ... 现在的中国日益强盛,向着发展中国家逐步逼近. 中国的国宝是一只只憨态可掬的大熊猫,牡丹绽放地最灿烂的时刻就是我们...

友好区18280954973: 写一篇关于介绍中国的英语作文(从历史悠久、名胜古迹方面来写) -
华玲斯林:[答案] As is know to anybody,China has a long history of 5000 years,which turns out rich culture and special style.It's said that ... development on all the sides,especially in the field of science and technology.We can say that new Chinese history is filled with ...

友好区18280954973: 一篇关于介绍中国的英语作文,从发展,气候,文化,食物,人们的友好这几个角度来写,约120字
华玲斯林: china is a baeuty my lovely motherlandThere is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country ...

友好区18280954973: 英语作文介绍中国的.. -
华玲斯林:[答案] China China is one of the most ancient countries in the world.Which has a long history of 5000 years.China consists of 56 ... which is one of the seven wonders in the world,and Forbidden city and so on. In a word,China is a country with strong cultural ...

友好区18280954973: 需要一篇介绍..发展中国家——中国 的英语作文中国是个发展中国家不是介绍中国特色.. -
华玲斯林:[答案] Nowadays,China that is a dazzling word for every people in the world.Since the GDP of China was kept over 8% every year,lots of countries have been concerning China,they are curious to know how could China let this happen especially during world ...

友好区18280954973: 介绍中国 英语作文中国位于亚洲东都,是世界第三大国.面积有九百六十万平方公里.境内河流中长城和黄河是两条最长最重要的河流,西部有大面积的沙漠.... -
华玲斯林:[答案] Hello,everyom.Where are you from?Can you guess where do I come from?Let me tell you is China!She is beautiful.I think she is best in the wold.

友好区18280954973: 英语作文介绍中国的..简单一点的
华玲斯林: China China is one of the most ancient countries in the world.Which has a long ... and Forbidden city and so on. In a word, China is a country with strong cultural basis and...

友好区18280954973: 一篇介绍中国的小短文,英语的. -
华玲斯林: 介绍中国的英语短文,这篇不难,可以参考:)~ China is situated in the southeastern part of the Eurasian continent and is bordered in the east by the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 9,560,900 km² and is the third largest country in the world, ...

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