She has been collecting wine bottles for two years.改为一般过去时

作者&投稿:苑育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The old man has been collecting wine bottles for five years.(改为同义句) The old man___ ____ ____~

The old man__began__ __to__ _collect___ wine bottles_five____ _years____ _ago____.

I've been teaching here since 1994.
He's been watching the english movies for 4 hours.
How long have you been living in Beijing.
I have played tennis for a year.
Ben has collected shells for about 4 years.
Has she been to collecting wine bottles for two years?
We have been living here 12 years already.
How long has the old man been away home?
Vera has been studying chinese since the year before last.
No, I haven't.
when have you been living with your grandparents?

1. We often play in the playgound.
2. He gets up at six o’clock.
3.Do you brush your teeth every morning.
4. What does he usually doafter school?
5. Danny studiesEnglish,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.
6. Mike sometimes goes to the park with his sister.
7. At eight at night, she watchesTV with his parents.
8. Does Mike read English every day?
9.Do you often play football after school?
10. I have many books.
1.I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。
2.He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜。
3.I was very tired last night.我昨晚很疲劳。
4.He was busy yesterday.他昨天很忙
5.You were absent from school two days ago.你两天前没来学校.
6.He was not busy yesterday.他昨天不忙。
7.He played tennis last week.上星期他们打过网球.
8.We did not have a good time yesterday.我们昨天没有玩好
9.He didn’t have classes this morning.他今天上午没上课
10.You didn’t do your best to do it.你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事

She collected wine bottles for two years.

She collected wine bottles two years ago。

错那县13290054119: Erin's hobby is collecting match boxes.She spends a lot of time on it after school.She has been coll
单纪肝泰: B.are allboth只能用于两个,all用于三个或以上.祝你进步

错那县13290054119: she has been ill - __ - days中间一个单词填什么? -
单纪肝泰:[答案] for

错那县13290054119: have(has)been to和have(has)gone to的用法~ -
单纪肝泰: 一个是动作,一个是状态 have(has)been to是指已经在那了,(has)gone to是指去那,但是还在进行中

错那县13290054119: has和has been的区别 -
单纪肝泰: has 是单数主语后的动词形式,意思是有.has been 第一种是系动词be的完成时,第二,其后跟过去分词,表示现在完成时的被动语态.She has a book.她有本书She has been to NewYork.她去过纽约.Sh...

错那县13290054119: 英语好的进,she has been to school. -
单纪肝泰: “been”与“gone”的区别 “been”是指去过学校了,并且已经回来了,指当事人已经不在学校了;而“gone”是指当事人不在我们说话的地方,他可能已经到了学校,也可能正在路上还没有到达,但一定不在我们说话的地方. “been”可以翻译为“去过”,比如:“你去过上海吗?” “Have you ever been to shanghai?” 而“gone”可以翻译为“去了”,比如:“她去了上海吗?” “Has she gone to shanghai?” 所以,这是要用“been”而不用“gone”

错那县13290054119: has been to和has been in 的区别
单纪肝泰: has been to 曾经去过某地, 现在已经回到原地.它只能与表示次数的词语搭配,如: She has been to Beidaihe twice.(此时不在北京) How many times have you been to London? has been in 表示一直呆在某地, 常与时间段搭配, 如: She has been in Beijing for nearly two weeks..(此时仍在北京) How long have you been in the factoory?

错那县13290054119: She has been to us. 里面是填a great help 还是a lot of help呢 -
单纪肝泰: 应该选a great help 因为在这里help前面是可以形容人的形容词great,在这里被译为有帮助的人, 而a lot of help 中a lot不能修饰一个人!所以意思为很多帮助,如果填这个,句子意思变为,她对我们是很多帮助!主谓不搭配 句意不通了就

错那县13290054119: She has been collecting wine bottles for two years.改为一般过去时 -
单纪肝泰:[答案] 一般现在时句子10句1. We often play in the playgound.2. He gets up at six o'clock.3.Do you brush your teeth every morning.4. What does he usually doafter school?5. Danny studiesEnglish,Chinese,Mat...

错那县13290054119: She has been - --- - for a week. A.ill B.sick 选择哪个呢,为什么谢谢! -
单纪肝泰: ill表示的是一种生病的状态,是持续性的状态,而sick是表示生病,并没有表示持续的意思,偏于表示一种突发的状态.同时,ill只作表语,不做定语.an ill boy是错误的,a sick boy 才对,而ill和sick都可以做表语. 在口语中有时不太注意语法细节,也有这样说的: He has been sick for three weeks.

错那县13290054119: 英语Has been to 和Has been in 怎么用 -
单纪肝泰: have/has been to 表示去过某个地方, 暗示已经回来了. 例 Tom has been to Shanghai twice. Tom 去过上海2次. have/has been in 表示 在某地待了多久. 例 His family have been in Shanghai for nearly ten years. 他家人在上海呆了近十年时间了. 明白了么?

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